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Monday, August 12, 2024

Pragmatic Historian, Researcher and Critical Thinker

 This Mande arrived in the physical realm armed with a pineal gland. During this incarnation, he has employed his third eye - his all-seeing eye - to gleam   historical truths and realities respecting life from the beginnings of the human experience to current times. He considers himself a pragmatic historian, researcher and critical thinker. He utilizes his natural spectacles through the lens of his understanding of "African" consciousness. On Friday, October 2, 2020, he tried explaining his views: the natural order of life is feminine;  nothing is  holy respecting the contents of the  so-called holy books; prenatal and immediate post natal period of humans offer glimpses of the evolution of human beings; non- DNA individuals are often found within nuclear families and kinship; Imhotep never referred to himself as an African; none of the indigenous Pharaohs referred to themselves as Egyptian, Nubian and African; there was not a single African before the Romans defeated Hannibal; therefore, Africa is not the name of the landmass and certainly, African is a misnomer assigned to our people. It is said The ancients referred to the area in which they swelled as the land of ancestors. Their ancestors came from the south, east of the River Nile. This Mande takes offense whenever he realize humans are perturbed at truthful revelations that has not been maliciously accessed. He was disappointed with his relatives of his  paternal grandmother for distancing themselves from the reality. She had numerous liaisons which produced children. Hence, this Mande is absolutely uncomfortable with their accounting of the descendants of his grandmother. How could they not be interested in the name and vital statistics of his mother and the other mothers of his father's children? On the other hand, a number of His maternal relatives, are not interested in either family history or gatherings of the people. A number are reluctant to express 

quite comfortable with gossiping, heresy and outrageous lies. The statement, "John Sancho was a sweet boy" is rubbish. Also, Bentick Sancho, John Sancho and Tuckness Sancho are siblings  is not documented. Therefore, is unfounded and unlikely to be  historical truth. Three Sancho brothers arrived in Demerara to purchase real estate is hogwash and utter foolishness. The Intelligent Sancho would utilize entries found in historical records for documentation of family history. The slave registers contradict the nonsense spewed by several Sancho people. The narrative must be change to reflect truth and reality as found in print media. It's that plain. It's that simple. This Mande is not interested in being popular among any group. He aspire to be historically accurate as humanly possible. He hates those who peddle misinformation. He hates lies, especially outrageous lies respecting his ancestors and other loved ones. Of course, he is finds the female falsely claiming the photograph of the  McDonald mother and son to be the images of his maternal grandparents, Alexander and Rachael, absolutely malicious and most disgusting. He is aware she made a  most putrid comment respecting the transition of his most beloved aunt in April 1966. Thus, he was not surprised at her shenanigans and stinking thinking in April 2029. Thus.  he questioned both her mindset and her DNA as per Sancho. There was a period he considered everyone with the surname his DNA relative. Those days are over. Those days are long gone. He is aware of several individuals who were adopted. A number of the children of adopted Sancho use the surname. Then, of course, Sancho males also received gifts,  from their spouses and other relationships. Forget the narratives of the two Sancho folk songs. Life experiences aren't one way streets.  It's likely this Mande stands alone. So what? - Muriel gone home, Oswald gone home, Baiya gone home, Colin gone home, Matthews gone home, East-to-West gone home, Bigman gone home, Tunka gone home, Burchell gone home, and one day, in the not too distant future, he will fly away home. If he stands alone - so be it . He is confident. The  future generations will appreciate his efforts, energy, frequencies and vibrations. He will be vindicated

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