Egyptian Religion
and Mystery System - the principles of
opposites – the soul consists of nine inseparable parts.
The doctrine of the Demiurge in Creation.
This doctrine which is
ascribed to the authorship of Plato, did not by any means originate from Plato.
It was not only a current doctrine at the time of Plato, but was well known
among the Eastern Ancient nations and taught by them many centuries before his
time (427–347 B.C.). History tells us that the Persians taught this doctrine
more than six centuries B.C. through their leader Zoroaster. History also tells
us that Pythagoras (500 B.C.), taught the same doctrine expressed in terms of
Monads. The universe consisted of two unities, i.e., (a) the Unity from which
the series of numbers or beings is derived, being absolute Unity, which is the
source of all, i.e., the Monad of Monads or the God of Gods and (b) the One,
i.e., the first in the series of derived numbers or beings. It is opposed to
and limited by plurality, and therefore it is relative unity, i.e., a created
Monad or God (a Demiurge), consequently the opposition between the One and the
many is the source of all the rest. Furthermore, history likewise tells us that
the original source of the doctrine of a Demiurge in creation was Egypt, and it
dates back to the creation story of Egypt 4000 B.C. which is to be found in the
account given by the Memphite Theology: an inscription on a stone, now kept in
the British Museum. It contains the theological and cosmological views of the
Egyptians which date back to the very beginning of Egyptian history, when the
first dynasties had made their new capital at Memphis, the city of the God
Ptah, i.e., about 4000 B.C., or even earlier.
The Egyptian cosmology must be presented in three parts;
each part being supplementary to the other, and presenting a complete
philosophy by their combination. Part (I) deals with the Gods of chaos, part
(II) deals with the Gods of order and arrangement in creation, and part (III)
deals with the Primate of the Gods, through whose Logos creation was
accomplished. In part (I) precreation or chaos is represented by (i) Ptah, the
Primate of the Gods, emerging from the primeval waters Nun in the form of a
Hill, Ta-tjenen, i.e., The Risen Land (ii) Atum, i.e., Atom, the sun God,
immediately joining Ptah, by emerging also from the chaotic waters Nun, and
sitting upon him (the Hill). (iii) A description of the other qualities within
the chaos follows:—There are four pairs of male and female Gods in the form of
frogs and serpents. Their names are (a) Nun and Naunet, the primeval ocean and
primeval matter; (b) Huh and Hauhet, the Illimitable and the Boundless, (c) Kuk
and Kauket, Darkness and Obscurity; and (d) Amon and Amaunet, the Hidden and
concealed ones. (Memphite Theology in Ancient Egyptian Religion by Frankfort,
p.10, p. 21; Frankfort's Intellectual Adventure of Man, p. 10, 21, 52).
In part (II) the Gods of order and arrangement are
represented as follows: The same first pair of pre-creation Gods are together
present, i.e., Ptah, the primeval Hill, who is the thought and word of all the
Gods, together with Atum, who rests upon Ptah. Atum, i.e., Atom, having
absorbed the thought and creative power of Ptah, then proceeds with the work of
Creation. He names four pairs of parts of his own body, which become Gods, and
in this way, eight Gods are created, who together with himself become nine Gods
in one family or Godhead, called the Ennead.
B. The Philosophy of Part I: (1) Ptah has the following
attributes: (a) The Primate of the Gods, i.e., The God of Gods (b) The Logos.
Thought and creative utterance and power (Egyptian Religion by Frankfort, p.
23). (c) The God of Order and form (d) The Divine Artificer and Potter (Fire
Philosophy by Swinburne Clymer; Jamblichus; Ancient Egypt by John Kendrick, Bk.
I, p. 318; 339). It must be noted that while the Sun God Atom sits upon Ptah
the Primeval Hill He accomplishes the work of creation. But the Memphite
Theology dates back to 4000 B.C., when it is believed the Greeks were unknown
(Frankfort's Intellectual Adventure of Man, p. 5; 53; 55. The Book of the Dead,
p. 17).
This arrangement in the Memphite Theology could only mean
that the ingredients of the Primeval Chaos contained ten principles: four pairs
of opposite principles, together with two other gods: Ptah representing Mind,
Thought, and creative Utterance; while Atom joins himself to Ptah and acts as
Demiurge and executes the work of creation. From such an arrangement in the
cosmos we are in position to infer the following philosophies: (a) Water is the
source of all things. (b) Creation was accomplished by the unity of two
creative principles: Ptah and Atom, i.e., the unity of Mind (nous) with Logos
(creative Utterance).(c) Atom was the Demiurge or Intermediate God in creation.
He was also Sun God or Fire God. (d) Opposite Principles control the life of
the universe. (e) The elements in creation were Fire (Atom), Water (Nun), Earth
(Ptah or Ta-tjenen) and Air.
Fire underlies the life of the universe"
George G. M. (1954) Stolen Legacy: Greek
Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy pages 74 & 101.