The primary agenda of Africans must be the eradication of every foreign construct, conquerors, colonizers, enslaver and so on.
Ancestral Consciousness must replace foreign religions
Africans must replace every piece of European clothing with African everywhere
Africans everywhere must become ancestral consciousness prior to 525 BCE.
African Union, ECOWAS are disgusting puppets of European ruling class.
Any melanin dominant human subscribing and/or supporting the global super predators exploiting the resources of Africa for the benefit of non-African societies, Current generations need to remove every technocrat not serving their needs our needs – get rid of all of them by any means possible.
Africans must ensure the process which results in the Unification of Africa is accelerated immediately.
Africans must ensure the process which results in Reparatory Justice for stolen Africans and resources begin immediately
Africans must ensure the process which results in repatriation of the descendants of stolen Africans and resources begin immediately
Africans must recover every inch of the landmass
Africans must control the resources of Africa
African states must become ancestral consciousness. Africans immersed ancestral consciousness will advocate for independent territorial nation states under the umbrella of African unity.
Africans immersed ancestral consciousness will reject the sham independence given to the stolen land and people. They recognize the same faces of oppression and exploitation as the primary beneficiaries
Africans immersed ancestral consciousness will learn from the lessons of human experiences known as Malcolm X, Thomas Sankara, Marcus Garvey and Walter Rodney, Fred Gisa Rwigema and many others. Thereby must prevent repeating the ugliness of Blaise Compaoré and Mobutu Sese Seko,
Long Live Hubert Henry Harrison
Long Live Patrice Lumumba
Long Live Kwame Nkrumah
Long Live Robert Sobukwe
Long Live John Okello
Long Live Thomas Sankara
Long Live Fred Rwigyema
Long Live John Henrik Clarke
Long Live Sigidi kaSenzangakhona
Long Live Olufela Aníkúlápó Kuti
Long Live melanin dominant humans, everywhere
M’Lilwana Osanku