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Monday, August 1, 2011

Between 25 -29 Ideal Age for Marriage?

What are legitimate reasons for heterosexuals to have been never married past their thirtieth birthday even in a metropolitan environment in a developed nation?
I suppose that the best average age range for people to be married is between their twentieth -fifth and twentieth - ninth birthday.
It seems to me. The majority of mothers of the past and prior to the 1960s were concerned and committed to witnessing the weddings and early years of the marriages of all of their daughters.
I suppose mothers preferred their daughters being married and reproducing before their twentieth-ninth birthday. The mothers insisted their daughters be married. They were not that committed to the career aspirations of their daughters. The preferred orientation was marriage and family was over above and beyond that of career pursuits.
It seems to me. During the twentieth century in civilized communities in the Americas teenage pregnancies were common place in the societies.
It is therefore, not at all difficult to imagine that in prior centuries teenage mothers were not at all unusual in Eastern, western and indigenous societies.
Teenaged pregnancies and mothers became somewhat of a travesty in civilized societies. And that's just another rather unfortunate stereotype females face in this age of information. It is high time. Our people reject such notions as horrific and/or denigrating.

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