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Monday, April 21, 2014

Who benefits from the natural resources found in Guyana?

Europe ganging Up on Africans? 1958 Malcolm X Herald –Dispatch
“What would happen if people would sit in churches throughout the world for centuries with the images of an African-American man as Savior of the world before them? What would this do to the minds of the world’s children? What would happen to the world’s children put under a figure of a particular race presented, pitiable, and in pain, “the savior of all men”?
 “False worship is the worst form of oppression”. Quern Surah 3, verse 64 – Muslim Journal October 28, 2007 pp. 4
Questions for Heads of States, politicians, political platforms, office holders and aspirants to the highest offices in the land, non-governmental organizations, political and social activists, and electorate.
“The question of how much food goes into the kitchen is never decided in the kitchen” - Adamson, sugar without slaves pp78/79.
The village political activists of the 1860s were among the first Creoles to petition that they be directly represented in the legislature.
Who from Victoria, Buxton, Friendship, Golden Grove and Nabaclis are listed among them?
It’s high time. In fact it is past due, that the Guyanese people exhibit political awareness and stop repeating the same mistakes as they have done in every election since April 1953. The electorate must elect the legislators.  The executives of political parties must not be allowed to continue choosing the Members of Parliament. The membership of all branches of government must be elected by the people of Guyana.

Who prints the national currency?
Who owns the central bank of the nation?
Who owns the national currency?
Who runs the country?
Who is the ultimate decision maker of the nation?
Who sets the national debt ceiling, interest rates and credit?
Who establishes the rate of exchange the value of the national currency?
Is the nation an independent state?
Is the nation an imitation nation under the grip of neo-colonialism the Rothschild family?
Who benefits from the natural resources found in Guyana?
What are you development programs aimed at eradicating the national debt?
What steps are currently being undertaken to extricate the people and state of Guyana from the vice of the Rothschild owned   financial institutions?
How and/or when if at all, the Guyanese society will be freed from the international and regional loan sharking agencies preying upon the national resources?
Why the Guyanese people are left out of the decision making process which impact their lives?
Why is the callous actions of Burnham, Hoyte, Jagan and Jagdeo the responsibility of the current and future generations of Guyanese?
Why the Guyanese people were not consulted in what amounted to definitive moments in the life of the nation?
Why must the Guyanese people continue to suffer from the effects Burnham - to a lesser degree – and more so Hoyte, Jagan and Jagdeo borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Development Bank (IDB), Inter-America Development Bank, World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank and/or other similar financial institutions?
 What are your programs aimed at the nation housing, feeding and clothing itself completely in the not too distant future?  Why are building materials and other consumer products which aren’t necessary permitted in Guyana? No nation or state can survive without being a producing entity. Guyana must become a producing nation if it is to survive as a somewhat independent state. No consumer geo-political boundary can survive as a force to be reckoned with in any dimension be it regional or international.  Decisions attributed to Hoyte, Jagan, Jagdeo   and Ramotar have not, cannot, will not and were not intended to aspire Guyana to motor along the course to developed nation status. I am aware of any politician and/or political platform advocating the necessary course of actions to direct the Guyanese people and the nation out of the doldrums, out of the vice-grip of the Rothschild family.
I know it high time the issue of the Legalization of Marijuana of be approved in all branches of government and societies in Guyana.  In fact, the Legalization of Marijuana is long overdue. A referendum on the Legalization of Marijuana must be put the Guyanese people. I know Guyanese society needs a similar system to that of the electoral system of the USA devoid of the issues affecting that process. I am referring to a ballot exhibiting a slate of issues upon which the people are asked to respond directly. The voters responses is then approved if affirmative becomes the law of the geopolitical boundary. If rejected the proponents have the choice of keep trying or fold.
The Guyanese society has not managed the Human resources for its development.  Since May 26, 1966 Guyanese human resources has made major impact on the lives of people who experienced institutions of higher learning in the UK, USA Canada and the Caribbean basin. The Guyanese society were not permitted to benefit from the talents of Dr. Walter Rodney (1942-1980) at the University of Guyana on two occasions by the PNC regime. The Guyanese people were not consulted in the decision making process. Ultimately the Guyanese people were the losers’ as a result of those decisions. Similarly, Guyanese people are losers’ when top class Guyana born academics and intellectuals and professionals are gainfully employed at companies, co-operations’, government agencies, colleges and universities beyond the Guyanese geo-political boundary.  Job creation and career opportunities must be realized to encourage human resources to remain in the country. If not the brain drain and migration will continue unabated in the future. Again decisions at the polling place ultimately affect the lives of the people. Education must be utilized as a vehicle for creating patriotic nationals.   Education reform demanding a curriculum exhibiting of works of Guyanese on humanities and social sciences relative to the Guyanese experience by Guyana birthed scholars must be the focus of the formal education system in Guyana, immediately.  Arts and Literature, and Social sciences and humanities and Local Government Administration must be in the curriculum - from prekindergarten to university - before December 31, 2016   . Schools of Medicine, and Dental sciences, and legal profession must be established at the University of Guyana.
School for the training of nurses, technical institutes, teachers training colleges must be established in every town.  Police stations, fire stations, hospitals and post office must be located in every town
Organized cricket and soccer and other forms of entertainment must be controlled at and/or by the local district administration in all communities
Health centers, Infant leagues and cooperative banking for agriculture, institutions in every community must be controlled by the local district administration in the communities
Job creation programs must be established. Thereby providing employment opportunities for housewives. Balancing the household budgets is a major weapon in controlling the epidemic of domestic violence. Added sources of income reduces the burden on the bread-winner. It is likely such steps would go a long way at perhaps eventually eradicating the scrooge of domestic violence from the Guyanese society. Job creation programs must also be created to encourage the Youths perhaps ages of 15-19 to become gainfully employed in a field which they are likely to embrace as a career. incarcerated must also be afforded opportunities to aspire to refrain from violating the laws of Guyana and become productive and honorable humans in the society.
Reform Constitutional Reform Local Government Reform, Election Reform Education Reform

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