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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw of Buxton-Friendship Village District

I am seeking the descendants and/or the relatives of MANNY YAW and NELSON YAW of Buxton-Friendship Village District. I need to ascertain, as accurately as humanly possible; how Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw are related to REBECCA JACOBS (1870-1956), wife of JOSEPH HARRY. I am told their mother is aunt of Rebecca Jacobs. How are Manny Yaw and Nelson Yaw related to BENTICK SANCHO? What are the names of their parents, (mother’s maiden names)? Who do you suggest I consult?
What’s the relationship of brothers JOSEPH HARRY and EDWARD HARRY married sisters Rebecca Jacobs and Missy Harry probably Emily Harry and BENTICK? Please identify the members of the kinship of Bentick. How are they linked to Sancho? Who do you suggest I consult?
Also seeking the descendants and/or the relatives of ELVIE JACOBS, wife of Harmon, mother OF CHRIS HARMON, RUTH HARMON, SYLVIA DOWNES , and Stella and probably others. This Harmon family resided in Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara.