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Saturday, August 31, 2024

World War One and World War Two soldiers from British Guiana

Please point M'Lilwana Osanku to where he may be able to locate a listing of the soldiers from British Guiana , members of “The British West Indian Regiment”, and “South Caribbean Force” who participated in World War One and World War Two?

M'Lilwana Osanku is particularly interested in sources of materials. Osanku  needs the dates soldiers were enlisted, transported out of the colony and the dates they returned. 

How about reports concerning soldiers published in the Daily Argosy (British Guiana), and  Daily Chronicle (British Guiana) and other such newspapers?

Such data will be fine with Osanku. The information  would likely identify folks now unknown.

M'Lilwana Osanku is aware The Most Honorable Leopold Duncan Sarrabo (1864-1961), tells us, in his Historical Review of Golden Grove Village: Events, Improvements and Achievements, 1848 -1948, twenty five men from Golden Grove served in Egypt , France and Belgium in World War 1 of 1914-18. Mr. Sarrabo listed twenty-one of twenty-five soldiers from Golden Grove.  Their names are Matthias Harding; Arthur Pompey who rose to be Corporal; Arthur Rodney; John De Souza; Arnold Thomas; John Graham; Jimmy Hercules; Lionel Waterman; Tommy Kendall; Samuel Charles; Augustus Toney; Iris Lopes; Joseph Lopes; George Wilson; Thomas Lewis; Sway Sydney; B. Sydney; Willie Franklin; Reggie Rodney; Jephtah Glasgow; and Thomas Eversley. Mr. Sarrabo there is four others whose names he could not now recall.

 M'Lilwana Osanku is interested at this moment in the heritage of Willie Franklin; Jephtah Glasgow; Jimmy Hercules, Thomas Lewis, Arnold Thomas, George Wilson and Thomas Eversley. Please facilitate soonest.  Who are the folks M'Lilwana Osanku need to consult who ought to be able to advice him on the methods and/or approaches necessary to accomplish the goal? 

M'Lilwana Osanku  would love to be made aware of the names of the four others and those from the villages of the East Coast of Demerara. They are more than likely to be relatives of Campbell , Sancho and Young/e.

Thanks a million.

Are you aware of the following publications?

  1. Race, War and Nationalism: a social history of West Indians in the First World War  (Glenford Deroy Howe)
  2. ·The British West Indian Regiment, 1914-1918, Journal of Caribbean History, Volume 7 November 1973.  (C. L. Joseph)
  3. ·The British Caribbean who, what, why (Lloyd Sydney Smith) 1st- ed.; 1955/56 and 1965.   [It is likely several editions have survived]

 Newspaper Articles

  1. ·        ‘Rogue or Recruit? The British Guiana Daily Argosy (27 January 1916), p. 4.  
  2. ·        ‘Decamps after promising to enlist', The British Guiana Daily Argosy (6 May 1916), p. 4.  
  3. ·        “Bobo” Reece recalled', The Barbados Globe (31 May 1916), p. 3. ...
  4. ·        ‘Teasing BG recruits', The British Guiana Daily Argosy (4 May 1916), p. 4.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Guyana cricket is smiling and suffering

 This then young Mande in British Guiana was disappointed when he was  made Guyana cricket will  not be made independent of West Indies cricket, in 1966.  

Is it possible Guyana cricket will become a major industry? When will Guyana cricket become a high earning foreign currency enterprise - for Guyanese?  Guyana cricket a dream defrauded. Why is Guyana cricket still in denial? Guyana cricket is smiling and suffering – the classic syndrome of illusion of inclusion - in West Indies cricket. It is past due for Guyana cricket to be proactive  in terms of the global market. It is obvious  to Guyanese and Guyana cricket

West Indies offer little or no opportunities to Indians, spinners, Guyana cricketers. How many more Guyanese must suffer the same and/or similar experiences as Chatterpaul Persaud, Randolph Ramnarace, Veerasammy Permaul, Chandrapaul Hemraj, Gudakesh Motie, Shimron Hetmyer, Anthony Bramble and Leon Johnson? How many more generations? 

Government need to get involved. Guyana cricket must start doing business with Indian nations’ teams. Berbice does not need West Indies cricket. Guyana does not need West Indies cricket. Berbice, Demerara and Essequebo must also be playing  regularly, against teams other than themselves. Berbice, Demerara and Essequebo ought to be regularly matched in three games series in the genres  against Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka  touring Guyana. And not only that Guyana should be touring those countries every two years.   Guyanese must stop participating in nonsense called West Indies cricket. Let Cricket West Indies die quickly. This POW can not wait to read the eulogies and obituaries of Cricket West Indies.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Pragmatic Historian, Researcher and Critical Thinker

 This Mande arrived in the physical realm armed with a pineal gland. During this incarnation, he has employed his third eye - his all-seeing eye - to gleam   historical truths and realities respecting life from the beginnings of the human experience to current times. He considers himself a pragmatic historian, researcher and critical thinker. He utilizes his natural spectacles through the lens of his understanding of "African" consciousness. On Friday, October 2, 2020, he tried explaining his views: the natural order of life is feminine;  nothing is  holy respecting the contents of the  so-called holy books; prenatal and immediate post natal period of humans offer glimpses of the evolution of human beings; non- DNA individuals are often found within nuclear families and kinship; Imhotep never referred to himself as an African; none of the indigenous Pharaohs referred to themselves as Egyptian, Nubian and African; there was not a single African before the Romans defeated Hannibal; therefore, Africa is not the name of the landmass and certainly, African is a misnomer assigned to our people. It is said The ancients referred to the area in which they swelled as the land of ancestors. Their ancestors came from the south, east of the River Nile. This Mande takes offense whenever he realize humans are perturbed at truthful revelations that has not been maliciously accessed. He was disappointed with his relatives of his  paternal grandmother for distancing themselves from the reality. She had numerous liaisons which produced children. Hence, this Mande is absolutely uncomfortable with their accounting of the descendants of his grandmother. How could they not be interested in the name and vital statistics of his mother and the other mothers of his father's children? On the other hand, a number of His maternal relatives, are not interested in either family history or gatherings of the people. A number are reluctant to express 

quite comfortable with gossiping, heresy and outrageous lies. The statement, "John Sancho was a sweet boy" is rubbish. Also, Bentick Sancho, John Sancho and Tuckness Sancho are siblings  is not documented. Therefore, is unfounded and unlikely to be  historical truth. Three Sancho brothers arrived in Demerara to purchase real estate is hogwash and utter foolishness. The Intelligent Sancho would utilize entries found in historical records for documentation of family history. The slave registers contradict the nonsense spewed by several Sancho people. The narrative must be change to reflect truth and reality as found in print media. It's that plain. It's that simple. This Mande is not interested in being popular among any group. He aspire to be historically accurate as humanly possible. He hates those who peddle misinformation. He hates lies, especially outrageous lies respecting his ancestors and other loved ones. Of course, he is finds the female falsely claiming the photograph of the  McDonald mother and son to be the images of his maternal grandparents, Alexander and Rachael, absolutely malicious and most disgusting. He is aware she made a  most putrid comment respecting the transition of his most beloved aunt in April 1966. Thus, he was not surprised at her shenanigans and stinking thinking in April 2029. Thus.  he questioned both her mindset and her DNA as per Sancho. There was a period he considered everyone with the surname his DNA relative. Those days are over. Those days are long gone. He is aware of several individuals who were adopted. A number of the children of adopted Sancho use the surname. Then, of course, Sancho males also received gifts,  from their spouses and other relationships. Forget the narratives of the two Sancho folk songs. Life experiences aren't one way streets.  It's likely this Mande stands alone. So what? - Muriel gone home, Oswald gone home, Baiya gone home, Colin gone home, Matthews gone home, East-to-West gone home, Bigman gone home, Tunka gone home, Burchell gone home, and one day, in the not too distant future, he will fly away home. If he stands alone - so be it . He is confident. The  future generations will appreciate his efforts, energy, frequencies and vibrations. He will be vindicated

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Why John Sancho mysteriously disappeared from the District?

"The people are doing nothing.  It is the Government who are rioting and shooting down the people." —Guyanese worker to British soldier: Guiana Chronicle, 5th December 1905  Guyana's 1905 Rebellion - Nigel Westmaas

I am cognizant; the thoughts you shared with me over the years – are as accurate as humanly possible. However, before I had any sense my mother would entice me with tales of her great grand father, Bentick Sancho,  and Tuckness Sancho and her nephew, Alwyn Sancho. I realized Muriel Sancho would become very emotional and very upset whenever she heard the Sancho folk songs. I realized the tales of males of the Sancho kinship as wanton womanizers did not sit well with my mother. I begun thinking John Sancho must have done something really outrageous in the late nineteenth century – before leaving the district for South Trinidad . I must engage myself in the task of locating the reasons for many questions concerning Sancho.
After several years; I still have not found out the reason why John Sancho mysteriously disappeared from the district. I believe it has to do with embezzlement of the village funds. I do not think John Sancho baby-making agenda was the main reason for his disappearance.
Now Cyril Whyte told me; when I locate more than ten children for my great uncles Christopher Sancho and Clarence Sancho, and especially the descendants of Portuguese and East Indians, only then I am really beginning to understand the characteristics of the rural experience in the era of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
After several years I have no definitive identification of the women of Bentick Sancho, and his brothers, John Sancho, and Tuckness Sancho. I believe; Mary Sancho, wife of Bentick Sancho is somehow related to the great grand mother of Winston English. I believe; Mary Sancho is a child of a slave master and a slave. I suspect the parents of Mary Sancho are slave master Bayley of Plantation Haslington – and a relative of Glasgow and Lewis.
Now after digging up – speaking to several folks – a clearer picture of the working people of Cove and John has emerged. While in the GDF I developed an interest in the exploits and trials of Oliver Hinckson. Well I was reliable informed the mother of Oliver Hinckson was birthed at Cove and John Front.
I believe; if the descendants of shareholders of the East Coast Villages become involved in genealogical networking – they would realize they are all inter-related people. Our relatives are located in Barbados as well as in West Africa and elsewhere.
In the final analysis, I am aware; I am unlikely to complete the task of documenting the history of the kinship of Sancho. However, I fully intend to proceed with such efforts which can and/or will be followed and completed by members of future generations of Sancho. That’s about the size of it.
Patrick Barker <PBarker12x@Earthlink.net> wrote:
Hi There Sancho boy. Remember when you started this search I told you that most of the people in Golden Grove, Nabaclis, Victoria, Buxton, Plaisance, Ann's Grove and other villages are related. In many cases this relationship cuts across racial lines. There are many instances where elder family members are ashamed to tell their youngsters how that relationship exist, because people disregarded family relationships and inter-marry their cousins.
My grandfather told me that young men were going to other villages and unknowingly marrying their cousins only to find out later how close that relationship is.
A perfect example is your friend Cutter Barker who only discovered that the woman his is marrying the next day was his cousin. Ironically they are both related to the Ward, Perry, English, Smith, Simon, Rodney, Lewis, Harry, Charles and many others. On my journey home, my Uncles will mention a name and then tell me how that family relationship exist.
That is why when you asked me to commence of the very journey you are taking I declined. I just did not want to be saddled with the headaches that I may encounter and may not be able to complete. I thought the task is too huge for my time frame.
Keep discovering my chap, you may soon elucidate what I may have forgotten. 
----- Original Message -----
From: M'lilwana Osanku
To: Leebert Sancho ; Sidney E. Marious
Cc: Patrick Barker ; Waveney Moore ; Claude Seymour ; Marcia Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: Bentley, Liverpool, Perry, Welch and Thom: Relatives of U. Leebert Sancho
Bentley, Liverpool , Perry, Welch and Thom: Relatives of U. Leebert Sancho
I was of the opinion Auntie Bertha and her sister, Auntie Daris, were birthed in Barbados – and migrated and settled in British Guiana , without other relatives. However, in recent times while in pursuit of members of the kinship of Sancho, I have encountered several persons who informed they are relatives of U. Leebert Sancho.
 A few days ago I spoke with David Kingston who told me he is a relative of Perry, Welch and Thom and those families are relatives of the mother of U. Leebert Sancho. David Kingston is well aware of the children of my Uncles; Lammy Sancho, Selly Sancho, Charlie Sancho and Oswald Sancho. However, David Kingston seems unfamiliar with the children of the sisters of the aforementioned members of Sancho.
David Kingston is also aware of the Cosbert brothers and Michael Sancho.
 The thought which crossed my mind is Patrick Barker is a member of the Perry clan. However, Patrick Barker never gave me the indication that he was aware of a relationship of Perry and Pile.  Therefore, I never thought there was a need to ask Patrick Barker about a possibility that he maybe related to U. Leebert Sancho.  
Prior to this I had heard from Lennox Bentley, and Liverpool who stated they are relatives of U. Leebert Sancho. I had assumed Bentley and Liverpool are members of the Campbell kinship. Now I am positive a closer look must be paid to the Barbadian migration to the communities of the East Coast of Demerara in the process of understanding the relationships of various members of our society.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Commenting on the State of West Indies Cricket, 1992-2006

 Commenting on the State of West Indies Cricket, 1992-2006
Sancho of Nabaclis
Sun, Jun 4, 2006 at 1:10 PM
Is it accurate? When Courtney Walsh and Curtly Ambrose retired West Indies’ cricket, crumbled. Were Walsh and Ambrose the last of the great West Indies fast bowlers? If the answer is yes then it most mean that there are no more fast bowlers that can handle their business as professional players in the field of cricket. Then if you disagree then - what is the problem? 
Why it is, individual fast bowlers are in and out of the team like revolving doors? Injuries are often the chosen wording of the explanations. Could it be the fast bowlers of this era are physically unfit?Are current fast bowlers professionally minded enough to acquire the standard of fitness necessary to participate at highest level for prolonging periods?  The great fast bowlers of the past, such as Constantine, Gilchrist, Hall, Griffith, Boyce, Roberts, Holding, Daniels, Croft, and Garner were unbelievable.
What measures should West Indies Cricket board enforces to ensure the test match cricketers are in the best possible physical shape to perform at their peak? The decline of great West Indian fast bowling is the chief culprit for the poor performances the West Indies’ teams have delivered in the last fourteen years. However, when poor quality of batting is a feature of the teams the problems are highlighted. The banning of Gilchrist and the tragic passing of Collie Smith were severe blows which the teams of Alexander, Worrell and Sobers had to over come. The decline of Hall and Griffith, with none capable of taking their places, in the late 1960s was the main factor resulting in the poor record Sobers acquired as captain of West Indies teams. Sobers’ teams were always well equipped with talented and great batsmen. However, except for Gibbs, Hall, Griffith, and Sobers the bowling left much to be desired. 
Kanhai inherited an aging team. Lloyd completed the rebuilding process which begun under Sobers. Richards continued with the Clive Lloyd Team mentality. The team capitulated under Ritchie Richardson. The team has not recovered. However, under Walsh, Lara, and Hooper teams have shown flashes, periodically, giving rise to building what turned out to be false hopes, nothing but mirages. It is said Franklyn Rose and Brian Lara were disgusted with Richardson sexual orientation, and that carried over to the test matches. Rumor has it that Richardson is a homosexual, and that played a major role in the destruction of the West Indies’ test teams, beginning with the omission of Rose from the squads.
The rise of holding, pairing him with Roberts, marked the beginnings of the unleashing of the fury of very fast and intimidating bowling which lifted West Indies’ cricket to the very top of the cricketing world. The West Indies’ teams enjoyed a prolonged reign because fast bowlers of high standard followed Roberts and Holding in quick succession. They included Daniels, Croft, Garner, Clarke, Marshall, Davis, Ambrose, Walsh, and Bishop. However, there were several others who merited selection but could not be included in the teams. They just happened when there was an abundance of talented bowlers. Now there is a famine. Your thoughts – share them - will you?

Where are the Blacks who resided at Cove and John?

Where are the Blacks who resided at Cove and John?
Sancho of Nabaclis 
Monday, September 18, 2006 10:33 AM
I received a most welcomed shock on Saturday, August 16, 2006. I engaged in a conversation with a relative of Wilkinson.
I was told the following;
Ossie Bland married a Miller.
Leebert Sancho is his classmate
Richmond , Miller, Poole, and Kippins, resided at Cove and John Front Lands .
They are his relatives.
Leila Rutherford, a Registered Nurse, who is resident in Jamaica , is aware of the genealogy of the kinships of Adams , Luke, and Samuels.
Although birthed in Albousytown his mother is from the district, Cove and John Front Lands . Oliver Hinckson is his younger brother. Well, that’s perhaps the reason why I found Oliver to be charismatic character. I thought Oliver was Buxtonian in nature.
Observation and Questions: Cove and John 
At the beginning of the twentieth century Cove and John still possessed a huge African population. However, at some point Cove and John became an East Indian Village. When I became intimate with the district, the population of Cove and John was over- whelming Indian. However, the majority of the names of the folks resting in peace in the cemetery in the village were predominately African.
  1. What happened to the blacks who resided at Cove and John?
  2. Did the transformation of Cove and John take place during the political upheavals of the 1960s?
Sidney E. Marious, 
Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 11:47 AM
Wegmans, Poole, Mr Gam who had the bakery, Millers, Simon by the side line with Victoria, Barrington who repaired shoes, Ainsworth opposite Hastings, Ms Mackie, Lutchman, Gibson next to Mr Simon, George Mailer ( Wilson), Barrow by the playground, cousin Doey mother of Bella Benn, Donald Jackman lived across from Cove school.

Precise in footwork, high on confidence, flawless in shot-selection; Bravo

 Precise in footwork, high on confidence, flawless in shot-selection; Bravo
Sancho of Nabaclis
Sun, Jun 4, 2006 at 1:15 PM

While reading the articles in the online version of the Guyana Chronicle, I encountered this description - Precise in footwork, high on confidence, flawless in shot-selection - in the Sports Section reporting on the test match between the West Indies and India in Antigua.
 The good Lord have mercy, such description I firmly believed was high praise only fitting for the best of the best batsman ever to appear in International Cricket – Rohan Babulall Kanhai.

 Having not seen Bravo’s skills – I would not know where he ranks – but I am certain there will never be another cricketer in the class of Garfield Sobers. Stop it with this Bravo nonsense, already.
 Cricket fans have run amock promoting batsmen of recent vintage such as Richards, Lara, and now Bravo above and beyond the heroes of the past such as Headley, Weekes, Walcott, Worrell, Sobers, Kanhai, Hunte, Butcher, Nurse, Lloyd, Fredericks, Rowe and Kallicharran. In fact, many modern day cricket fans are not familiar with the exploits of the very best of West Indies test batsman ship they would be hard pressed to identify the image of Rohan Kanhai.
 Indeed a fan from Saint Vincent asked me whether Kanhai was from India or Sri Lanka. The striking thing was the twenty five-year-old fan identified Weekes, Worrell, Walcott, Sobers and Lloyd, but not the others. Again, he seemed horrified. I did not consider his cricketing heroes cricketers of merit. Simply, could not understand the magic which Kanhai exhibited at the crease with his bat. I showed him, the image in which Kanhai is on his rear end after hooking the ball. That did it. He will lookup the artistry of Rohan. However, still persisted with thoughts of Hooper, Chandrapaul and Sarawan as among the great Guyanese players. I could not disagree more. I cannot in right mind accept those three could obtain selection in Guyana teams 1966-1969. Much less the West Indies teams of the pre-helmet era.
 This is exactly the sort of experience which is plaguing our people today, the past is being forgotten – and/or not occupying a permanent place in our collective psyche. Those batsmen are the cream of the crop of great batsmen. Richards belong in such company. Perhaps, Clifford Roach, Robert Christiani, and Collie Smith are in that upper echelon of great West Indian batsmen. Does Lara merit such esteem company? Certainly Bravo is not in that class. Will he get there? Who knows? Your thoughts – share them with me – will you?
Eternal Blessings, Love, Peace, Power & Unity
M'lilwana Osanku - Sancho of Nabaclis.
Researching - Sancho, Campbell, Young (Younge), Solomon, Ross & Martin - Families of Guyana.
History of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, East Sea Coast Demerara, Guyana.
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." The Most Honourable Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) 
People's Power Forever 
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