“Love and hate could never be friends”...Dennis Emanuel Brown (1956-1999)
Live up Sancho children
Peace and Blessings!
It’s Kenneth Joyce Robertson’s prerogative to print whatever he feels like so doing. He is a grown man. He must be prepared to deal with the consequences of his actions.
The published reports found in the Daily Chronicle 1881-1897 revealed the names of some thirty unknown persons surnamed Sancho. A number of them hailed from the communities of Golden Grove, Nabaclis, Victoria, Friendship and Buxton and elsewhere on the East Coast of Demerara, Corentyne and Canje. I have a primary Sancho Family Tree showing 1383 names. I also have several showing as many as 250 names. I do not have those thirty persons listed upon any family tree. I believe our kinship is likely to show some five thousand souls. That figure was thrown out at me by Cousin Phyllis Kendall
I was initially excited. I was about to offer a few words of congratulations, after reading a note from Kenneth Joyce Robertson. I wanted to watch Spike Lee’s movie, Jungle Fever. Therefore I concluded I will read the preview later. However, several nagging images entered my thought process in rapid successions. There were images of deceased members of the kinship of Sancho. I am positive. I imagined Muriel and her siblings, Sheila Sharper, Bouya Sharper, Muriel Sancho (1912-2004), Gwendolyn Ralph and Brenda Abrams in tears. Also, bits of conversations I had with Leebert Sancho, Joe Hughes, Felix Bastiani, and Olive Fraser and the note Cicely Abrams sent to me were amongst the identifiable images.
I decided. I would view Jungle fever, at a later period. I hesitantly accessed the web site and the relevant links. I was utterly shocked. I was dismayed. Low and behold, I could not believe the text I am seeing and reading. I thought I misconstrued the word play. I read what Kenneth Joyce Robertson published respecting my recollections of indoctrination I received from my mother. I read the smearing of my mother. It is inconceivable that any man regardless of sex, and much less a member of the kinship of Sancho would allow them to think about my mother in such fashion. I can assure you. Be it fact or be it bizarrely plausible I am not with whatever their names are. I do not know what the other descendants of Muriel Sancho think about your astonishing assault upon the character of my mother. Quite frankly I do not care what they think. I long charge them with neglecting to the preservation of the accounts of her life and times. Mother always insisted I read what others write. Thereby form my own opinions. She insisted. You must always count your change. Do not be naivete. Everyone is not of your best interests regardless whether I am a teacher and Sancho. It was all about Sancho - every waking minute – that’s the reason I am all about Sancho. Mother concluded the folk’s songs ridicule every Sancho male. She disliked them immensely. She forbade me to sing them.
I would dearly love to witness a publication on the life and times of Muriel Sancho. However, I have great difficulties accessing oral sources of data - most of her colleagues are dead – and those who are alive are having great difficulty with their memory. Also I do not have the cooperation of my siblings and that fact is simply too nauseating for my stomach. There when I noticed my mother’s name I was overjoyed. Then as I read the commentary; I became perplexed. The question is why, why, Kenneth Joyce Robertson made the effort to belittle my mother’s integrity? What wrong has she done to Kenneth Joyce Robertson? I dare to conclude and state my beloved Cousin Tee Joyce would be appalled. He would repudiate such expressions.
I am taken aback at Kenneth Joyce Robertson’s tone and interferences respecting my most beloved ancestor Muriel Sancho. Why the attack upon the integrity of my mother? Why didn’t Kenneth Joyce Robertson consult with me respecting his take upon what I wrote respecting my mother’s account of her heritage? Kenneth Joyce Robertson’s wordplay is reminiscent of Thomas Anson Sancho’s butchery upon his grand father, our common ancestor, Limy Tuckness Sancho in his publication Pages of Life. T. Anson Sancho did not even have the decency to spell our common ancestor’s name correctly.
Why the attempt at denigration of my mother for posterity? Why the smear campaign? What has she done to Kenneth Joyce Robertson? It is regrettable that Sancho continues to be derogatory to another in print and/or public. It is one thing to lambaste me. It’s quite another to attempt to do so to my mother. I cannot begin to fathom why Carmen Sancho did not insist Kenneth Joyce Robertson alter such remarks concerning her aunt. I am told she read the manuscript. I do not know what I will say or do whenever if ever I met Kenneth Joyce Robertson and/or Carmen Sancho, again. I am sure. It would not be polite. How could it be? I am likely to make grand Aunt Edith Sancho sound like a church girl
I am perhaps more versed in foul language than I am with English grammar.
Now Kenneth Joyce Robertson has heaped scorn and ridicule upon my mother and me and Alexander Sancho, and Tuckness Sancho and members of generations of my mothers’ and prior ones.
I have no knowledge of Sancho folklore. I can assure you. I resided for the better portion of the first twenty-six years of my sojourn in New Amsterdam, Corentyne Coast and in the Golden Grove-Nabaclis Village District. It is obvious. The oral traditions of the kinship of Sancho are microcosms of the effects of the adverse conditions of life the survivors of the Middle Passage faced on the plantations in the Americas. It is also factual that when migrations occur, fragmentation takes place amongst the people and ultimately the oral traditions reflect this fragmentation. Let’s examine a family group - shall we? I will choose the descendants of Alexander Sancho and Rachael Campbell to display the point I am attempting to make. If you approach the majority of the grand children, they would be hard pressed to accurately name the siblings of their Sancho parent. It is understandable when they fail to mention the tenth child of this union of Sancho and Campbell. Fragmentation begins to take place amongst siblings when they marry migrate and begin to raise their own families. I can assure you. That, even the family gatherings at the residence of Aunt Elsa at Nabaclis until April 1966 could not withstand fragmentation in the oral traditions. There are great differences amongst the First-Cousins. Every sensible person would expect a generation possessing some seventy-three persons and spanning forty-four years would reflect differences in their understanding of their Sancho family history.
In the scenario of the children of Muriel Sancho, I can assure you, I can only recall hearing my elder sister seeking knowledge of her past. On the last occasion, my mother, my sister, my nephew David and I reclined in St. Hubert’s. I am quite positive my sister made notes. I heard she lost those notes in the mail to our relative in Toledo, Ohio. I am saying people ask different questions to different people regardless of their age. Therefore, siblings often exhibit difference in their understanding.
Kenneth Joyce Robertson has revealed himself. He is simply another cultural pirate. He has told me. He is not only rude but he is also ridiculous. He is a blatant and malicious liar. I state he is physically disadvantaged he has revealed a propensity of a brain malfunction. I had been warned but I must admit I was completely shocked by his verbal attack upon the integrity of my most beloved ancestor, Muriel Sancho (1914-1990). I find it even more atrocious that he has attempted to indicate my mother as a whimsical being by purporting to invoke the names of her relatives whom I regard as my mothers in his absurd take as evidence against her. If it were not, my relatives were being mentioned, I would have assumed that portion of the text was simply some sort of comic fictional take the workings of a diabolical mind.
Now please allow me to exhibit the points of contention.
Kenneth Joyce Robertson chooses of his own validation to use information which did not originate in his thought process. He did so without extending any courtesy whatsoever to the writer of the account referred to as originating from Muriel Sancho. Please remember that six of her children are still alive. But, however, only her last child researches and documents his findings. Please remember only eight years separate her oldest and youngest in USA - yet they have different takes on the lives of their parents.
I find it absurd that Kenneth Joyce Robertson in a single sentence - Our dear cousin Muriel Sancho Ross has left us with the proposition that there was three brothers Sancho, grandsons of the African "man of letters" Charles Ignatius Sancho of England - chooses to begin the sentence with a phrase suggesting endearment. Yet he continued and concluded the sentence with three absolutely false statements. I have to question how upon earth could he refer to my mother as, our dear cousin Muriel Sancho Ross and then continue to ascribe malicious lies as originating from her.
I can assure you. Muriel Sancho (1914-1990) never mentioned the name Charles Ignatius Sancho to me. I concluded she never heard that name. I also offer. It was Sydney Marious and I who began to examine the possibility that Ignatius Sancho is our ancestor. My mother was only aware of one Charles Sancho - and that’s her brother. Yet research has turned up a Charles Sancho, son of Bentick Sancho and Sarah Sancho born about 1861. I believe Bentick Sancho and Sarah Sancho also has a daughter also named Sarah Sancho. I believe “Dear Aunt” Teacher Sarah Matilda Sandy was named in the honor of her mother’s sister.
I began to seek out researchers. I was trying to locate anyone who may have knowledge of the kinship of Sancho beyond the boundaries of Guyana. I also attempted to communicate with academics in the effort to ascertain whether they have knowledge of the descendants of Ignatius Sancho. Thus, it was probably I who allowed this narrow-minded asinine being to conclude Sancho of Guyana are descendants of Ignatius Sancho. What good is a western university accrediat6ation to a Negro if he cannot distinguish an enquiry from scientific evaluation to conclude what is and/or what’s not genealogical fact?
Despite the stellar scholastic achievements of Cousin Muriel and her love for this family, her pronouncements have left us with more questions than answers. Neither her sibling, dear Aunt Inez, nor Cousin Gwen Valentine, nor our relative Ms. Riley could shed light upon, or had any knowledge of, the Ignatius Sancho fatherhood. Remember now. They are from that age group. If the above statements do not wreck both arrogance and ignorance I really do know what does and/or what gives with that imbecile Kenneth Joyce Robertson. It is my understanding. Muriel Sancho (1912-2006) said the Name Change was from Sanchez or Sankey to Sancho. The fact remains it seems there was some mention of name change in the Sancho heritage. However, my mother never mentioned such a scenario to me. Cousin Gwen is believed to state the names of the three brothers are Bentick John and Robert Christopher Sancho. Again only an irresponsible person would take the wordings of ninety years old as totally accurate. What all they did in their lives was to reminiscence on the people of Sancho and/or what they had been told? How absurd. Any way I have not found a Robert Christopher Sancho. I have turned up Robert Johnstone Sancho...I am sure there were at least two persons with such a name.
I expected facts. I expected sources of data. To be quite frank except for seeking data and/or sources of data and also information respecting the people of Samuels I would be careless about the publication. I must also admit a man must know what evil thoughts to lurk in the minds of others. Muriel Sancho was far from whimsical. I can attest to a number of things she told me; I have not found proof that Sarah Denbow is my relative. I have not found concrete proof of three Sancho brothers came from England.
Further more. Muriel Sancho’s take is echoed by Cicely Abrams, her first cousin with more beef. Our Cousin stated Lambert Tuckness Bentick Sancho came to the colony of Demerara in 1815 or 1817. He was 31 years old. He came with several sons. He married. He raised up another family. Bentick Sancho is quite possibly one of his sons. She stated that this is her recollection as told to her by Eileen Esme Sancho as told to Aunt Eileen by Tuckness Sancho, her father. She also said Tuckness wrote several articles on the history of Golden Grove.
I believe her for I noticed two letters written by Tuckness Sancho in the early 1880s. Cicely’s take gives me great hope that the five unknown members of the kinship of Sancho buried in the vault at the cemetery in Golden Grove will be one day is revealed. I hope in the not too distant future. Also many persons have stated that Sancho migrated from Golden Grove / Buxton to Canje and the Corentyne and Suriname and French Guiana. Felix Bastiani, Olive Fraser and others have the same story as told to them by their ancestors. Boatswain, and Fraser, and others have Sancho DNA
Yes it’s true many slaves had the one name; Sancho. What occurred after the abolition of slavery on August 1, 1838? Many slaves took the slave masters’ names or some other European names for their surnames. The consensus is clear the people of Sancho today have no concrete data disclosing where our ancestors came from.
Also, I am with the Sumner ancestry. I am not with the porter take. I am with a great great-grandmother Mary Sancho being a descendant of that brutal overseer Thomas Sumner. I believe Mary Sumner is the maiden name of the grandmother of Alexander Sancho. Unless I see birth certificates of her children; Mary Sancho and Lammy Tuckness Sancho stating otherwise that’s what I will use as my thesis. I need to ascertain whether there were two persons named Bentick Sancho, alive in 1861. Could it be Bentick Sancho simply had several children’s mothers?
Are there more attacks upon the people of Sancho in the publication? Heavens forbid it. I really hope not. I am sick of reading Sancho attacking Sancho in print and in the judicial system in Guyana. Perhaps Kenneth Joyce Robertson would deem it fit to reedit that publication whenever there’s a second publishing.Kenneth Joyce Robertson needs to change or remove the commentary upon my mother. It is not accurate. He knows it is false. That would likely be the end of that. I will look up the sources of data. Kenneth Joyce Robertson could have saved me the time by sending me extractsthen again. It’s Kenneth Joyce Robertson’s prerogative....
There is no doubt that I am Sancho for I possess the DNA of Muriel Sancho, of Alexander Sancho, of Limy Tuckness Sancho, of Bentick Sancho, and others before them. The question which begs to be answered does Kenneth Joyce Robertson? DNA test could solve some questions - but it does not do so absolutely...It cannot - replace the human touch - the bonding amongst people who understood them to be closely related. Now is the time of decision - time to separate the wolves from the sheep....
There it is
This, indeed, is a reference to Bentinck Sancho. There are actually two Bentinck Sanchos!
The first Bentinck Sancho is at the center and focus of what can be called the Sancho Folklore. It encompasses the "known unknowns." Quintessentially, we are looking at a whole series of questions.
Then there is the second Bentinck Sancho which would deal with things that we do know. Even in this area of our endeavors, there are still loads of questions. The answers are there, except that we have not located, studied, and analyzed them yet. This body of work would be expected to be historical but factual. It will be expected to be substantiated by records - both public and/or private. For the past seven or more years of unstinting research, we have been intrigued by the "Ignatius Sancho Factor."
Our dear cousin Muriel Sancho Ross has left us with the proposition that there were three brothers Sancho, grandsons of the African "man of letters" Charles Ignatius Sancho of England. This theory is further presented as a genealogical fact, which is translated into making all the Sanchos of British Guiana, now Guyana. descendants of Ignatius Sancho through his three "grandsons," BENTINCK, Tuckness, and John.
Despite the stellar scholastic achievements of cousin Muriel and her love for this family, her pronouncements have left us with more questions than answers. Neither her sibling, dear Aunt Inez, nor cousin Gwen Valentine, nor our relative Ms. Riley could shed light upon, or had any knowledge of, the Ignatius Sancho fatherhood. Remember now, they are from that age group.
Relentless searches at the FRC (Family Records Center) m London have not produced any birth records for Bentinck. Tuckness and John. At the same time, earlier parish records have divulged birth and baptismal records for the children of Ignatius Sancho. Going even further back the record of the marriage of Charles Ignatius Sancho to his beloved Ann Osborne is available. Everything
Monday, December 20, 2010
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