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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who is Bentick Sancho; Proto-Bantu or Nilo-Saharan?

 Do you share ancestral lineages with Allick Samcho in the Americas and M’Lilwana Osanku at home or in India? 
It is most unfortunate numerous relatives refuse to assent to DNA testing and genetic genealogy. This researcher is most disappointed with himself, secondly Leebert Sancho and thirdly, those he baby sat especially children of the daughters of Muriel Sancho. This Sancho is sure a small number of his so-called first cousins are indeed exactly that. He cannot conceive the possibility acknowledged descendants of Ric Sancho, Charlie Sancho and Elsa Sancho, Uncle Christy and Clarence Sancho  are not his biological relatives. Anson Sancho and Leebert Sancho bore striking resemblance. Wendila Sancho and Venica Sancho seemed extremely close. This Sancho once referred to Wendy Sancho as Venis Sancho at JFK International Airport. That phase belief is done and dusted. It’s the era of knowing. DNA is truth. This Sancho stands on truth – without malice. 
In 70 years, in this incarnation this human have been labeled numerous ridiculous names. None of them are known to ancestors 1415-1655 AD. The references to being enslaved are irrelevant in the scheme of things. His personal choices are acknowledged. Perhaps, none of his melanin dominant human ancestors were aware of Caucasians other than Arabs. 
Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho were not legally known as Sancho, until the early 1830s AD. And not only that, Concrete evidence exhibiting they are siblings have not been accessed. This researcher suppose there are no slave burial grounds in Berbice, Demerara, and Essequebo. Church records perhaps beginning in the 1839s maybe useful. Slave Registers covered the period 1814 -1833. Thomas Sumner is another human experience which has eluded this researcher. Is that ancestor indeed a member of the Porter family? Having accessed English males Henry Trotman, James Bradshaw Sharples (1792 -1859) and Thomas Porter (1748 -1815) why not Thomas Sumner? It is possible Thomas Porter II (1790-1857) and Thomas Sumner are names of the same human experience. 
The human remains and identities of Sancho great-great-great-grandparents couple are likely lost to history. Perhaps, records of marriages Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho would reveal their names and ethnic groups. 
This researcher is interested in ancestors and collateral relatives. He needs to be enlightened. 

      1. He needs the names of the mother of Mary Maude McPherson, grandparents,  and  great-grandparents of Mary Maude McPherson. 
      2. He needs the names of the parents, grandparents,  and  great-grandparents of Jacob Martin.  
      3. He needs the names of the Martin immigrants from Barbados to British Guiana. 
      4. He needs the names of his Campbell and Martin ancestors and collateral relatives in Barbados and British Guiana.
      5. He needs the names of the mother of James Campbell, grandparents, and  great-grandparents of James Campbell. 
      6. He needs to link with descendants of Friday Campbell. He needs to compare DNA, segments on chromosomes.  
      7. He needs to ascertain beyond a shadow of doubt whether Friday Campbell is the biological father of James Campbell. 

M’Lilwana Osanku and MaaNgala Oni Shankalla is not the cub you were once aware of. That chapter closed in September 1981.  He has grown considerably. He is fully accustomed to solitary existence on the periphery of western behaviors. He refused to be absolutely enslaved. However, he still have not found what he is looking for – absolute knowledge of self. He cannot definitively answer  the questions; Where are you from? Who am I? - who are you? What is the absolute meaning of Sancho? Is he Proto-Bantu? Is he Nilo-Saharan? Who are his ancestors and collateral relatives prior to our Demerary experience?
The process of DNA inheritance is not absolutely understood. AncestryDNA exhibits Leon Sears and this Sancho share 14 cM | < 1% shared DNA. This Sancho proposes  Leon Sears is 4th cousin 1x removed of M’Lilwana Osanku.  He further  proposes the parents of Bentick Sancho  is our Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) of  Leon Sears and M’Lilwana Osanku. However, the shared matches tool on AncestryDNA does not exhibit shared DNA matching daughters of Waveney Lutchman with this Sancho. What then is this? Perhaps, the common DNA inheritance is too low for Ancestry. GEDmatch is useful to shed more light. George Sancho, Joshua Sancho, Swanton Sancho (Swanton Christopher), Emily Christopher Callaghan, and Adelaide Sancho, are descendants of  Bentick Sancho or Tuckness Sancho or some unknown Sancho. Emily Christopher Callaghan, and M’Lilwana Osanku are descendants of Sancho.   M’Lilwana Osanku wonders what the DNA of Kipling DeFreitas, Elvis Trotman and other Lutchman expose respecting lineages. 
Veena Mootoo,  one the daughters of Leslie Mootoo and this Sancho shows no matches on AncestryDNA. However, comparison of DNA of Veena Mootoo as per AncestryDNA on GEDmatch shows matches under 5 cM  of shared DNA on numerous chromosomes with MLilwana Osanku. However, several Indians including  Farzaanah Ullah,  Victoria Thekkekandam, and Thomas Thekkekandam birthed in South India exhibited to be his fourth and fifth cousin.  That then is concrete evidence Veena Mootoo and this Sancho share ancestral lineages. It is not necessary Mootoo and/or only Mootoo. The records of  immigration, travel,  indenture ship and biological are needed.  Leslie Mootoo or his spouse likely share ancestral lineages with M’Lilwana Osanku in India.  
Patrick Barker and Claude Seymour continues to rise in esteem respecting this creatures thought process.

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