Triggermen Are Pathetic House Niggers. They Are Not the Beneficiaries.
The members of the death squad which assassinated Malcolm X on February 21, 1965 were only the triggermen. They were all pawns. They carried out such a despicable act. They were all brainwashed into perpetuating such an atrocious crime. It remains a criminal act against every conscientious Black person, Ever existed and/or will ever exist here upon this planet Earth.
The actual conspirators were never brought to justice. They were not definitely exposed. Even, more than 45 years later, it remains unclear, what roles, if any, did Louis Farrakhan, Elijah Muhammad, and his sons including Wallace Muhammad, and Herbert Muhammad, and other members of the Nation of Islam, including John Ali, and Raymond Sharrieff, Gene Roberts, an undercover police officer, Edgar Hoover and Counter Intelligence Program (CoIntelPro), Linden Johnson and his administration, and other agencies of Federal, State and City governments played in that assault upon Black life and culture. I believe Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam and the US Government are the chief beneficiaries of the execution of Malcolm X. It is written, that, Louis Farrakhan, is quoted as saying, “Betty Shabazz never said that Farrakhan was a plotter in the death of Malcolm, But she said that Farrakhan helped to create the atmosphere. And that I can agree with.” Black people, the immediate relatives of Malcolm X, primarily Betty Shabazz, Attallah Shabazz, Qubilah Shabazz, Llyasah Shabazz, Gamilah Shabazz, Malikah Shabazz, Malaak Shabazz, Malcolm Shabazz and Malik Shabazz were and still are the victims of that act.
Black people need to understand that the enemies of black people are often those with black skins and white hearts as described by Paul Bogle, Sam Sharpe, and Franz Fanon several others. They look like us. They claim to love us. Yet they kill us and our heroes - champions . . . The assassinations of Chaka the Zulu warrior king, Patrice Lummunbia, Malcolm X, Thomas Sankara, Maurice Bishop, and Walter Rodney and a number of others all have similar sinister personalities who perpetrated the acts. What’s also common is that Black people still love and regards their killers as heroes. That’s so absurd. But it’s the reality of the situation.
What I would really like to know from their hearts and mouths of those House -Niggers that killed my Messiah are
Would they have done so today?
Do they still consider Malcolm X a man worthy of death by their hands?
If so, why at this late date?
Why upon this earth would, they want to be identified as traitors of Black people and/or executioners of the uncontested champion of black people of the last half of the twentieth century (European age)?
What have they benefitted from their participation in such a horrendous act against Black people?
I have always wondered why the relatives of all the people killed and/or otherwise injured or victimized by CoIntelPro, Edgar Hoover, and other agencies of Federal, State and City governments have not filed suit against these agencies and individuals in a Court of Law in the USA, even at this late date?
Whosoever, killed, Malcolm X is as pathetic as those who perpetuated acts which resulted in his and mine and your representatives being enslaved here in the Americas and at home in West Africa.
Norman 3X Butler, Thomas 15X Johnson, Talmadge Hayer (a.k.a. Mujahid Halim), Philbert Little are all pawns. They are House -Niggers for they did the unpleasant task, the bidding of those who wanted Brother Malcolm dead.
“I have no compassion or mercy or forgiveness” for those who participate in acts of violence against humanity, and particularly against underprivileged working class people and more so against Black life and culture. Again most of the folks who claim to love us really by their actions hate us . . . for they kill our natural, our chosen leaders . . . the struggle continues.
“Our people must learn who our enemies are -who our friends are - and how to make the best use of both of them.”....Thomas Sankara.
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