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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Praise Name - MaaNgala Oni Shankalla

 So Close, Yet So Far Away – No Lies, No Surprises, No Confrontations   

Best Greetings to each and everyone, everywhere.  This is a message to you interested in family history, genealogy and local history. There are several Blogs online presented by the content provider M’Lilwana Osanku. Perhaps, you ought to ascertain whether there is information therein relative to persons of interests to your efforts.  For the foreseeable future, You will be able to communicate with the truth warrior using email addresses linked to the blogs. 

It is unlikely the human experience referred by the Praise Name - MaaNgala Oni Shankalla - will post on Facebook going forward. He will also not participate on Twitter. On that information outlet he used his other Mande Bantu name. The name M’Lilwana Yaw Osanku is in honor of the day of birth, his totems, birth order, journey, Muriel Sancho and their most ancient ancestors to and including those enslaved in the Americas. The Sancho heritage is respecting the period 1782- August 21, 2022 CE. The truth warrior has resigned to the reality melanin dominant humans are making no comprehensive effort to eradicate the chains of powerlessness 664BCE to August 20, 2022 CE. As his eyes dim, he has no confidence, he will experience the light in the tunnel.   The nomadic lion has also been worn down by the continuum of transitions of unconditional love to the spiritual realm of existence. No Winston, No William, No Wendy, No Lana, No Ingrid, No Colin, No Compton, No Cheryl, No David, No Matthews, No Alwyn, No Tunka, No Frank, No Wickham, No Leroy, No Colin, and No Patricia – that’s not so long ago. 

Love that’s forsaken is unrequited love - love forgotten. Reality check - those with who you begun won’t be there at your transition. It’s the simple reality, when the spirit escapes the prison – matter- the body. Its Historical truths of millions years of life. It’s simply NATURE balancing the eco-system. Unfortunately humans form social relations with others which are intended to help endure the struggles for survival in the physical realm of existence.  Often times relationships end before transitions of the creatures. 

Thereby creating vacuum in the social aspect of our journey.  The unavailability of confidants – all are at rest - ensures only his shadow can be trusted. 

  1. He neither wants liars, nor thieves around him. 
  2. He wants no more lies 
  3. He wants no more surprises 
  4. He wants no more of disgusting creatures calling him brother, cousin, relative and/or friend. Lessons in his life included the episode of his 1987 Giorgio Armani pinstripe suit two so-called friends who were major pieces of his teenage years and Nabaclis experiences revealed themselves to petty common deceitful greedy and treacherous individuals. 
  5. He is grateful. He escaped the cutlass wielding murderous mob of Indians at 66 Creek Bridge in the early 1970s. Otherwise, he may have departed thinking numerous folks who hated him loved him. 
  6. He regrets he was not present to save the lives of Anson Sharper and Cedric Hudson and/or well further he says not. 
  7. He wants no more confrontations   
  8. How did he survive Muriel and Oswald? 
  9. How is it he is still breathing? 

Information on Sancho is sketchy. Thus he is forced in these last days to resort to historical fiction as a resume – a love letter – bequeathed to future generations of DNA Sancho. 

He intends to reprogram future generations of DNA Sancho imitate our most ancient ancestors

He is confident he will be appreciated and vindicated by our people in their right minds beginning in the not too distant future. Our representation in the future must know and not believe. The future generations must be free of mental slavery, physical bondage and European constructs.  

Long Live the DNA of Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho Long Live

Long Live Melanin Dominant Humans Long Live

Friday, November 4, 2022

It is time to reunite families across centuries

 Every group of humans, regardless of the community, be it the nuclear family, the neighbors, neighborhood village, district, region nation, international and globally must have agendas. Melanin dominant humans need to be programmed by and/or with ancestral consciousness of the most ancient of the Nile River valley. Melanin dominant humans can never be freed by continuously producing wealth for the global super predators, generations after generations, centuries after centuries. Melanin dominant humans need to abolish every form of slavery.

This prisoner of war is of the opinion our ancestors erred and repeated the generational errors of secrecy and clarity. Perhaps, our ancestors could not imagine their descendants being powerless for several centuries much less 2686 consecutive years.  Our ancestors could not have imagined 2686 years of lunacy in which melanin deficient peoples would prey upon their descendants. Otherwise, the ancestors would have made steps to prevent greed, deception and treachery.  Everywhere, every group of our people is polluted with greed, deception and treachery.  

This truth warrior stands upon the realities of the Universe. It is dielectric, magnetic and electric. The Universe is a series – cycles of circles - of motion and rest. Perhaps, it is best described as electromagnetic. Religion is an exploitive economic system.  The wealth hoarding classes – the super predators – utilize fear mongering upon the masses. The concept and practice of fear of death and fear of hell is the primary vehicle of people population control in every religion. It is camouflage of greed, deceit and treachery of the wealth hoarding classes – the super predators.  There is no need for religion in the life of any creature. Mankind is the only animal on plantation earth that is out of order, in chaos and out of tune with AMEN/AMENET (NATURE)

  1. There is no other creature running on this planet forcing other creatures to produce wealth for them. There is no other creature running on this planet poisoning air, water, food supply, consumer products
  2. There is no other creature running on this planet creating one disease after another. 
  3. There is no other creature running on this planet targeting melanin dominant humans for extermination. 

Perhaps, were “Africans” surviving in Arctic and Antarctica instead of “Africa” – they would not be targeted so comprehensively. 

In your own words, what then is spirituality?  How do you relate to the universe?

This truth warrior is absolutely sure; Generational Culture Genocide is the most perplexing and vexing reality of his sojourn in the physical realm of existence. Generational Culture Genocide is the most disgusting feature of the enemies within the populations of melanin dominant humans, globally. 

“DNA matches” are the worse traitors. And those with “African names” are the most disgusting. 

This truth warrior expects “African names” and “DNA matches” to be made of ancestral consciousness He expects “Africans” with European and Arab names, to be imitation Europeans and Arabs.

He does not expect “DNA matches” and Sonko, Sanko, Sankoh, Sankara, Conteh, Aboagye, Elegunde, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole to be imitation Europeans and Arabs. AncestryDNA returned *2812 matches.  GEDmatch offers 1945 matches reported.  23andMe shows 926 matches.  FamilyTreeDNA states 185 matches, MyHeritage exhibits 182 matches. The majority of the matches are residents of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Virginia. .Perhaps, they are Gullah Geechee. 

The DNA of Mlilwana Osanku states it has common ancestors with a number of melanin dominant humans named Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  23andMe claims Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro are 5th cousins. Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro share .20 percent*(0.20% or15cM) of DNA, Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro may share a set of 4th-great-grandparents. Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro could also be from different generations (removed cousins) or share only one ancestor. Unfortunately, only Bockarie responded to the enquiries. His response was polite but not encouraging. If you are on GEDmatch – Lets link up

Love to link up with DNA relatives. Gullah Geechee, Akan, Igbo, Kongo, Nyamwezi, Mandinka, Mende, Yarabawa (Yoruba) whoever you are wherever you are let’s link up and make every effort to identify our common ancestors and relatives. 

This truth warrior is not surprised Pan-Africans celebrate Independence Days, First of August, Labor Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, All Saints Day, Halloween, Mothers’ Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Presidents’ Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Valentine’s Day, Emancipation Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Pride Day,  Indigenous  Heritage Month Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Latino History Month, Caribbean Heritage Month, India Day Parade, African Day Parade, African American Day Parade, and Caribbean Day Parade.  This truth warrior is not aware of whatever else those imitation Europeans conjure.  All of them are traitors of their ancestors. None of them are in tune with ancestral consciousness.  If you ever think you find this truth warrior is compromising the integrity of his ancestors bring it to his attention, immediately – will you? 

  1. What is the indigenous name for land among your ancestral groups? 
  2. What is the meaning of Sankofa among your ancestral groups? 
  3. Is there a name of and for the entire land mass – our natural habitat - among your ancestral groups? What are sources of creation and flood myths among your ancestral groups? 
  4. Are any of  the following; Sancho, Sankara, Sankaran, Sankare, Sankoh, Sanko, Sankofa, Sankore, Sanchaba, Sancha, Sonko, Sonkodugu, Kasanko, Kosonko, Basanko, Basonko, Basango, Basange, Basankoh, Kasanko, Kasonko, Kasango, Kasange, Kasankoh, Songo, Shongo, and Shankalla, among your ancestral groups and others in the neighboring geography?

Melanin dominant humans masquerading as ancestral consciousness, frequently quoting Marcus Garvey, John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X, Olufela Anikulapo Kuti, Walter Rodney, and Thomas Sankara and other champions of the liberation struggle against the super predators, expose themselves during European holiday celebrations.  It never fails.  Members of the so-called conscious community having dropped their Christian public behavior of amen love to hide their charade behind the liberal usage of ASE. Of times, those Members of the so-called conscious community never stopped practicing generational culture genocide and other aspects consistent with self hatred. 

Hear this son lost in the wilderness.  

  1. He cries to and for Aboagye, Bockarie, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole and all the others and their colleagues.
  2. He calls Apata his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him. 
  3. He calls Aboagye his Akan representation to come to and for him. 
  4. He calls Bockarie his Mende representation to come to and for him.
  5. He calls Elegunde his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him. 
  6. He calls Kamara his Mandinka representation to come to and for him.
  7. He calls Karnga his Kongo representation to come to and for him.
  8. He calls Maduike his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
  9. He calls Odefunso his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
  10. He calls Okafor his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
  11. He calls Okeke his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
  12. He calls Okoro his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
  13. He calls Omisore his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
  14. He calls Omole his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
  15. He calls Tabora his Nyamwezi representation to come to and for him.

This prisoner of war loves to communicate with Steve Aboagye, Saffa Bockarie, Yemi Elegunde, Alpha Kamara, Gloria Kamara, Thomas Karnga, Emmanuel Maduike,  Olajide Erastus Odefunso, Emmanuel Okafor, Nneka Okeke, Roy Okoro, Fatokunbo Omisore-Apata, Gabrielle Omole and Shenate Tabora,  and their immediate relatives - soonest.,  

  1. This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors, daily.  
  2. This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors on the anniversaries of arrival to the physical realm of existence.  
  3. This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors on departure of ancestors from the physical realm of existence. 
  4. This prisoner of war is aware European and Arabs holiday celebrations are not ancestral consciousness. It is succumbing to the reality of powerlessness. 
  5. It is past due to completely destroy, burn, and scatter the ashes of “the Door of No Return” and “the Tree of Forgetfulness” 
  6. It is time to replace the chains – generational culture genocide – with ancestral consciousness. 
  7. It is time to burn all crosses which perpetuates the concept of divide and rule
  8. It is time to bridge the Middle Passage
  9. It is time to reunite families separated by vampires and predators.  
  10. It is time to reunite families across centuries 
  11. It is time to reunite families across the Atlantic Ocean

1.3 billion Melanin dominant humans need to unite otherwise they will be eradicated. 

Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion the disconnected always seems to have axes to grind. Lions never document this experience. Thus this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episode that are as accurate as humanly possible.

Imitation Europeans and imitation Arabs - be gone and stay gone. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Who are the original foursome fast bowlers in test match cricket

 Who are the original foursome fast bowlers in test match cricket?

Beginning with Tommie Burton, Archie Cummerbatch and Float Woods, most West Indies teams, 1900-1979 had two or three fast bowlers. Rarely did the teams have four quick bowlers.

At Old Trafford. during July 22-25, 1939, Learie Constantine, George Hylton, Manny Martindale, and Floffie Williams formed what must be considered as the original West Indies foursome. Therefore, neither the Chappell brothers nor Clive Lloyd introduced the four pronged fast bowling attack in test cricket. 

On July 22, 1976 at Headingley, Leeds, Clive Lloyd finally inaugurated Andy Roberts, Michael Holding, Wayne Daniel and Vanburn Holder as the West Indies foursome fast bowlers. 

In two test matches against England Roberts, Holding, Daniel and Holder dismissed 37 of 40 batsmen while conceding 885 runs. Michael Holding was the dominant bowler. He claimed 18 wickets while he conceded 207 runs.

I cannot imagine Constantine, Hylton, Martindale were as fast as 90 MPH in July 1939. Williams was the youngest. He may have been the fastest in 1939.

Roberts, Holding, Croft and Garner were the fastest, most hostile and the best foursome fast bowlers ever. 

  1. Did four fast bowlers on a team predate Constantine, Hylton, Martindale, and Williams at Old Trafford in July 1939? 
  2. When did South Africa, England, Australia, and New Zealand play four quicks in test matches? 
  3. Has India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe ever played four fast bowlers in their test teams?