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Friday, January 20, 2023

Hebrews are Melanin Dominant Humans

"Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men." - Marcus Garvey, (1887-1940)

“Igbos are Hebrews” - Remy Ilona

Hebrews are among Akan, Beta Israel, Hausa, Igbo, Lemba. Mende, Soninke, Urhobo, Yoruba and other groups. Obviously, Not one of them are white people. Jews are recessive genetic. Jews are melanin deficient creatures. Jews subscribe to Judaism. Zionists are adherents to a socioeconomic system of world domination. Hebrews are melanin dominant humans. 

Wake Up! Semitic peoples among Melanin Dominant Humans, Zionists control the plantation economy including the entertainment and information industrial complexes. Recessive genes’ colonization of information cannot repudiate the scientific truth of DNA

This POW demand Zionists detail objections to content presented in Hebrews to Negroes. 

The National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) need to force Adam Silver, and NBA, Joe Tsai and Nets, ADL to admit  they conspired to violate the Natural Rights, Human Rights and Civil Rights of Kyrie Irving

 This POW advocate Kyrie Irving seek litigation, redress of grievances, Reparatory justice from Adam Silver, and NBA, Joe Tsai and Nets. 

Please note if your ancestors were among the Akan, Yoruba, Igbo, Soninke, Lemba, Beta Israel, Baka, Tutsi, Mende and a number of other groups of our people – chances are your DNA will reveal you have Semitic peoples in your ancestral lineage. And therefore perhaps you are a Hebrew. But certainly while you may very well be ignorant of knowledge of self – you cannot be anti-Semitic. 

This Prisoner of War (POW) is conscious enough to understand; the Zionist information industrial complex (IIC) controls the narrative. The IIC decides who and what is Hebrew and Jew; hero or villain; friend or enemy. Melanin Dominant Humans must wake up. MDHs must stop the predation of our natural resources. MDHs must stop supporting character assassinations of our people. MDHs must stop buying assassinations of our people, globally

No more character assassinations of our people. No more assassinations of our people 

The Information Industrial Complex (IIC) popularizes deceit and misinformation. This Prisoner of War is referring to such labels as Africa and African. This Prisoner of War is aware; prior to the defeat of Hannibal, no autochthon called themselves, African. It’s tiresome. This Prisoner of War demands no more unnecessary wars on MDHs.  This Prisoner of War demands no more predation of our natural resources.

This Prisoner of War (POW) is conscious enough to understand; there is only one creature on earth that is classified as human. 

Race, ethnicity, class, and religion are not natural. They are man-made constructs. Those social sciences are utilized for exploitation and control of population control. 

This Prisoner of War is of the opinion man-made constructs which do not facilitate the greatest good of life on earth is unnecessary 

Science does not lie. Humans are liars. 

  1. When were religions, Hebrews, Jews, Race, ethnicity, class, Semites and antiemetic invented?  
  2. Who invented those containers?
  3. Who do Jews teach are the earliest historical Hebrews? 
  4. Are Yuya and Akhenaten mentioned as Hebrews in Jewish information outlets?
  5. Do the Hebrew peoples predate Kemet? If you are aware they do. When and where is the beginning of the Hebrews? 
  6. How old are Hebrews, Jews and religions? 

Recommended reading Williams, Joseph John 1930 Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger with the Jews . : Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial Press; Longmans, Green & Co., New York, Toronto, 1930

Long Live John Henrik Clarke 
Long Live Yosef Ben Jochannan
Long Live Hebrews
Long Live Melanin Dominant Humans, everywhere
Long Live Jews

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