The Village Ordinance 1892 seems to have changed the status of Bartica. Attorney General, John Worrell Carrington is the principal designer of the Village Ordinance 1892. This ordinance is best remembered for its provisions linking communities under singular Local Authorities such as Nabaclis with Golden Grove and Friendship with Buxton, and other locations, against the will of the people of those communities. Research in Local Government Administration is necessary to determine why the colonial Governments made those decisions.
The dates and time factors found in recent reports respecting Bartica is absolutely incorrect. It's highly unlikely either James Carmichael Smyth or Henry Light approved of town of Bartica Regulation Ordinance in 1838. Guyanese, perhaps, need to be reminded 1838 is the year which affected and changed the peopling of British Guiana.
On May 5, 1838 two ships docked at Vreed-en-Hoop. East Indians disembarked employed as Immigrant labourers of John Gladstone. On August 1, 1838, the Emancipation of Plantation Slavery and Apprenticeship legalized Africans as peasants of British Guiana. The colonial Government was comprised of Europeans. Sugar planters and slave owners dominated all branches of government and society. Also, the April 23, date is ample evidence that the correct year is 1887.
The digital print news media outlets have all ran with this disinformation. Certainly, it's asinine to believe the colonial government authorities conveniently forgot to include Bartica Regulation Ordinance 1838 in their publications. There was no Bartica Regulation Ordinance 1838. There is absolutely no doubt, that that no such enactment transpired in 1838. There was however an ordinance to establish Public Hospital Bartica in 1861.
This nonsense of embellishing the accounting must be eradicated. It is one hundred and twenty nine (129) years. It's not one hundred and seventy eight (178) years. The claim made is so very wrong. It’s not funny. It’s outrageous. Is it deliberate, blatant and malicious deception? Why make claims when it could be so easily proven fictitious? Moreover access to information is readily available on the super information highway. Guyanese need to access same and not swallow disinformation. Current Guyanese and other interested persons are likely to either accept or believe it possible. This truth warrior suggests you do the research yourself and rescue yourself. Also, correct if I am wrong. A Luta Continua.
- The Official Gazette of British Guiana - Volume 16
- Sir John Worrell Carrington (1895) The Laws of British Guiana, [1774-1895].
- Vivian St. Clair Mackenzie, Joseph John Numan (1923) The laws of British Guiana. (1803 to 1921.)
- The Laws of British Guiana Chronologically Arranged from the Year 1580 to 1873 volume 3 (1874)
- British Guiana Administration Reports