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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Rodney Commission of Inquiry is a Distraction

To hell with Jagdeo-Ramotar and their PPP regime of Show Niggers, House Niggers, Cut-Throats. The current PPP administration is a cartel of criminal minds hell-bent on accumulating material benefits on the blood, sweat and tears of the Guyanese people. They are all Vampires. Those Vampires are all sucking the lifeblood of the nation for some 22 years of incredible violence, and mayhem. I totally agree with Robert Burchell Octave Hart, were Guyana a totally Indian nation most members of the PPP would have been executed. East Indians in their natural state would not have put up with any of the leadership of the PPP.
I also put it to you - the decline in the population resident in Guyana is directly linked to the Jagdeo-Ramotar criminal cartel. No commission of inquiry is necessary to absolve Jagan and Burnham from this current mess. But is it accurate? What is the percentage of foreigners masquerading as Guyanese? I bet the numbers of Chinese are at its highest mark since Indentured laborers arrived in British Guiana in 1853.  I am surprised by the low numbers said to be recorded in Berbice. I expected Corriverton to have a huge number exceeding New Amsterdam. What does census in Guyana mean?
What does it mean to the current generations of Guyanese if DNA samples of Burnham, Reid, Greene, Hoyte, T. Anson Sancho, Jeffry Thomas, David Granger, Norman McLean, Robert Corbin, GDF officers, Police officers, PPP politicians, and other PNC politicians and their lackeys are found on the components which snuffed out the spirit of Walter Rodney from the body? The answer in two words - Absolutely nothing.  It matters not even if the DNA of Clement Rohee, Lall and Gajraj were found on those materials.
The commission of inquiry is a distraction. Notwithstanding the appearance of Baba Eusi Kwayana. I wished he had not graced those proceeding with his presence. I don’t expect any bombshell revelations.  It does not matter. PPP has staged another show. Negroes and blacks fighting with each other reminiscent of scavengers on the remains of dead men named Walter Rodney and Forbes Burnham. The commission of inquiry is another PPP production a vain attempt at distracting people from the shenanigans of their criminal enterprise.  I wonder: how Burnham would have feared in a debate against Rodney? I heard Rodney defeated T. Anson Sancho in a debate – and that maybe the origins of T. Anson Sancho’s participation against Walter Rodney. My interest in Burnham and Rodney are their lineages, their ancestral connections to Golden Grove, Nabaclis, Buxton Friendship Victoria, Ann’s Grove and Barbados, how does Burnham and Rodney relate to a number of Sampson, Rodney, Hoyte, Baird, Primo and Portsmouth people and others  of those communities?  I guess the legal minds are the winners. I know the Guyanese people are the losers, as always.
That ridiculous female spokesperson for the PPP, Priya Manickchand, why is she so distasteful? The US ambassador is wrong. Central governments can function in any society without the input and the impact of local government.  However, the Central government functions in the interest of the people whenever the representatives are chosen by the people without the machinations of special interests as  has been the experiences of the American people predating the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912.  Since that election the US government has been nothing but the handmaiden of the international banking cartel lead by the Rothschild family.  Therefore the US ambassador needed to be told to keep his butt out of Guyanese affairs. Yet Guyanese politicians and technocrats threw the door wide open for foreigners to run their mouths in national affairs. Ok PPP show some testosterones break off diplomatic relations with US and the Eurocentric world. Who needs them? Their record in Guyana is atrocious, at best. There is India and China, and Japan and right next door, a boundary away, BRAZIL.  It won’t surprise me one bit if the US ambassador has the last laugh. I am referring to the possibility of The DEA office in Georgetown being the catalyst in the US law enforcement agencies bring numerous PPP officials and other politicians to face the criminal justice industry in the USA. I would love nothing more than to witness Guyanese politicians behind bars where most of them belongs, anyway.

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