A Hymn of Praise to RA¯ When he Riseth in the Eastern Part of Heaven; states the following;
“Hail, Tatunen, thou One, thou Creator of mankind and Maker of the substance of the gods of the south and of the north, of the west and of the east. “O come and acclaim ye Rā, the lord of heaven, “the Prince (Life, Health, Strength!), the Creator “of the gods, and Adore ye him in his beautiful form “at his rising in the A¯t·et boat. They who dwell “in the heights and they who dwell in the depths.
Hail Tatunen, One, creator of mankind and of the substance of the gods of the south and of the north, of the west and of the east. Ascribe [ye] praise unto Ra, the lord of heaven, the Prince, Life, Health, and Strength, the Creator of the gods, and adore ye him in his beautiful presence as he riseth in the atet boat. They who dwell in the heights and they who dwell in the depths worship thee. Thoth and Maat both are thy recorders. Thine enemy is given to the Fire, the evil one hath fallen; his arms are bound, and his legs hath Ra taken from him. The children of impotent revolt shall never rise up again.
Tatunen, or Tenen was, like Seb with whom he was identified, the god of the earth; his name is often joined to that of Ptah, and he is then described as the creator of gods and men, and the maker of the egg of the sun and of the moon. Papyrus of ANI – The Egyptian Book of the Dead. (c. 1240 BC) Translated by E A Wallis Budge
Also, there is no such deity as Atum and Amon-Ra in the text.
Numerous melanin dominant individuals simply parrot European poisons. The Christian Negro is the perfect example of an initiation European. There are also afflicted with other Whites diseases, such as First of the month, Black History Month, Emancipation Day, Independence Day, Mothers’ Day, and Fathers’ Day and Valentine’s Day and so on. I would like to think you grasp the point. Most of our people are programmed in deceit, greed and treachery. Which reenforced the conditioning of powerlessness. This sad reality is the scrambled frequencies motivates our people to trade their labor for access to capital – Rothschild money supply – to acquire material possessions. Most of which are trinkets. Materialistic people are no different from the Africans who caught and/or sold our ancestors to Arabs and Europeans in exchange for mirrors, and alcohol and/or whatever the useless commodity was. Now in the recent past and current times our people identify themselves with European constructs. Poisonous minds cannot and will not free our people. Our people must eradicate the European nonsense of cow jumping over the Moon is education. At this late date, Europeans labeled January 29, 2021, there are far too many millions of Africans imitating Cutteridge and other enemies of our people. Generational culture genocide is continually handcuffing efforts to liberate Africans and Africa from the super predators of the planet.
The delusional claims European concepts especially images of white male privilege and white supremacists such as Jesus Christ, technocrats as representation of the people, and heads of State will free our people. It’s always most definitely disgusting to hear such nonsense in the era of Zionist European man-made Armageddon. The current Fear and Panic Season called COVID-19 is now some three weeks past one year. Yet the ridiculous continue to expect the European colonization called God to save them. Our people are programmed to pray. And are absolutely powerless. Our enemies are indoctrinated from early ages to prey upon melanin dominant people for their survival and domination of the planet. Africans must wake up or perish.
The Education system in British Guiana and that in neocolonial Guyana never programmed Africans to be Africans. Then, the question which our people need to answer is – who does the process serve?
When this Mande decipher the evidence of the machinations and shenanigans of the technocrats in Guyana, 2019 – August 2020, he is reminded of the Chief House Negro in Charge (CHNIC) syndrome in the era of the Plantation System. Our people aspired then to be called Boss this, Boss that and Boss the other. In current times the Leader of the Opposition is acceptable if being the Head of state is not available. And the masses continually fall in love with bullshitting opportunistic people. In this incarnation, this Mande bear witness from Eisenhower to Biden. None of them were on the side of the people. None of them are in the best interest of the people. John Fitzgerald Kennedy exposed our people to the Truth. Kennedy pointed to the secret society and the military industrial complex. Kennedy issued American money. It’s called Greenbacks. His brains was exposed in Dallas in November 1963. Kennedy paid the ultimate price for exposing truth and trying to free the American people. .
The situation in Guyana is simply another episode of the ridiculousness of our people. If you aren’t disillusioned by the behaviors of the technocrats in Guyana, the English speaking Caribbean and Latin American – you need to wake up. Trump simply exposed the technocrats of America, Britian, Canada, European Union, Organization of American States, CARICOM, Caribbean Court of Justice, Guyana Supreme Court, the PPP and the COALITION Government as minor cowardly predators. Whenever, COALITION enters the awareness Hyenas surfaces in the thought process. It’s absolutely clear, the Republicans are definitely disgusting.The Republicans defend White males’ privileges and white supremacists at all costs. The GOP are repeatedly exposed as wolves. Yet millions of non-white people support the asininity of the Republicans. This Sancho is with two possible reasons for the sad state of affairs in Guyana. One – a number of teachnocats were satisfied with their exchange. Otherwise, they are just plain absolute cowards. Fear factor perhaps dominated those awful delusional decisions. Basil Williams is either rather dumb or a coward and/or both. COALITION supporters must take their struggle to the world court and every possible forum. Don’t pray. Praying solves nothing. Become proactive. Otherwise, simply prepare to bury thousands of Africans especially males. COALITION supporters need to show they learned from party politics, January 1950 – January 2021. COALITION. supporters must demand they not they political parties must choose the representation of the people.
What have you learned from previous Bharat Jagdeo administrations? This Sancho says again, militancy or servitude. None have your best interest. Sancho is simply telling it as it is. it’s your choice.
MaaNgalai Shankalla speaks MaaNgala Oni Shankalla is a spirit.
MaaNgala Oni Shankalla is imprisoned by the DNA of Sancho, Campbell, Semple, McPherson, Martin, Ross, Mootoo, Young, Sumner, and Solomon. He is not aware of the names of other ancestors. He suppose Sanko, Sankoh and Sonko are among the ancestors in West Africa. He is focused on the upheavals in West Africa 642 – 1782 AD. Perhaps, a people’s oral traditions sing the praises of his ancestors. He also think Bentick is among the unknown ancestors in the Americas.
It’s clear enemies of the Global Black Experience are relentless pursuing their agendas against our people. Our enemies are always perpetuating negative energy,, frequencies and vibrations among our people. It’s always using Africans against Africans, African cultural traditions and in the exploitation of Africa’s natural resources for the benefit of Zionists, Europeans, Arabs, Chinese and Indians. Our people’s response is all too often, doing absolutely nothing. Reference to praying to imaginary beings whose images are also colonized by Arabs, Jews and Europeans is simply doing absolutely nothing, period.
On page nine, in the Richard H Wilkerson publication, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, the statements, “Hail Atum – who made the sky, who created that which exists…Lord of all that is, who gave birth to the gods!” , are said to be Spell 79. and are found in the Book of Coming Forth by Day and by Night. However, there is no such language in the Book of Coming Forth By Day and By Night. Europeans labeled the text the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
“Depart, poison, go forth from Sancho.
May Sancho live! and may the poison die,
May the poison die, and may Sancho live!” – paraphrased from The Book of the Coming Forth by Day and by Night.
“The Blackman by NATURE (AMEN/AMENET) is devine. The White man by NATURE is other than devine.” – Malcolm X
“… the time would come, when every man’s got to find where he does come from. I’ve been rebuked and I’ve been scorned. Rejected of men now I’m born, to live a new, so won’t you too, let’s live and love in peace and harmony. And say we are free. In my fig tree, where I want to be” – Bunny Wailer, Fig tree, Blackheart Man, 1976.
“There is a general consensus among anthropologists that Ardipithecus kadabba, found by Dr. Yohannes Haile Selassie while working with Dr.Tim White in Ethiopia and dated at 5.8 million years ago, was a bipedal . “What makes Ardipithecus kadabba unique is the combination of apelike dentition along with evidence of bipedal locomotion and an overall hominid-like skeleton.”This entry was posted on January 30, 2021 at 1:57 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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