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Friday, March 7, 2025

End the war on African cultural traditions

Long Overdue 

 African males need to stand firm

No more Black on Black  crimes 

End the war on African cultural traditions

Self-Hatred; Low Moral Values; Low Self-Esteem - be gone

Thursday, March 6, 2025

White Practical Idealism

A Brief Guide of how to Oppose the White Genocide Agenda
For a practical reference section see end of document
The book written by the half-breed jewdeo-mason Count Richard Coudenhove von Kalergi “Practical Idealism” presents his luciferian plan for creating the new world order through deliberately replacing demographics and substituting the white population with non-whites through changing immigration policy in these countries created by and historically populated with whites. The White man, according to the resentment morality and victimology of this lower chtonic being, is the ultimate cause of all the problems on earth and the solution being the elimination of the white man from the earth.
Such is the plan of jewry and such is the problem of the world confronting whites whose solution consists of the adoption of a counter force, a practical idealism of whiteness, which will be called herein white practial idealism, as a practical program to combat the white genocide via mongrelization agenda of the luciferian cabal. This must entail an antithesis to the thesis of the practical idealism of lucifer and the positing of the theses of white practical idealism that are not a mere negative but an affirmation of white identity and its perpetuation, its survival, expansion and advancement adhering to the tenets of the creativity movement as outlined in “The Little White Book” & “Salubrious Living”; David Lane’s “88 Precepts” and the book “White Law: a Guide to Right, White Life”. Such strategy and tactics as are encapsulated in these works as well as countless practical guidebooks of military training, homesteading, psychology,etc. Are essential as a means of circumventing the practical idealism of the luciferian cabal and its minions.
First one must know oneself and this through a knowledge of history and the history not merely of war and battles and nations but that at the level of culture and society of the behaviour of whites as historically known and this combined with a self-understanding born out of a higher mind, one clear of intoxication with holy water, fire water, drugs and Z.O.G (zionist occupation government) propaganda.
He must know the enemy as an “Other” to himself, an enemy which utilizes the strategy of the serpent, cunning, manipulation, the lie, and must develop a circumspection in dealings with the enemy which subvert their attempts at subversion, understanding that the enemy, though having countless particular means of carrying out their plans, operates on a linear one-dimensional basis, always opposing that which supports the integrity of white identity: its culture, history and nature, and which is inherently antithetical to it. The enemy operating on the lie, masquerades as a friend the better for it, the physically weaker party and the party in the wrong and not on the side of truth to achieve its purpose of undermining the white opponent through the latter’s having extended trust to the apparent ally who is merely an enemy under the guise of an ally. The enemy must be made an object of constant study to understand the whys and wherefore’s of their ‘practical idealism’, their political praxis and its form which is always that of the lie, illusion.
To understand what the enemy has and to rely upon this historical evidence to build a case in confirming the truth of what they are doing and what they wish to do one must have recourse to the primary source evidence of history and those historians outside of the mainstream who put forth this information which is diametrically opposed to and conflictual with the superficial mainstream narrative across all sciences and liberal arts(literature, philosophy, anthropology, physics, etc.). Without a understanding of history and historical fact based upon evidence and sound argumentation it is impossible to understand the present and its trajectory as it develops into the future and will enable on to circumvent what is designed to be brought into being through the practical idealist plan of Kalergi. Tactically, one must become a well-rounded and plastic operative as a soldier in the race war. Versed in all manner of arts of war from psychoanalysis in its proper form(bio-psychology and at higher levels of higher dimensions,eg. New thought and esoteric subjects) to physcial and psychical abilities(martial arts; remote viewing and influencing; hypnosis/neuro-linguistic programming,etc.). He must become war incarnate perpetually in a state of sympathetic resonance with the Deity and acting our of love not hate but nonetheless steeling himself to pity and carrying out what must be done in the appropriate manner to avoid implicating himself or taking risks recklessly. Preparedness and prudence is the deft hand which finds the keyhole even amidst the darkness.
White practical idealism seeks to implement the negation of the Kalergi plan: racial purity through purity spiralling, with the family unit as the battery which bestows the motor force necessary to perpetuate the racial body and mobilize it to victory with the strong father figure at its head. In terms of organizational structure the chain of command applies and is modelled in a similar manner to the family unit with the division of labour being specific and hierarchically structured, essential knowledge and information being compartmentalized so as to preserve secrecy when necessary, the organization being plastic and pliable in thee event of fragmentation the knowledge or information being passed to whomever fills the vacuum created through the absentee party.
White practical idealism focuses itself on the preservation of one’s own kind, and the 14 words and everything follows from that fundamental premise and is a means to this end. If any plan or intended act decreases the fulfillment of the 14 words it is to be discarded or replaced by one which increases it to the extent possible. Action always lies in the balance of probabilities and the desired course of action must tend to be more and most rather than less probable to realize the 14 words-all actions from the way in which one speaks with friends and with enemies when necessary to the way he lives his life at each moment and in terms of infinite gradations of micromanagement such that at all times this principle is present before his future regarding vision: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.
Each enemy must be subject to rational understanding through experience and further known through corroborative theoretical evidence of pertinent psycho-biological and historical works. To understand,eg. the jew, one must read the literature, watch the movies(jew suss; the eternal jew,etc.) and engage the enemy as a spy or infiltrator, experience the nature of the jew in real life in a wide variety of contexts and as a wide variety of socio-economic personae(to a professional jew be a lower class white in one instance and and upper class white in another,etc.) as a means of coming to a broader understanding of the enemy and the manner of their behaviour and the concealment of their true nature to different demographics etc. Apply this test and research to all kinds: negros; liberals; jewdeochristians; other non-whites and their true personality will be revealed and the various masks they hide behind will be discarded or more easily ‘thought away’ in one’s own consciousness though this would ideally never be revealed to the enemy.
In addition to this psychobiological-anthropologicalsociological understanding of things an accumulation of technical knowledge relevant to the struggle is essential from the technical means of propaganda spread as laid out in the handbook “Anti-Zog Propaganda Protocols” to target specific demographic groups to either induce them towards the biological realist worldview and the necessary condition of survival and to target enemies as a means of eliciting desirable attention to the cause, implicating them and enticing them to out themselves. Computer skills and graphic design skills as well as a knowledge of psychology and how to influence people is essential in effective propaganda just as technical knowledge of vehicle operation is necessary to drive or fly towards whatever destination; lose tails; circumvent surveillance and to utilize surveillance tactics against the enemy to gather information on them for doxxing and monitoring their movements and activities.
At this point in time white practical idealism necessitates recruitment and this through propaganda spread using appealing and entertaining as well as serious and factually based propaganda to awaken the reachable whites who can then be used to facilitate the 14 words in their won way within the limits of their capacity and willingness to assume risk. The battle for the mind precedes the inevitability of Rahowa(racial holy war) whether the latter be an ongoing guerilla war or brief brush fire skirmishes or merely can be left in the hands of competent agents of the state who have seen the light and decided that their lives of materialistic hedonism required a change and necessitated clearing away the darkness through being instilled with a greater idealism. Perhaps this latter is a utopian conception? In any case a Sun Tzu said “preparedness is the key” and whatever preparations conduce to the realization of the 14 words are imperative as means to a greater end.                               
White practical idealism is the imperative strategy of the survival, expansion and advancement of the white race to manifest its destiny against all odds and opposition, the practical idealism of lucifer as outlined in the Kalergi plan and the protocols of the elders of Zion and is simply the strategy of the destroyer, the abomination of the desolator and will necessarily be overcome by the higher conception which is born from above not below.  
REFERENCES (taken from the handbook “White Law: a Guide to Right, White Life”)
PSYCHOLOGY: Lyle Rossiter, "The Liberal Mind", M.D; "Universalist Psychopathology”; Ragnar Redbeard, “Might is Right”; Julius Evola “Ride the Tiger”;  "The Brain Washing Manual",L.Ron.Hubbard; "The power of persuasion: how we're bought and sold", Robert Levine, Ph.d; *"The 48 Laws of power", Robert Green
SURVIVALISM: “White Resistance manual”; "LDS preparedness manual"(survivalist manual);
OCCULT POWER:  “The Complete Book of Mind Power”, A.Rodney; ; (solar vision publications): “Maximum Law of Attraction”, S.Rob; *William Walker Atkinson books: yoga; mental influence, etc, eg.: "self-healing by thought force; "suggestion and auto- suggestion"; "Mind power: the laws of dynamic mentation”
NOVELS:  William.L.Pierce,”The Turner Diaries”; “Hunter”;  O.T.Gunnarsson, “hear the Cradle Song”
HEALTH: "What to Eat and When", Stanley Clark;  "Super joints:Russian longevity secrets for pain free movement, maximum mobility and flexible strength",Pavel Tsatsouline; Theos Bernard:"Hatha Yoga"; 
PRO WHITE ADVOCACY:  "Racial Loyalist Manifesto"; "Ending White Slavery",Matt Hale;  David Lane,*"The White Genocide Manifesto; “Jewish Genocide of the White Race Case Closed” Andre Carrington Hitchcock; 
JEWS: “How to Recognize and Identify a Jew”, John Doe Goy; "The Racial Biology of the Jews", Baron Otmar von Vershuer; "The Biological Jew", Eustace Mullins; “Protocols of The Elders of Zion”;   "The Jew as Criminal", Karl Kellner and Hans Anderson; "Mein Kampf", Hitler;  George Lincoln Rockwell,"White Power”; "Psychology of the Jews", Arnold Leese; "What the Talmud Teaches", Daat Emet;  “The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry”,Lt. Col. Jack" Mohr;
SOURCES: solargeneral.org; ostarapublications.org;  third-reich-books.com(original Third Reich literature)

The Z.O.G strategy has been to impose upon the white population a hegemony of ‘multiculturalism’ which term is the code speak for the forcible inclusion, publicization and celebration of all non-white excrescence which bears the general label ‘culture’ itself being defined as the epiphenomenon of a biological group, their collective behavior crystallized in the form of various acts or physical phenomena (art, music, language,etc.) in general the existential form of their essence. This hegemony of course is merely a soft form of warfare brought against the white population and inserted in their society as a virus, a foreign pathogen injected into the host body as a means of modifying its cultural terroir, and modifying its function, ultimately through its malignant spread, destroying its identity through contamination and through inhibiting its own normal metabolism and function, ie. Through disrupting its natural expression through this substitution which goes under the label ‘inclusiveness’ or ‘diversity’ and which conceals itself behind the facade or mask of positive emotion and moral subscribability but which is merely the height of moral insanity as it is the mind virus of selfdestruction, mental aids, that leads to the self-destruction of the host which adopts these empty and emotionally laden values. Thus the inclusion of such viral phenomena as non-white culture of whatever variety is a threat and must be neutralized through the police of what will here be termed ‘cultural deportation’, ie. The complete rejection and banishment of that multicultural gumbo, that melted pot of putrescence which constitutes the jew world order.
 In all forms of behaviour the racially conscious and racially loyal white person must conduct themselves towards all non-white culture in the manner of at least publically passive resistance and avoidance, a shunning and rejection of all of that which is other to their identity and historical presence in the form of their traditional culture and behaviour: they must avoid purchasing or viewing, listening to or experiencing in any form the non-white other both in terms of physical and especially sexual engagement as well as through whatever other cultural excrescence they had had placed upon a pedestal by those who control society, ie. The jews and their shabbos goy puppets who are the saboteurs of white christian civilization. This by way of passive resistance to the jew world order tyranny. From an active standpoint one must expose the lower nature and the hypocrisy and falsity of the claims of non-whites and their culture and reveal it for what it is. All attempts on their part to portray themselves as profound, wise or morally elevated above white culture should be denounced for what they are namely those who partake of purely egotistical practices(such as the black magic of the orient or voodoo) or the will-less self extinction of oriental mysticism which represents itself as profound wisdom but is in reality empty of any actual content and thus leads to a living death or a self-aggrandizement suh as in the case of the luciferian black magic.
All of that which is put forth as mere ‘cultural dainties’ and ‘enrichment’ that is claimed to be the true path towards the grave. Thus it must be rejected and if one values his reputation agitated against out of the public eye or within whatever conventionally acceptable bounds even acting within these bounds to exceed them such as in the case of pushing the overton window rightwards in a radical way while still appearing to act within the bounds of socially acceptable discourse, to be the vanguard in opposition to the de facto hate crime of non-white cultural hegemony overlaid upon the historical white culture as a means of subverting it surreptitiously.
To present the cultural impositions or salvos against the white race through pulling aside the veils behind which they hide as a means of revealing them in their true light; to shine the light of day upon a nest of cockroaches rather than to take bleary eyed peeks in the darkness by  a flickering flame of candle light, the false light of lucifer, and to banish the darkness and all of that which is born thereof and tends thereto. For the imposition of a chinatown and a chinese new year parade distribute, eg. Leaflets, flyers, stickers presenting statistics and images of chinese slave labour and environmental damage and their relationship with jewry as well as on social media. Bombard the newspapers and bureacracies with letters or faxes with similar flyers as a means of forcing them to put this in the papers; hold flash mob demonstrations for environmentalism somehow referring to chinese factory environmental damage or concentrate on the hegemony of chinese colonialism over the earth. For muslims(ie. Arab) celebrations depict the obvious and present citations and references form  the koran demonstrating how eg. Beheadings, genital mutilation, conquest of non-muslim territory and affiliation with jews and how jews are allowing them in as a jihadist army to conquer white civilization, derives itself from their religion on a doctrinal basis. In the case of redskins’ claims to ‘first’ nations status demonstrate how the paleo-history of the north and other continents were populated by white people and explain how they were genocided by the redskins. In general rebut all claims which are typically made implicitly and in the form of guilt tripping whites by jews and their anti-white collective of race traitor whites and their non-whites affiliates through exposing the falsehood of their claim while simultaneously as that refutation counter-claiming through presentation of truth which is in all cases favourable to the white cause.
Cultural deportation entails a binary strategy of passive and active opposition to the cultural hegemony of the rainbow coalition of anti-whiteness though a targeting of this anti-whiteness in its true identity and revealing it for what it is, as a means of refuting the hegemony. This is part of a larger strategy of affirming white cultural hegemony at the very least within and over those territories historically occupied and created by whites(which, ironically, entails the whole world given that it was, was civilization, controlled and created up to the point of its destruction and usurpation by non-whites exclusively). The general strategy comprised of non white cultural deportation and assertion of cultural hegemony is itself an integral part of white practical idealism for which see the treatise of the same name.

In order to bring into manifestation a cultural hegemony of the white race, of aryan kind, one must represent the historical culture of whiteness, of aryanity in the contemporary context, not merely partaking thereof of this historical cultural tapestry but weaving into it the golden threads of his own genetic contribution manifesting itself in vivo in the form of a contemporization or representation of the aryan racial soul not within a pure edenic context but as an assertion of being in the contemporary circumstances of a fallen world as a revolt against it but not merely, a reassertion of past glory over and against the degenerate entartete kultur which prevails at this time.
What, it may be asked by those blinded by the scales of inauthenticity that has been set upon their purblind vision from birth by the mind controlling elite, does this aryan culture, this culture of whiteness, consist of that it may be represented? What is its form and structure and form of manifestation? To answer this question is to answer the question of what is aryan, white, and to answer that question is to answer what is noble. This Nietszche queried and his answer was perhaps unsatisfactory, a mere affirmation of dionysiac revelry and will to power as art or an ur-conciousness developed from out of the ecstacies of the cthonic pursuits such as his freemasonic black magic,etc. Of course he was wrong in thinking that the violently ecstatic dionysos could ever be noble or that the Appolonian creed of an Aristotle or Aquinas are so seperated and alien to life as it is rather than as he understood it. A proper understanding of Aristotle and his ethics do not condemn or eschew the heroic virtues but rather posit them and this excellence is the form and manifestation of the aryan race soul that constitutes the noble. A selfovercoming yes but not a black magic self-destruction in a luciferian form but rather an overcoming of the lower self, that which Nietzsche the decadent modern posited as a springboard to the divine via his freemasonic ritualism but which is in reality simply that which drags one down to the depths from their former political height. What is noble is that which elevates and that which elevates is that which trends upward in terms of consciousness not necessarily starting from below but merely from where one is, picking himself up from the mire by his own hair in the manner of a Baron von Munschhausen.
Thus aryan culture is that which is the concretization of the higher mind, the particularization of the universal, from above downwards into manifestation. From comic books, to music, to sculpture, to architecture and literature, all particular concrete expressions of the aryan soul are the highest concretization of culture existent in empirical reality. It is that which derives itself as it were from the mind of God and manifests itself on the earth. Thus any motor vehicle which derived itself from a Henry Ford or a Bavarian Motor Works designer is white culture incarnate on the earth, the incarnation of the white mind in transit, as an automatic weapon is the concretization of the white mind in the form of the will applied to martial conduct as hegel spoke of in the philosophy of right.
Thus white culture is necessarily hegemonic as it represents the height of consciousness, of mind upon the earth which is the confirmation of the existence of God, namely the White Race and its cultural manifestation on the earth. In cases of competition, such as in the present context, between different species for territory etc., the higher culture can only supercede the lower when the force and power lies concentrated in their hands and when they the white race are not suppressed and rendered powerless or relatively so through the democratic process. As this happens the threat to their lives and the inhibition of their consciousness undergoes a resurgence and this in the form of a natural renaissance which itself serves as an ergogenic substance or shock electrifying the dormant and somnolent mind of the collective towards an affirmation of existence against that which threatens to usurp its place. Of course that which threatens to usurp its place, the cthonic non-white culture most of which was originally(as in the case of India, China, Japan and the other ‘higher’ lower culture) derived from White culture, from the white consciousness and which terminated with the termination of the genetically pure and which was at best (or worst?) maintained by the non-white society posterior to their becoming a hybrid group and/or through genociding the white population. Thus the sustaining of the higher culture entails the sustenance of its biological basis from which it springs in absence of which it would also rapidly degrade as a flower severed from its root and overrun by aphids.
Such is the contemporary danger and the solution to the problem being to affirm the higher culture to whatever avenue available through the spread of that which his the bedrock and superstructure of civilization given that the absence of whites is the absence of civilization itself given that civilization is white. Presenting the preferable alternatives of philosophy, literature and art through public displays even in the form of basic image samples on stickers with QR codes to websites or public displays as a busker or street artist or making of one’s own premises a gallery wherein like minded people can congregate and bring in other reachable whites and indoctrinate them subtly or to the extent of their receptivity to the message in a positive and lifeaffirming manner. Perhaps even from a negative standpoint demonstrations or propaganda could be put forth to critically negate non-white culture through a simple presentation of pro-white culture  proximal thereto as a negation of a negation and an affirmation of white hegemony. The oriental sitting on the street playing a yanxing instrument to attempt to demonstrate cultural hegemony can be dispatched through an accordian or flute being played at a louder pitch. The higher music compared by even the untutored ear, eye or organ and mind readily banishes the lower just as light banishes darkness and a bright light outshines a dimmer one.
Such is white cultural hegemony and such will always, given the physical force necessary for its imposition, triumph over the lesser good and greater evil. In order to acquire or maintain that physical force there must be a will to do so in order to have the will one must understand and know the higher culture

Monday, March 3, 2025


  1 August 2006 


                                NOT SO FREE?

In many former British colonial territories Emancipation Day - the 1st day of August each year is celebrated as a public holiday.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade was one of the most lucrative industries of its time. And this European trade began right at the start of European relations with Africa.

 It constituted one of the largest exodus’ of human cargo from the continent of Africa to the American continent, especially between 1650 and 1900 when it peaked. It is estimated that approximately 10,340,200 (over 10 million) souls actually survived the journey and were deposited on the new soil, within the period specified. 

Emancipation is the legal process of freeing the human cargo and elevating it to the status of a second or more accurately third class person in the society. The Slavery Abolition Act of 1933 was passed by the British Parliament to free the slaves in the British West Indies. By virtue of this emancipation Act, on the 1st day of August, 1834, slavery was abolished, and our forefathers freed. A process was setup to gradually relinquish the slaves from their bonds and obligations - obligations which carried sanctions of pain, punishment and/or death, to deliver free labor to their colonial master; just to develop and build the British Empire. But in essence, these Africans were never allowed to enjoy significant independence or psychological, cultural or economic liberation in the post emancipation era; even though it is true that they were not literally in shackles of iron. The Act provided also for the slaves to relinquish their assignment over a specified period of time, with the intention that they would evolve into the status of agricultural employees within a prescribed period, to work for a mere pittance.

Legally, The Africans were to be under the protection of the law, as they were elevated from the status of a chattel (goods/property) to an under class of humans. As a matter of fact they were told so, and some actually believed that they were legally equal to others, as there was not, available to them, as existed afterwards or subsequently, any in-depth study or analysis of the social, economical, legal and psychological system, as has evolved today, to determine or help assess the true status of their affairs, and the condition in which they were left.

Is there a reason to celebrate as is done, e.g., in the West Indies? If there is, then what are we actually celebrating?  Before answering the question I would like to allude to a celebration that is alive for thousands of years, i.e., the Passover of the Jews.

In ancient times, Moses the Law Giver is alleged to have guided or led the Israelites from Egyptian slavery at the hand of the Pharaoh Dynasty, to the Land of Milk and Honey. I was appalled to learn that this event including the crossing of the Red Sea is being doubted by some archaeologists and historians, as there were no records traced or other regular evidence to confirm or verify this story, as was done   with other legends. But still, the descendants of those folk regard that event – the Passover as an occasion to have strict observance to commemorate freedom gained by their ancestors from 400 years of oppression under Pharaoh in ancient Egypt.

Our slavery of 400 yrs of oppression and mistreatment was just around the corner, not even 200 yrs. Old; and so many of us who have relocated in the Diaspora from our more recent Caribbean homelands are prone to forget the observance, and worse, not even to keep our children and the latter generations cognizant of these significant, remarkable and impacting events which will always have an effect on our being, until we are truly liberated from the bonds and deep seated wounds of  the 400 + years of physical and mental conditioning.

The transatlantic trade constituted the largest forced migration in the world and is regarded by some scholars as history’s darkest human tragedy. This forced exodus of entire generations of Africans, would build and reshape the world forever, leaving a legacy that would haunt our world today. Some rightfully refer to the Triangular Slave Trade as The African Holocaust.

To quote one author, “If slavery was the African people’s holocaust, we should not be ashamed of saying so. We should have no hesitation in using the word ‘holocaust’ because no one people  has a monopoly on the word and I know of no law that gives a people the right to copyright a word as though it is their exclusive ownership.”

Whether you celebrate, recognize, observe or remember is always a matter of choice. The answer you give will confirm my belief in a theory I have for years struggled with, to confute it - that ‘Blacks have short memories.’ But, in the eyes of our neighbours, when a people who have had deliverance from a culture of violence where for 400 years they were branded like cattle, confined, de-robed, whipped and reduced, make trifle of their new found freedom, and are even telling their brethren, “let us try to for-get it and pretend that it never happened”, such individuals deserve much prayer and to be pitied. I and those closely associated with me, have returned to basics, and will henceforth treat the 1st day of August of each year as a special and a sacred day, and will seek to do things consistent with observance, irrespective of our earthly location.  

Ever wondered why the lucrative slave trade was quashed at the peak of its operations? Of course it was the most profitable industry the world has ever seen. History shows that it was due to the constant rebellion and agitation in the slave camps, by those of our more aggressive, free spirited forefathers. It had become more and more difficult to employ physical force to contain such a large and growing population, to police and monitor them, and to rely on proper intelligence from snitches, to determine their next move. The slaves has had enough. Rebellions had proved costly indeed to the expatriate barons and to both local and foreign governments. The good life was now intercepted by fear and tension.  But, scholars did not miss the ‘Great Awakening’, a surgence of evangelistic Christianity which swept the colonies. As one scholar put it, “…It is ironic, for white slaveholders originally used Christianity as a tool to perpetuate obedience and docility in slaves; yet, Africans recognized the hypocrisy in the white version of Christianity, realizing they were equal in God’s eyes….”

It is also interesting to note the provision in The Abolition Act of 1833 for the British government to pay compensation to the slave owners. The amount paid depended on the number of slaves you owned.  The Bishop of Exeter’s 665 slaves, e.g., resulted in him receiving 12,700 pounds sterling. 

Right here in Canada the Chinese are raising a continuous hue and cry for compensation for injustices in pay and conditions they suffered when they came here as indentured servants, and were discriminated against. They also seek redress for the deplorable head tax of 1885 imposed by racist legislating, upon Chinese ‘coolies’ (from kuli) as they were called, seeking to enter Canada, after the completion of the CPR track, which most of them voluntarily came to build. And, this is so interesting, because the Chinese in this society have regained their social status and have visibly stood erect in the booming economy of Canada, displaying affluence.

But the children of the exploited slaves are behaving as true Sunday school kids, just as they were conditioned to behave. They seek neither redress not apologies, neither in Canada nor in any of the more developed countries that have amassed the great fortunes they hold from their innumerable exploitative schemes, in Africa, in the Caribbean, elsewhere, and most important from the millions of human cargo in the exodus. More interesting is the fact that many African the world over have great admiration for the colonial masters and worship those dark angels for passing down to us their gods and pagan pleasures, customs and conversion.

But, having said all that was said, we have still two questions outstanding:

    (1) Are we the slave descendants free? If so, how free? And

    (2) Should we abandon Emancipation day? Or should we find ways to observe celebrate and rejuvenate?

The answer to question 2 is not so difficult, and must come from the reader, and not from the writer. Answer it!


Shalom Raab – Peace be unto you! 

I am an Israelite.




For more specific regional information on the diaspora, refer to: 

William D. Pierson. Black Yankees(Boston, 1988) 

Charles Joyner. Down by the Riverside(Chiacgo, 1984) 

Ira Berlin, "Time, Space, and the Evolution of Afro-American Society on the British Mainland North America"American Historical Review 85, 1(1980) 

Joseph E. Holloway, ed. Africanisms in American Culture(Indiana, 1990) 

For further information on the diaspora in the Carribean, Brazil, and Latin America refer to:

Michael L. Conniff and Thomas J. Davis, Africans in the Americas(New York, 1994) 

For further information on religion refer to:

Albert J. Raboteau, Slave Religion(New York, 1978) 

For further information on cultural aspects refer to:

Black People and their Culture, Selected Writings from the African Diaspora,(Washington D.C., 1976) 

To learn more about the African Diaspora, here are some cool links:

The roots of Afro-American music can be explored in Native African Music. 

Look at Documents of the History of African Descents throughout the World or the Library of Congress 

links to brush up on African history. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sancho tid bits

 Sancho tid bits
Sancho of Nabaclis
Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 11:37 AM
I was conversations earlier today, with Cush of Sheet Anchor, Canje, Henry Mackie of Georgetown and others outside a funeral service for George Arjune, on Pacific Street , in Brooklyn . Arjune is descended from one of my heroes; Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow. This Arjune family was resident in the North West District.
It is interesting to note Henry Mackie is a relative of the Harry family, and folks of Bachelor’s Adventure, and Rose of Buxton Village. Mackie stated his brother is a close companion of leebert Sancho. Leebert was employed by some aircraft company in Canada . While he himself is close with Joe Lawrence. However, the most interest bit is that Bookers’ Police Sancho was struck too hard in 1956 that his body imprint was impressed upon the ground. That Sancho later left for England . Therefore, the Sancho could only be Alwyn Sancho. What was strange is Henry Mackie is aware of the Harry brothers, and Striking Henry is all Golden Grove and Nabaclis folks but not Gordon Duke and Oswald Sancho. Mackie pointed out Striking Henry was a consummate performer perhaps the best boxer in the history of boxing in Guyana . Henry Mackie stated George Gainsford of Guyana a major player in the career of Sugar Ray Robinson imparted upon the legendary boxer techniques used by Striking Henry. Gainsford would encourage Lennox Beckles to reside, and improve his skills in the USA . Beckles was murdered in Guyana (is that a fact).
 Cush told me that Hazel Sancho of Sheet Anchor is his child mother. Hazel Sancho is now resident in Antigua . Those Canje Sancho are related to Leach, Cort (Fyrish), Fingal (Rose Hall), and Campbell who was employed at Mental Asylum in New Amsterdam . Collin Sancho a welder resident in Brooklyn is a Canje Sancho. He will try to introduce me to him, whenever that is possible.
Cush was shocked he did not know my immediate relatives for he is aware of all the folks who I alluded to from Cumberland Village .
Eternal Blessings, Love, Peace, Power & Unity
M'lilwana Osanku - Sancho of Nabaclis.
Researching - Sancho, Campbell, Young (Younge), Solomon, Ross & Martin - Families of Guyana.
History of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, East Sea Coast Demerara, Guyana.
"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." The Most Honourable Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) 

People's Power Forever 

Vote AFC Time for Change - down with ethnic politics

Monday, February 24, 2025

My Understanding of My Campbell Heritage: the Relatives and Descendants of James Campbell and Coolie Solomon of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana

 I need to know who are the members of the Campbell kinship - the the Relatives and Descendants of my great grand parents James Campbell and Coolie girl  Campbell  of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana (now Guyana).
 I spoke with Covetous Gill a few summers ago. The attempt was not very rewarding. I was not very promising. Even after I explained  to Mr. Campbell-Gill, who I am – what are my interests my concerns and my commitment  to  understanding of my heritage of Campbell, Sancho, and Young/e – I concluded I must either try again and/or look elsewhere for sources which would lead to that understanding.
Now here my father points me to Covetous Gill again. I do hope when I chat with him in the future he will be more forth coming.  However, Covetous Gill did reveal a few pointers – such as the brother of my Uncle Oswald Sancho’s wife, Evelyn Dover is James Campbell – and that James Campbell is his brother and was also a police man.
James Ebenezer Gill is an immediate relative of his - and that of the relatives and descendants of Arthur Gill of Golden Grove.
However, I came away with the sense –Covetous Gill – for whatever, his reasons, did not really care to breakdown the family ties with me. I spoke almost  immediately with one of the daughters of Arthur Gill of Golden Grove – and she pointed out she did not know her relatives but however, Covetous Gill and the Gill of Buxton-Friendship are her people – and that her father mentioned being related  to Campbell and Sancho.
Again thanks for pointing me in a direction – whereby I could advance into the kinship of Campbell .
Dr. James Campbell upon whose lap I often sat when I was a very young child pointed out to me – our common ancestor was commonly called Coolie Campbell. He did not bond with his grand parents – they (James and Coolie Campbell) died before he (Dr. James Campbell) was birthed.
Whether Coolie Campbell is a descendant of Kissoon, Mootoo and Ramator  has being with me since I saw my mother Muriel Sancho hugging an East Indian female at Rosignol and telling me the female is her near relative. Today, I can not recall what the female’s name was only I enjoyed her cooking and pretty much wanted to visit her residence just to satisfy my taste for East Indian cuisine. Coolie Campbell is obviously the key to my East Indian heritage – and the reason for my need and desire to understanding that heritage all the days of my life.  However, after some fifty years upon earth I know very little of my great grand mother and that is eating me, and driving me, daily.
 I do not recall memories of a Coolie Campbell in Unity or Lancaster . Perhaps, there was such a person. I do however; remember a few mixed-union names like Brown, Pitt, Gravesande and Grandsoult in the Unity Lancaster and Mahaica communities.
 You may wish to try to see my friend, retired Policeman Burchnell Campbell a.k.a "Covetous" who I  believe, still lives on the eastern side of Buxton Middle walk South between the Public Road and  the new Railway Embankment HWY. There are also surviving members of an old Campbell family of Lusignan a few of whom remain in Annandale South while others are overseas in the USA and here in Canada . One of my female cousins of the Paradise family of my Auntie Bhagi and Uncle George (Douglas) is married to a Campbell son of one of these families. He was a Policeman as well. You may find some lead to County Sgt. Major Campbell from these sources.
James Campbell
Identifying the Relatives and Descendants of James Campbell of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District, East Sea Coast of Demerara, British Guiana (now Guyana ).
The pieces of information concerning James Campbell and his immediate relatives, as related to me by several person, over more than fifty years, all his descendants, including the following; Muriel Sancho, James Campbell, Yvonne Braveboy, Sidney Marious, Phyllis Sancho and Leebert Sancho, is very scanty at best.
Dr. James Asthon Campbell reminiscence concerning our common ancestor, James Campbell, his grand father, and his immediate relatives states the following;
James Campbell was a gold miner. It is not clear whether James Campbell was born in British Guiana and or has Barbadian heritage. It appears James Campbell, at some point was known by the hyphenated surnamed Campbell-Friday. However, the usage of Campbell-Friday was discontinued before James Campbell was legally married. James Campbell's wife was known as Coolie Campbell. James Campbell remarried at the age of 96 – and died one year later – several years before Dr. James Campbell was born in 1934. It is likely; Coolie Campbell is the daughter of Solomon – and an East Indian female – perhaps a member of the kinships of Mootoo, Ramator, and Kissoon. It is believed members of the kinships of Mootoo, Ramator, and Kissoon are relatives of the descendants of James Campbell and Solomon.
James Campbell is resting in peace in the churchyard of St. Mary's Scots church at Mahaica. It is known; James Campbell was a major contributor to the Christian Church and its affairs on the East Coast of Demerara.
The known children of James Campbell of Unity-Lancaster, Mahaica District are the following; Rachel Campbell (Mrs. Alexander Sancho); Charles Campbell; Arthur Campbell; Papa Campbell (probably Donald Friday Campbell); Mama Campbell (probably Latina or Lutina Campbell) later Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Gibson; Mrs. Becka Lammy [probably Rebecca Campbell]; Chester Campbell; Lennie Campbell (probably Lenny Campbell or Leonard Campbell), and Joe Campbell (probably Joseph Campbell) out of wed lock.
Lennie Campbell (probably Lenny Campbell or Leonard Campbell) was employed at Mahaica Hospital ; the Leprosy Asylum.
Joe Campbell (probably Joseph Campbell) out of wed lock – resided at Air Hall, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara.
Mama Campbell (probably Lutina Campbell) Lutina Campbell mother of Sonny Campbell married Wilson . The union of Mama Campbell and Wilson reproduced two daughters; Marie Wilson and Iris Wilson. After the death of Mr. Wilson, Mama Campbell moved to McKenzie and, married Mr. Gibson, General Foreman at Demba. The Gibson union produced no children.
Marie Wilson married McLean . Roy McLean is either the name of her husband or her son or both.
Iris Wilson married Ross. The Ross family was the owner of the Woodbine Hotel. The union of Iris Wilson and Ross is known to produce Patsy Ross (probably Patricia Ross). It is understood; several years ago, Iris Wilson resided with her daughter on Long Island , New York . One of Patsy Ross's sons is perhaps a commissioned Officer in the US Armed forces. It is said The Ross family were formerly of West Coast Berbice; probably Hopetown.
Papa Campbell (probably Donald Friday Campbell) was married to Deli Campbell. Deli Campbell 's maiden name is Allick. Deli Campbell and Isabella (nee Allick) Campbell, the wife of Charles Campbell are first Cousins. Papa Campbell and Deli Campbell are known to be the parents of two daughters; Constance Hermia Campbell and her sister, Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell.
Miss Constance Hermia Campbell married William Harper Campbell, a dispenser. Dispenser Campbell was known as Doc Campbell. This Campbell and Campbell union produced no children.
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell married Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande.
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell and her husband, Eric Hubert Gravesande is known to reproduce ten children.
Becka Lammy [perhaps, maiden name Rebecca Campbell] married Lammy and resided at Victoria Village , on the East Coast of Demerara. It is accepted Becka Lammy's son Fred Lammy migrated to the United Kingdom .
Rachael Campbell married Alexander Sancho in about the year 1899. The union of Rachel Campbell and Alexander Sancho, reproduced eleven children; six sons and five daughters, Lambert Sancho, (Lammy Sancho, Buxton), Ric Sancho, (Beterverwagting), Charles Sancho (Charlie Sancho, Bachelor's Adventure), Selbourne Sancho, ( Selly Sancho, Victoria); Elsa Marious (Nabaclis); Victor Sancho (215 David St., Kitty); Mary Dorothy Inez Sancho, (Nurse Inez Sancho, Health Visitor);Muriel Sancho (Primary School Teacher, 1928-1973); Margaret Adams (Golden Grove, E. C. Demerara); Matilda Sancho, and Oswald Sancho (Policeman Sancho, Burnham Security Detail, Nabaclis)
Charles Campbell was employed for numerous years, as an Engineer at Plantation Enmore, on the East Coast of Demerara. Charles Campbell married Isabella Allick. It is known the union of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick reproduced two sons, James Ashton Campbell, and Charles Campbell.
James Ashton Campbell, the son of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick married Joyce Whitaker. The union of Campbell and Whitaker is known to reproduce one son and one daughter; James Ashton Campbell, and Marcia Campbell.
Marcia Campbell married Robert Chavis and they reproduced a son; Carson Chavis.
Charles Campbell the son of Charles Campbell and Isabella Allick, reproduced a son named James Ashton Campbell
Arthur Campbell married Elizabeth Jupiter. It is known the union of Arthur Campbell and Elizabeth Jupiter, reproduced five children; one son and four daughters. They are the following; Maybel (Mrs. Braveboy/ Mrs. Woolford), Ismay Taitt, Ruby Ann, Bee (Beatrice Lowe) and James Campbell. It must be noted Elizabeth Jupiter had a daughter Rose Jupiter before the marriage to Arthur Campbell. Rose Jupiter was known as Rose Campbell. Tom Keen, the well-known hire-car Driver is a son Rose Jupiter and Cupidore.
James Campbell married a Portuguese, sister of Mr. Alphonso who had a grocery store at Nabaclis.
The known children of Maybel (Braveboy/Woolford), are the following; Culthridge Campbell, Henry, Joseph, Edmond , Cecil [aka Strong Boy Woolford], Clarence [aka Kotto Woolford], Florence , Marietta and Yvonne Braveboy.
Michael Liverpool and Reginald Lowe are sons Bee Campbell (Beatrice Lowe)
The relatives and descendants of Frederick Emanuel Prowell Campbell, Retired County Sergeant Major of the British Guiana Police Force, are relatives of the descendants of James Campbell. County Sergeant Major Campbell is the father of Henry Campbell, who was also a police officer in the British Guiana Police Force. County Sergeant Major Campbell ’s wife was a teacher. Mrs. Campbell was a mixture of East Indian and Black. County Sergeant Major Campbell died either on December 2, 1976 or December 2, 1977.
The relatives of the following groups of families are connected to Campbell of Lancaster-Unity district, Mahaica;
The relatives of the following; Mr. & Mrs. C. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. J. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. D. Campbell, and children Miss R. Campbell, Miss C. Campbell, Miss E. Campbell, Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell (Mrs. Eric Hubert Gravesande)
Campbell – Campbell: - at Mahaica Methodist Church by the Rev. J. B. Broomes on November 11, 1936 ; William Harper, Government Dispenser Bon Success, Rupununi River), youngest son of Solomon Campbell and the late Princess Campbell of Sparendaam, East Coast, Demerara, to Constance Hermia of Lancaster, Mahaica, East Coast, Demerara. [Source: The Sunday Chronicle, November 16, 1946: page 2.]
Miss Pearl Francena Albertha Campbell, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell of Lancaster, and Assistant and Sewing Teacher of Unity Canadian Mission School, was united in holy matrimony on Tuesday, December 23rd. 1941 to Mr. Eric Hubert Gravesande, youngest son of Mrs. Gravesande of Mahaica and R. L.C. (Mahaicony District). [Source: the Daily Chronicle, Monday, January 26, 1942: Pages 6, and 8.]
Surnames Associated with James Campbell Group of families.
James Campbell donated the land upon which the Mahaica Hospital is found. However, it is known the Leper Asylum at Mahaica was designed and built by the architect James Bradshaw Sharples (1799-1859), with most of the work being completed before his death in 1859. Could the leper Asylum as it were in the mid-twentieth century be on its original location? The Mathematics does not compute; it is known R. O. C. Spence, Acting commissioner of Lands and Mines – offered land for Sale at Plantations Unity and Lancaster at $20 cash per lot as late as August 7, 1914.
I need to be enlightened as per the following, among others;
  1. What are the legal names of Rachel Campbell's siblings, parents, the children of her siblings, and their descendants?
  2. Who are James W. Campbell and Victorine Campbell c. 1924?
  3. Where did the Campbell family come from?
  4. What is the relationship of Caesar Solomon – one of the shareholders of Victoria Village , c. November 1839 – to Rachel Campbell?
  5. What are the surnames associated with the Campbell and Solomon families who are relatives of James Campbell?
  6. What is the relationship of Benjamin Solomon of Golden Grove Village , East Coast Demerara, to descendants of James Campbell?
  7. Are the Sarrabo, Sancho, and Simon families of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, related?
  8. Are the Denbow family related to the descendants of Alexander and Rachel Sancho?
  9. Who is Vivienne Irene Campbell c.1924?
  10. Who ought to be on the Campbell-Solomon family tree?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Clyde Walcott, favored stroke play off the back foot with immense power

 It is clear Gary Sobers influenced Roy Fredericks. Perhaps, Leslie Amsterdam, and Charles Paul, an uncle of Roy Fredericks, influenced Roy Fredericks. Certainly, Clyde Walcott had profound influence upon Rohan Kanhai, Basil Butcher, Clive Lloyd, Roy Fredericks and Alvin Kallicharran and numerous unheard and unsung Guyanese batsmen of the 1950s and 1960s. 

Clyde Walcott, favored stroke play off the back foot with immense power. And most definitely Clive Lloyd seems to be a left handed batting Clyde Walcott. Roy Fredericks was Mimi left handed batting Clyde Walcott.

I have not favored the helmeted era. I refused to compare people more suited to be Knights of the Round Table than entertainers with those of 1900-1977.  I consider Roy Fredericks, the last of three great West Indies test match openers. Clifford Roach and Conrad Hunte are the two preceding Roy Fredericks. 

During the West Indies tour of Australia 1975 and 1976, Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson, Gary Gilmour and Max Walker completely intimidated, and humiliated Gordon Greenidge. After four completed innings those of the first and third test matches Gordon Greenidge managed a grand total of eleven runs.  Thus eleven in four innings is the albatross around Gordon Greenidge’s career. I am of the opinion scoring centuries against Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson, Gary Gilmour and Max Walker 1975-1976 in test matches in Australia is the yardstick of outstanding batsmen. Fredericks, Kallicharran, Lloyd, Rowe, and Richards were successful. Gordon Greenidge was an abysmal failure. Lloyd hid Gordon Greenidge for eight consecutive test matches.  In summer 1976, after the first two test matches, in most familiar environment and less formidable bowlers, I began wondering whether Lloyd’s judgment is rational.   Gordon Greenidge seemed to be a lost cause continuum. And I guess much to the relief of Clive Lloyd, Gordon Greenidge finally stomped his authority. Gordon Greenidge recorded a century in each innings in the third test, He didn’t stop there.  Roy Fredericks and Gordon Greenidge enjoyed a blistering opening stand of 192 runs. Following the century and dismissal of Roy Fredericks; Gordon Greenidge completed his third consecutive test century. Finally, Gordon Greenidge began fulfilling the promise he showed in his debut test match where he scored 93 and 107 against India in India. Viv Richards’s performance in his first test match was awful.




Tuesday, February 18, 2025

M'Lilwana Osanku's DNA Matches exhibit some 3000 Americans.

 Please pardon this intrusion. This researcher needs to be enlightened. It is possible you are a door keeper of lineages of our common ancestors and common relatives. M'Lilwana Osanku's DNA Matches exhibit some 3000 Americans.
Are you interested in becoming aware of common ancestors and relatives of M'Lilwana Osanku and yourself? The researcher is focused on Bluefort Bluford. Briggs. Campbell, Cook, Cooper,  Dixon, Moultrie, Rushing, Sancho, and Singleton, and other DNA relatives in the American south. He expects his relatives are among the Gullah Geechee experience. Shirley Bennett, Carolyn Bennett, Daniel Bennett, Sylvia Bennett, Melissa Mulzac Bennett, Sophia Bennett, Justin Briggs Karen Briggs Rena Goins Ebony Goins Derek Calhoun Donna Calhoun, Roger McDonald,Marion Williams's test is managed by: Michelle Gill, Danyelle Darlisa Campbell, Wilson Campbell, Vickie Miller Hughley
What's with Genomelink?
Genomelink claims at DNA testing companies
However, No matches are  found at Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA, myheritage and 23andMe
What are your thoughts?

Becoming MaaNgala Oni Shankalla

Becoming MaaNgala Oni Shankalla
May 11, 2002, 11:52:09 AM
My dear Richard,
I pursue Ignatius Sancho, because I do believe him to be my first English speaking ancestor.
My forefather arrived in British Guiana, sometime in the era of Emancipation and Apprenticeship. I would like to find shipping records. The forefather came 58 years after the death of Ignatius Sancho. One year after Elizabeth Sancho's death. People in my family have similar names. I think perhaps only DNA could scientifically settle this issue. DNA testing is certainly a option,the Caribbean Sancho must undertake.
The academic communities has for all intents and purposes re enslaved Ignatius Sancho. I know it's up to Sancho to liberate Sancho. In this 2002 Ignatius Sancho must be free again and numbered with his descendants.
Do you want to contribute to a forum, the Global historical Society of Sanchos? I think your intellect will be appreciated.
Thanking you is a son of Sancho,
Historical fiction
Knowledge over belief 
Became MaaNgala Oni Shankalla

Campbell at Middle Walk next to Kingston

 GEDmatch is a genealogy platform
Dec 31, 2022, 5:14 PM
I stand in love with Rashleigh Trotman and Nora Ellias and their two daughters, Cicely Trotman and Dorothy (Trotman) Cosbert.
I always will. I am sure Cicely had perhaps four or five daughters.  I recall Patricia and Kay. I think Sandra is the name of another. Some 50 years later, Pamela does not jump out at me.
Shelia does not jump out at me. Perhaps she is a descendant of Ismay Campbell. I recall four residences of the descendants of Arthur Campbell in Nabaclis.  
Bee Campbell at Line top. 
Campbell at Middle Walk next to Kingston.
Campbell at back street almost behind Banner Benn
Ismay Campbell near the cemetery.
Campbell at sideline with Cove & John is probably Arthur Campbell’s people too. This is where I recall James Campbell. He is my mother’s first cousin. He is a retired MD. He resides in Richmond, Virginia. I can’t place Errol Campbell. I most definitely recall Reggie Lowe, and the Woolford brothers.
Great-grandfather James Campbell is our common ancestor. Therefore, I am not surprised

Sancho, a Guyanese family, descendants of Ignatius Sancho

 Sancho, a Guyanese family, descendants of Ignatius Sancho?
May 9, 2002, 2:44:06 PM

I’m trying to seek and obtain assistance in locating and communicating with all Sancho, but specifically 

  1. Lorna, principal of New Amsterdam Technical Institute,
  2. F. Sancho a miller of the Guyana Milling Company, T.
  3. Anson Sancho, 
  4. Harold Lutchman 
  5. Barton Scotland. 

The Sancho, a Guyanese family is in the process of identifying all of it clan. Where ever they can be found. The Sancho claim to be descended from none other than the eighteenth century England black man of Letters and Arts, Ignatius Sancho 1729 -1780. Those who are Ignatius Sancho, scholars and their academic community very lightly regard this claim. Here is a sample –
 “As to the Sanchos in various places in the world, I think it very unlikely that any are descendents of Ignatius Sancho. Most Caribbean islands were colonized at some point by Spanish settlers, and Sancho is a common name in Spain. Best  wishes”  
Brycchan Carey 

Speaking on the behalf of the Sancho of Guyana, I would be grateful to any and all help, you can provide and or indirectly account for in reuniting the all Caribbean Sancho, those of Trinidad   with those of Guyana. There is a need to publicize this claim and document the story of Sancho. Genealogy, a field of study in Guyana, is done rather sparingly, I know of only the Westmaas, Gaskins, St. Kitts of Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara, and an East Indian Family from Blairmont, who have their story published on the information superhighway.

  1. Is there any way the National Archives could be made available, for researching the Sancho family?
  2. Where are the records of black individuals who arrived from England in the era of Abolition and Apprenticeship, kept? 
  3. Are shipping records available in Guyana for that era?

The need to retrace the footsteps of the ancestor Lambert Tuckness Sancho and his brothers, Bentinck and John Sancho. Are you willing to assist and open doors for the Sancho family, as they research and document their story?


Monday, February 3, 2025

Sancho in the Creole


Publisher: Printed and published by William S. Stevenson

Place of Publication: Georgetown, Br. Guiana

Publication Date: November 29, 1856

Full Text: Bentick Sancho, well known to the Honorat;e Mr Porter, to turn otit, not to destroy, but to protect

Full Text: Bentick Sancho who has consider considerable able considerable influence with the people of Victoria

Publication Date: November 18, 1857

Full Text: ., Jamaica, foaled in Angnst, 1853, got by JuveVuu onto' Ladu, bs Sancho-, Grandam Miss Hartner. by

Publication Date: May 5, 1858

Publication Date: May 12, 1858

Publication Date: May 22, 1858

Full Text: Bentinck Sancho, of Victoria,— ONE CREOLE COW and CALF 2 ditto ditto in Calf 3 Orinocao OXEN, fft

Publication Date: October 23, 1858

Full Text: cattle the day before to one Cheesewright Josiah, that he could not pay them, and that Bentinck Sancho

Full Text: had agreed to become his security the cattle were then taken ovtr by Sancho; another sale of cattie

Publication Date: April 7, 1860

Publication Date: April 11, 1860

Publication Date: April 14, 1860

Publication Date: April 18, 1860

Full Text: SANCHO. Pin. Golden Grove, \ 7th April, 1800. | . NOTICE.

Publication Date: January 26, 1861

Full Text: That was Bentinck Sancho. Order—Cannot be granted.

Publication Date: March 13, 1861

Full Text: Sancho.— Sentence for plain*iff for $450, with costs. Rainy vs

Publication Date: September 21, 1863

Full Text: East Coast, of Tuckuess Sancho and Samuel Dick as Commissioners and Cheesewright Josiah as Overseer

 Publication Date: October 17, 1864

Full Text: —By Sancho Adams, transport of lot num numl>er l>er numl>er 11, section G, plantation Ann’s Grove—to

 Publication Date: June 5, 1865

Full Text: Justice Beete rea l the reasons for the Court’s decision in the case of George Sancho, vs.

Full Text: John Fraser and Sancho George, which was an opposition suit to stay the at exe execution cution execution

Publication Date: April 19, 1871

Full Text: . , Sancho, on the John and Cove road, and was sentenced to penal servitude for five I years.

Publication Date: March 17, 1873

Full Text: Joshua Sancho , David Luke, Swainson Christopher, and George Sancho, transport of east half of lou number 103, seetibn

Publication Date: January 12, 1907

Publication Date: January 19, 1907

Publication Date: January 26, 1907

Full Text: persons to communicate with him at the earliest opportunity (i) Teddy Abel, the heir of Charlotte Sancho  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Is cousins a flawed construct?

 This Mande loves to link with Michaels and Williams of Sandvoort , Canje.  Sybil is perhaps the first name. She is said to be a relative of Blanche Ross. Some said aunt. Others offered sister. 
 Who do you recommend this researcher consult?
It appears she babysat a number of my relatives in the 1950s raised with mostly first cousins once removed, second cousins  and second cousins once removed. Only Oswald Sancho reproduced children younger than this Mande. 
This Mande never loved every one of Muriel Sancho’s children. He preferred Corentyne and New Amsterdam over Nabaclis. Colin is his favorite, his coalition buddy.  As per cousins  -males over females; those who loved playing cricket over soccer, those who loved swimming, singing and those who loved going aback. 
Dora, Dorothy, Gloria, Velma, Lyllette, Roxanne Mona and Sonya were my favorite female first cousins 
Alwyn, Errol, Tunka, Leroy, Colin and Wickham are my favorite female first cousins
Edmund was the most perplexing cousin
 two older second cousins were the most vexing. The physical has long healed. This Mande swore he would avenge their outrageous conduct first opportunity after transition of  Muriel Sancho, her siblings and their first cousins
his greatest regret is he was not afforded  numerous opportunities to bond with Alwyn Fitzpatrick Sancho. He idolized  Alwyn Fitzpatrick Sancho most of his early journey. Alwyn Fitzpatrick Sancho is the star of his bedtime stories. In those accounts this Mande imagined bonding with Rachael and Alexander and receiving the same treatment the gave Alwyn Sancho. 
He is grateful Tunka listened.  And became his brother- his favorite go to first cousin. Tunka never abandoned this Mande
Winston Matthews is his favorite  first cousins once removed. Is cousins a flawed construct? One has no choice being biologically linked. However one has choice to be social. Therefore, relatives does not mean greatest good for one and/or all. The programming of Sancho first has failed. Sancho has lost its uniqueness. Sancho 
lost its appeal it is love for those who nurtured this Mande – that keeps him in love with Sancho 
Long Live Josephine Patterson

Thursday, January 2, 2025

One atrocity after another. Cameron, Skerritt and Shallow

 It is possible West Indies will not win a single test match in 2025. It is said  West Indies  is scheduled to contest ten test matches versus Pakistan, New Zealand, India and Australia in 2025. If West Indies loose  only 5 or 6 matches it much be considered satisfactory. From Kanhai in 1957 to the emergence of Motie this Mande has never imagined a worse scenario for West Indies cricket. CWI is a bag of nonsense. One atrocity after another. Cameron, Skerritt and Shallow must be the worse so-called Africans ever as administrators. Until and unless Cricketers must be the administrators in CWI and its affiliates; West Indies cricket  has little or no chance of surviving. None of the administrators are international cricketers
This Hebrew recalls Ian Chappell saying he approached Don Bradman on the behalf of Australian  internationals and first class players.  Don Bradman rejected every proposal. Australian Cricket Board refused to ensure cricketers were handsomely remunerated for their skills in the sports industry.  Kerry Packer filled the void
CWI must improve scouting 17-26 year old prospects. CWI must  lock up the prospects with performance developmental incentive stipend/contracts to December 31, 2032 with availability for test match appearances the priority.  The stipend/contracts, must  permit a T20 franchise appearance as for supplemental income. This Hebrew is saying such actions will prevent repeating the issues CWI experienced with obtaining international appearances of Pooran, Russell and Pollard and the major entertainers 2014-2024.
Period of study 2014 - 2024
West Indies 2014 Under-19 World Cup squad
Nicholas Pooran (vc) Wicketkeeper, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Jonathan Drakes, Shimron Hetmyer, Brandon King, Jeremy Solozano, Fabian Allen, Ramaal Lewis (c),  Bryan Charles, Preston McSween Left arm Fast medium, Marquino Mindley, Tristan Coleman, Jerome Jones Left arm Medium, Ray Jordan, Gudakesh Motie (Tristan Coleman, Jerome Jones, Ray Jordan may not have have satisfied regional output),
WI 2016 U 19 squad
West Indies 2016 Under-19 World Cup squad
Shimron Hetmyer (captain), Jyd Goolie, Keacy Carty, Shahid Crooks, Michael Frew, Tevin Imlach (wicketkeeper), Ryan John, Alzarri Joseph, Kirstan Kallicharan, Obed McCoy, Keemo Paul, Gidron Pope, Odean Smith, Shamar Springer, Emmanuel Stewart, Chemar Holder.(Shahid Crooks, Michael Frew, Kirstan Kallicharan, Gidron Pope, Emmanuel Stewart,  have been disappointing),

Observations and solutions 
  short and long term 
30 consecutive years of miserable international cricket is too long for the mess to be acceptable 
CWI and its affiliates are the major reason for the travesty 
Why aren’t test matches annually in Jamaica and Guyana? 
Perhaps, 3 T20Is, 2 ODIs and 2 tests matches per affiliates annually is the best possible solution
CWI and its affiliates must express transparent communications and directives to the top tier cricketers stating the cricketers  must make themselves available for test match selection to be eligible for international competition
CWI and its affiliates must choose one captain and vice captain – for international competition Perhaps, Lewis, King, Pooran, and Hetmyer, are the best candidates 
CWI and its affiliates must offer performance based stipends or contracts to 19 -28 years annually as per CWI competitions 
CWI and its affiliates must close the door upon those refusing to comply 
The affiliate boards must be impressed to exclude  top tier cricketers from their squads and teams who refuse to make themselves available for test match selection
CWI and its affiliates must eradicate the political nonsense of ethnic bias and national cleavage. 
CWI and its affiliates must Publish depth charts - 
top 6 batsmen; opening batsmen;  against regional spinners; against international spinners; left handed batsmen;
top 6 bowlers; fast bowlers; left arm fast bowlers; right arm fast bowlers;
spinners; off spinners; leg spinners; left arm spinners; 
top 6 Wicket keepers
CWI and its affiliates must lively up the wickets in the Caribbean
CWI and its affiliates must select players based on merit and performance in various geographies; CWI  must consider  three trial matches is sufficient yardstick for test selection