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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sancho tid bits

 Sancho tid bits
Sancho of Nabaclis
Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 11:37 AM
I was conversations earlier today, with Cush of Sheet Anchor, Canje, Henry Mackie of Georgetown and others outside a funeral service for George Arjune, on Pacific Street , in Brooklyn . Arjune is descended from one of my heroes; Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow. This Arjune family was resident in the North West District.
It is interesting to note Henry Mackie is a relative of the Harry family, and folks of Bachelor’s Adventure, and Rose of Buxton Village. Mackie stated his brother is a close companion of leebert Sancho. Leebert was employed by some aircraft company in Canada . While he himself is close with Joe Lawrence. However, the most interest bit is that Bookers’ Police Sancho was struck too hard in 1956 that his body imprint was impressed upon the ground. That Sancho later left for England . Therefore, the Sancho could only be Alwyn Sancho. What was strange is Henry Mackie is aware of the Harry brothers, and Striking Henry is all Golden Grove and Nabaclis folks but not Gordon Duke and Oswald Sancho. Mackie pointed out Striking Henry was a consummate performer perhaps the best boxer in the history of boxing in Guyana . Henry Mackie stated George Gainsford of Guyana a major player in the career of Sugar Ray Robinson imparted upon the legendary boxer techniques used by Striking Henry. Gainsford would encourage Lennox Beckles to reside, and improve his skills in the USA . Beckles was murdered in Guyana (is that a fact).
 Cush told me that Hazel Sancho of Sheet Anchor is his child mother. Hazel Sancho is now resident in Antigua . Those Canje Sancho are related to Leach, Cort (Fyrish), Fingal (Rose Hall), and Campbell who was employed at Mental Asylum in New Amsterdam . Collin Sancho a welder resident in Brooklyn is a Canje Sancho. He will try to introduce me to him, whenever that is possible.
Cush was shocked he did not know my immediate relatives for he is aware of all the folks who I alluded to from Cumberland Village .
Eternal Blessings, Love, Peace, Power & Unity
M'lilwana Osanku - Sancho of Nabaclis.
Researching - Sancho, Campbell, Young (Younge), Solomon, Ross & Martin - Families of Guyana.
History of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, East Sea Coast Demerara, Guyana.
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." The Most Honourable Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) 

People's Power Forever 

Vote AFC Time for Change - down with ethnic politics

Monday, February 24, 2025

My Understanding of My Campbell Heritage: the Relatives and Descendants of James Campbell and Coolie Solomon of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana

 I need to know who are the members of the Campbell kinship - the the Relatives and Descendants of my great grand parents James Campbell and Coolie girl  Campbell  of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana (now Guyana).
 I spoke with Covetous Gill a few summers ago. The attempt was not very rewarding. I was not very promising. Even after I explained  to Mr. Campbell-Gill, who I am – what are my interests my concerns and my commitment  to  understanding of my heritage of Campbell, Sancho, and Young/e – I concluded I must either try again and/or look elsewhere for sources which would lead to that understanding.
Now here my father points me to Covetous Gill again. I do hope when I chat with him in the future he will be more forth coming.  However, Covetous Gill did reveal a few pointers – such as the brother of my Uncle Oswald Sancho’s wife, Evelyn Dover is James Campbell – and that James Campbell is his brother and was also a police man.
James Ebenezer Gill is an immediate relative of his - and that of the relatives and descendants of Arthur Gill of Golden Grove.
However, I came away with the sense –Covetous Gill – for whatever, his reasons, did not really care to breakdown the family ties with me. I spoke almost  immediately with one of the daughters of Arthur Gill of Golden Grove – and she pointed out she did not know her relatives but however, Covetous Gill and the Gill of Buxton-Friendship are her people – and that her father mentioned being related  to Campbell and Sancho.
Again thanks for pointing me in a direction – whereby I could advance into the kinship of Campbell .
Dr. James Campbell upon whose lap I often sat when I was a very young child pointed out to me – our common ancestor was commonly called Coolie Campbell. He did not bond with his grand parents – they (James and Coolie Campbell) died before he (Dr. James Campbell) was birthed.
Whether Coolie Campbell is a descendant of Kissoon, Mootoo and Ramator  has being with me since I saw my mother Muriel Sancho hugging an East Indian female at Rosignol and telling me the female is her near relative. Today, I can not recall what the female’s name was only I enjoyed her cooking and pretty much wanted to visit her residence just to satisfy my taste for East Indian cuisine. Coolie Campbell is obviously the key to my East Indian heritage – and the reason for my need and desire to understanding that heritage all the days of my life.  However, after some fifty years upon earth I know very little of my great grand mother and that is eating me, and driving me, daily.
 I do not recall memories of a Coolie Campbell in Unity or Lancaster . Perhaps, there was such a person. I do however; remember a few mixed-union names like Brown, Pitt, Gravesande and Grandsoult in the Unity Lancaster and Mahaica communities.
 You may wish to try to see my friend, retired Policeman Burchnell Campbell a.k.a "Covetous" who I  believe, still lives on the eastern side of Buxton Middle walk South between the Public Road and  the new Railway Embankment HWY. There are also surviving members of an old Campbell family of Lusignan a few of whom remain in Annandale South while others are overseas in the USA and here in Canada . One of my female cousins of the Paradise family of my Auntie Bhagi and Uncle George (Douglas) is married to a Campbell son of one of these families. He was a Policeman as well. You may find some lead to County Sgt. Major Campbell from these sources.
James Campbell
Identifying the Relatives and Descendants of James Campbell of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana (now Guyana ).
The pieces of information concerning James Campbell and his immediate relatives, as related to me by several person, over more than fifty years, all his descendants, including the following; Muriel Sancho, James Campbell, Yvonne Braveboy, Sidney Marious, Phyllis Sancho and Leebert Sancho, is very scanty at best.
Dr. James Asthon Campbell reminiscence concerning our common ancestor, James Campbell, his grand father, and his immediate relatives states the following;
James Campbell was a gold miner. It is not clear whether James Campbell was born in British Guiana and or has Barbadian heritage. It appears James Campbell, at some point was known by the hyphenated surnamed Campbell-Friday. However, the usage of Campbell-Friday was discontinued before James Campbell was legally married. James Campbell's wife was known as Coolie Campbell. James Campbell remarried at the age of 96 – and died one year later – several years before Dr. James Campbell was born in 1934. It is likely; Coolie Campbell is the daughter of Solomon – and an East Indian female – perhaps a member of the kinships of Mootoo, Ramator, and Kissoon. It is believed members of the kinships of Mootoo, Ramator, and Kissoon are relatives of the descendants of James Campbell and Solomon.
James Campbell is resting in peace in the churchyard of St. Mary's Scots church at Mahaica. It is known; James Campbell was a major contributor to the Christian Church and its affairs on the East Coast of Demerara.
The known children of James Campbell of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District are the following; Rachel Campbell (Mrs. Alexander Sancho); Charles Campbell; Arthur Campbell; Papa Campbell (probably Donald Friday Campbell); Mama Campbell (probably Latina or Lutina Campbell) later Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Gibson; Mrs. Becka Lammy [probably Rebecca Campbell]; Chester Campbell; Lennie Campbell (probably Lenny Campbell or Leonard Campbell), and Joe Campbell (probably Joseph Campbell) out of wed lock.
Lennie Campbell (probably Lenny Campbell or Leonard Campbell) was employed at Mahaica Hospital ; the Leprosy Asylum.
Joe Campbell (probably Joseph Campbell) out of wed lock – resided at Air Hall, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.
Mama Campbell (probably Lutina Campbell) Lutina Campbell mother of Sonny Campbell married Wilson . The union of Mama Campbell and Wilson reproduced two daughters; Marie Wilson and Iris Wilson. After the death of Mr. Wilson, Mama Campbell moved to McKenzie and, married Mr. Gibson, General Foreman at Demba. The Gibson union produced no children.
Marie Wilson married McLean . Roy McLean is either the name of her husband or her son or both.
Iris Wilson married Ross. The Ross family was the owner of the Woodbine Hotel. The union of Iris Wilson and Ross is known to produce Patsy Ross (probably Patricia Ross). It is understood; several years ago, Iris Wilson resided with her daughter on Long Island , New York . One of Patsy Ross's sons is perhaps a commissioned Officer in the US Armed forces. It is said The Ross family were formerly of West Coast Berbice; probably Hopetown.
Papa Campbell (probably Donald Friday Campbell) was married to Deli Campbell. Deli Campbell 's maiden name is Allick. Deli Campbell and Isabella (nee Allick) Campbell, the wife of Charles Campbell are first Cousins. Papa Campbell and Deli Campbell are known to be the parents of two daughters; Constance Hermia Campbell and her sister, Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell.
Miss Constance Hermia Campbell married William Harper Campbell, a dispenser. Dispenser Campbell was known as Doc Campbell. This Campbell and Campbell union produced no children.
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell married Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande.
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell and her husband, Eric Hubert Gravesande is known to reproduce ten children.
Becka Lammy [perhaps, maiden name Rebecca Campbell] married Lammy and resided at Victoria Village , on the East Coast of Demerara. It is accepted Becka Lammy's son Fred Lammy migrated to the United Kingdom .
Rachael Campbell married Alexander Sancho in about the year 1899. The union of Rachel Campbell and Alexander Sancho, reproduced eleven children; six sons and five daughters, Lambert Sancho, (Lammy Sancho, Buxton), Ric Sancho, (Beterverwagting), Charles Sancho (Charlie Sancho, Bachelor's Adventure), Selbourne Sancho, ( Selly Sancho, Victoria); Elsa Marious (Nabaclis); Victor Sancho (215 David St., Kitty); Mary Dorothy Inez Sancho, (Nurse Inez Sancho, Health Visitor);Muriel Sancho (Primary School Teacher, 1928-1973); Margaret Adams (Golden Grove, E. C. Demerara); Matilda Sancho, and Oswald Sancho (Policeman Sancho, Burnham Security Detail, Nabaclis)
Charles Campbell was employed for numerous years, as an Engineer at Plantation Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara. Charles Campbell married Isabella Allick. It is known the union of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick reproduced two sons, James Ashton Campbell, and Charles Campbell.
James Ashton Campbell, the son of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick married Joyce Whitaker. The union of Campbell and Whitaker is known to reproduce one son and one daughter; James Ashton Campbell, and Marcia Campbell.
Marcia Campbell married Robert Chavis and they reproduced a son; Carson Chavis.
Charles Campbell the son of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick, reproduced a son named James Ashton Campbell
Arthur Campbell married Elizabeth Jupiter. It is known the union of Arthur Campbell and Elizabeth Jupiter, reproduced five children; one son and four daughters. They are the following; Maybel (Mrs. Braveboy/ Mrs. Woolford), Ismay Taitt, Ruby Ann, Bee (Beatrice Lowe) and James Campbell. It must be noted Elizabeth Jupiter had a daughter Rose Jupiter before the marriage to Arthur Campbell. Rose Jupiter was known as Rose Campbell. Tom Keen, the well-known hire-car Driver is a son Rose Jupiter and Cupidore.
James Campbell married a Portuguese, sister of Mr. Alphonso who had a grocery store at Nabaclis.
The known children of Maybel (Braveboy/Woolford), are the following; Culthridge Campbell, Henry, Joseph, Edmond , Cecil [aka Strong Boy Woolford], Clarence [aka Kotto Woolford], Florence , Marietta and Yvonne Braveboy.
Michael Liverpool and Reginald Lowe are sons Bee Campbell (Beatrice Lowe)
The relatives and descendants of Frederick Emanuel Prowell Campbell, Retired County Sergeant Major of the British Guiana Police Force, are relatives of the descendants of James Campbell. County Sergeant Major Campbell is the father of Henry Campbell, who was also a police officer in the British Guiana Police Force. County Sergeant Major Campbell ’s wife was a teacher. Mrs. Campbell was a mixture of East Indian and Black. County Sergeant Major Campbell died either on December 2, 1976 or December 2, 1977.
The relatives of the following groups of families are connected to Campbell of Lancaster-Unity district, Mahaica;
The relatives of the following; Mr. & Mrs. C. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. J. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. D. Campbell, and children Miss R. Campbell, Miss C. Campbell, Miss E. Campbell, Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell (Mrs. Eric Hubert Gravesande)
Campbell – Campbell: - at Mahaica Methodist Church by the Rev. J. B. Broomes on November 11, 1936 ; William Harper, Government Dispenser Bon Success, Rupununi River), youngest son of Solomon Campbell and the late Princess Campbell of Sparendaam, East Coast, Demerara, to Constance Hermia of Lancaster, Mahaica, East Coast, Demerara. [Source: The Sunday Chronicle, November 16, 1946: page 2.]
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell of Lancaster, and Assistant and Sewing Teacher of Unity Canadian Mission School, was united in holy matrimony on Tuesday, December 23rd. 1941 to Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande, youngest son of Mrs. Gravesande of Mahaica and R. L.C. (Mahaicony District). [Source: the Daily Chronicle, Monday, January 26, 1942: Pages 6, and 8.]
Surnames Associated with James Campbell Group of families.
James Campbell donated the land upon which the Mahaica Hospital is found. However, it is known the Leper Asylum at Mahaica was designed and built by the architect James Bradshaw Sharples (1799-1859), with most of the work being completed before his death in 1859. Could the leper Asylum as it were in the mid-twentieth century be on its original location? The Mathematics does not compute; it is known R. O. C. Spence, Acting commissioner of Lands and Mines – offered land for Sale at Plantations Unity and Lancaster at $20 cash per lot as late as August 7, 1914.
I need to be enlightened as per the following, among others;
  1. What are the legal names of Rachel Campbell's siblings, parents, the children of her siblings, and their descendants?
  2. Who are James W. Campbell and Victorine Campbell c. 1924?
  3. Where did the Campbell family come from?
  4. What is the relationship of Caesar Solomon – one of the shareholders of Victoria Village , c. November 1839 – to Rachel Campbell?
  5. What are the surnames associated with the Campbell and Solomon families who are relatives of James Campbell?
  6. What is the relationship of Benjamin Solomon of Golden Grove Village , East Coast Demerara, to descendants of James Campbell?
  7. Are the Sarrabo, Sancho, and Simon families of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, related?
  8. Are the Denbow family related to the descendants of Alexander and Rachel Sancho?
  9. Who is Vivienne Irene Campbell c.1924?
  10. Who ought to be on the Campbell-Solomon family tree?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Clyde Walcott, favored stroke play off the back foot with immense power

 It is clear Gary Sobers influenced Roy Fredericks. Perhaps, Leslie Amsterdam, and Charles Paul, an uncle of Roy Fredericks, influenced Roy Fredericks. Certainly, Clyde Walcott had profound influence upon Rohan Kanhai, Basil Butcher, Clive Lloyd, Roy Fredericks and Alvin Kallicharran and numerous unheard and unsung Guyanese batsmen of the 1950s and 1960s. 

Clyde Walcott, favored stroke play off the back foot with immense power. And most definitely Clive Lloyd seems to be a left handed batting Clyde Walcott. Roy Fredericks was Mimi left handed batting Clyde Walcott.

I have not favored the helmeted era. I refused to compare people more suited to be Knights of the Round Table than entertainers with those of 1900-1977.  I consider Roy Fredericks, the last of three great West Indies test match openers. Clifford Roach and Conrad Hunte are the two preceding Roy Fredericks. 

During the West Indies tour of Australia 1975 and 1976, Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson, Gary Gilmour and Max Walker completely intimidated, and humiliated Gordon Greenidge. After four completed innings those of the first and third test matches Gordon Greenidge managed a grand total of eleven runs.  Thus eleven in four innings is the albatross around Gordon Greenidge’s career. I am of the opinion scoring centuries against Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson, Gary Gilmour and Max Walker 1975-1976 in test matches in Australia is the yardstick of outstanding batsmen. Fredericks, Kallicharran, Lloyd, Rowe, and Richards were successful. Gordon Greenidge was an abysmal failure. Lloyd hid Gordon Greenidge for eight consecutive test matches.  In summer 1976, after the first two test matches, in most familiar environment and less formidable bowlers, I began wondering whether Lloyd’s judgment is rational.   Gordon Greenidge seemed to be a lost cause continuum. And I guess much to the relief of Clive Lloyd, Gordon Greenidge finally stomped his authority. Gordon Greenidge recorded a century in each innings in the third test, He didn’t stop there.  Roy Fredericks and Gordon Greenidge enjoyed a blistering opening stand of 192 runs. Following the century and dismissal of Roy Fredericks; Gordon Greenidge completed his third consecutive test century. Finally, Gordon Greenidge began fulfilling the promise he showed in his debut test match where he scored 93 and 107 against India in India. Viv Richards’s performance in his first test match was awful.




Tuesday, February 18, 2025

M'Lilwana Osanku's DNA Matches exhibit some 3000 Americans.

 Please pardon this intrusion. This researcher needs to be enlightened. It is possible you are a door keeper of lineages of our common ancestors and common relatives. M'Lilwana Osanku's DNA Matches exhibit some 3000 Americans.
Are you interested in becoming aware of common ancestors and relatives of M'Lilwana Osanku and yourself? The researcher is focused on Bluefort Bluford. Briggs. Campbell, Cook, Cooper,  Dixon, Moultrie, Rushing, Sancho, and Singleton, and other DNA relatives in the American south. He expects his relatives are among the Gullah Geechee experience. Shirley Bennett, Carolyn Bennett, Daniel Bennett, Sylvia Bennett, Melissa Mulzac Bennett, Sophia Bennett, Justin Briggs Karen Briggs Rena Goins Ebony Goins Derek Calhoun Donna Calhoun, Roger McDonald,Marion Williams's test is managed by: Michelle Gill, Danyelle Darlisa Campbell, Wilson Campbell, Vickie Miller Hughley
What's with Genomelink?
Genomelink claims at DNA testing companies
However, No matches are  found at Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA, myheritage and 23andMe
What are your thoughts?

Becoming MaaNgala Oni Shankalla

Becoming MaaNgala Oni Shankalla
May 11, 2002, 11:52:09 AM
My dear Richard,
I pursue Ignatius Sancho, because I do believe him to be my first English speaking ancestor.
My forefather arrived in British Guiana, sometime in the era of Emancipation and Apprenticeship. I would like to find shipping records. The forefather came 58 years after the death of Ignatius Sancho. One year after Elizabeth Sancho's death. People in my family have similar names. I think perhaps only DNA could scientifically settle this issue. DNA testing is certainly a option,the Caribbean Sancho must undertake.
The academic communities has for all intents and purposes re enslaved Ignatius Sancho. I know it's up to Sancho to liberate Sancho. In this 2002 Ignatius Sancho must be free again and numbered with his descendants.
Do you want to contribute to a forum, the Global historical Society of Sanchos? I think your intellect will be appreciated.
Thanking you is a son of Sancho,
Historical fiction
Knowledge over belief 
Became MaaNgala Oni Shankalla

Campbell at Middle Walk next to Kingston

 GEDmatch is a genealogy platform
Dec 31, 2022, 5:14 PM
I stand in love with Rashleigh Trotman and Nora Ellias and their two daughters, Cicely Trotman and Dorothy (Trotman) Cosbert.
I always will. I am sure Cicely had perhaps four or five daughters.  I recall Patricia and Kay. I think Sandra is the name of another. Some 50 years later, Pamela does not jump out at me.
Shelia does not jump out at me. Perhaps she is a descendant of Ismay Campbell. I recall four residences of the descendants of Arthur Campbell in Nabaclis.  
Bee Campbell at Line top. 
Campbell at Middle Walk next to Kingston.
Campbell at back street almost behind Banner Benn
Ismay Campbell near the cemetery.
Campbell at sideline with Cove & John is probably Arthur Campbell’s people too. This is where I recall James Campbell. He is my mother’s first cousin. He is a retired MD. He resides in Richmond, Virginia. I can’t place Errol Campbell. I most definitely recall Reggie Lowe, and the Woolford brothers.
Great-grandfather James Campbell is our common ancestor. Therefore, I am not surprised

Sancho, a Guyanese family, descendants of Ignatius Sancho

 Sancho, a Guyanese family, descendants of Ignatius Sancho?
May 9, 2002, 2:44:06 PM

I’m trying to seek and obtain assistance in locating and communicating with all Sancho, but specifically 

  1. Lorna, principal of New Amsterdam Technical Institute,
  2. F. Sancho a miller of the Guyana Milling Company, T.
  3. Anson Sancho, 
  4. Harold Lutchman 
  5. Barton Scotland. 

The Sancho, a Guyanese family is in the process of identifying all of it clan. Where ever they can be found. The Sancho claim to be descended from none other than the eighteenth century England black man of Letters and Arts, Ignatius Sancho 1729 -1780. Those who are Ignatius Sancho, scholars and their academic community very lightly regard this claim. Here is a sample –
 “As to the Sanchos in various places in the world, I think it very unlikely that any are descendents of Ignatius Sancho. Most Caribbean islands were colonized at some point by Spanish settlers, and Sancho is a common name in Spain. Best  wishes”  
Brycchan Carey 

Speaking on the behalf of the Sancho of Guyana, I would be grateful to any and all help, you can provide and or indirectly account for in reuniting the all Caribbean Sancho, those of Trinidad   with those of Guyana. There is a need to publicize this claim and document the story of Sancho. Genealogy, a field of study in Guyana, is done rather sparingly, I know of only the Westmaas, Gaskins, St. Kitts of Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara, and an East Indian Family from Blairmont, who have their story published on the information superhighway.

  1. Is there any way the National Archives could be made available, for researching the Sancho family?
  2. Where are the records of black individuals who arrived from England in the era of Abolition and Apprenticeship, kept? 
  3. Are shipping records available in Guyana for that era?

The need to retrace the footsteps of the ancestor Lambert Tuckness Sancho and his brothers, Bentinck and John Sancho. Are you willing to assist and open doors for the Sancho family, as they research and document their story?


Monday, February 3, 2025

Sancho in the Creole


Publisher: Printed and published by William S. Stevenson

Place of Publication: Georgetown, Br. Guiana

Publication Date: November 29, 1856

Full Text: Bentick Sancho, well known to the Honorat;e Mr Porter, to turn otit, not to destroy, but to protect

Full Text: Bentick Sancho who has consider considerable able considerable influence with the people of Victoria

Publication Date: November 18, 1857

Full Text: ., Jamaica, foaled in Angnst, 1853, got by JuveVuu onto' Ladu, bs Sancho-, Grandam Miss Hartner. by

Publication Date: May 5, 1858

Publication Date: May 12, 1858

Publication Date: May 22, 1858

Full Text: Bentinck Sancho, of Victoria,— ONE CREOLE COW and CALF 2 ditto ditto in Calf 3 Orinocao OXEN, fft

Publication Date: October 23, 1858

Full Text: cattle the day before to one Cheesewright Josiah, that he could not pay them, and that Bentinck Sancho

Full Text: had agreed to become his security the cattle were then taken ovtr by Sancho; another sale of cattie

Publication Date: April 7, 1860

Publication Date: April 11, 1860

Publication Date: April 14, 1860

Publication Date: April 18, 1860

Full Text: SANCHO. Pin. Golden Grove, \ 7th April, 1800. | . NOTICE.

Publication Date: January 26, 1861

Full Text: That was Bentinck Sancho. Order—Cannot be granted.

Publication Date: March 13, 1861

Full Text: Sancho.— Sentence for plain*iff for $450, with costs. Rainy vs

Publication Date: September 21, 1863

Full Text: East Coast, of Tuckuess Sancho and Samuel Dick as Commissioners and Cheesewright Josiah as Overseer

 Publication Date: October 17, 1864

Full Text: —By Sancho Adams, transport of lot num numl>er l>er numl>er 11, section G, plantation Ann’s Grove—to

 Publication Date: June 5, 1865

Full Text: Justice Beete rea l the reasons for the Court’s decision in the case of George Sancho, vs.

Full Text: John Fraser and Sancho George, which was an opposition suit to stay the at exe execution cution execution

Publication Date: April 19, 1871

Full Text: . , Sancho, on the John and Cove road, and was sentenced to penal servitude for five I years.

Publication Date: March 17, 1873

Full Text: Joshua Sancho , David Luke, Swainson Christopher, and George Sancho, transport of east half of lou number 103, seetibn

Publication Date: January 12, 1907

Publication Date: January 19, 1907

Publication Date: January 26, 1907

Full Text: persons to communicate with him at the earliest opportunity (i) Teddy Abel, the heir of Charlotte Sancho