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Thursday, March 6, 2025

White Practical Idealism

A Brief Guide of how to Oppose the White Genocide Agenda
For a practical reference section see end of document
The book written by the half-breed jewdeo-mason Count Richard Coudenhove von Kalergi “Practical Idealism” presents his luciferian plan for creating the new world order through deliberately replacing demographics and substituting the white population with non-whites through changing immigration policy in these countries created by and historically populated with whites. The White man, according to the resentment morality and victimology of this lower chtonic being, is the ultimate cause of all the problems on earth and the solution being the elimination of the white man from the earth.
Such is the plan of jewry and such is the problem of the world confronting whites whose solution consists of the adoption of a counter force, a practical idealism of whiteness, which will be called herein white practial idealism, as a practical program to combat the white genocide via mongrelization agenda of the luciferian cabal. This must entail an antithesis to the thesis of the practical idealism of lucifer and the positing of the theses of white practical idealism that are not a mere negative but an affirmation of white identity and its perpetuation, its survival, expansion and advancement adhering to the tenets of the creativity movement as outlined in “The Little White Book” & “Salubrious Living”; David Lane’s “88 Precepts” and the book “White Law: a Guide to Right, White Life”. Such strategy and tactics as are encapsulated in these works as well as countless practical guidebooks of military training, homesteading, psychology,etc. Are essential as a means of circumventing the practical idealism of the luciferian cabal and its minions.
First one must know oneself and this through a knowledge of history and the history not merely of war and battles and nations but that at the level of culture and society of the behaviour of whites as historically known and this combined with a self-understanding born out of a higher mind, one clear of intoxication with holy water, fire water, drugs and Z.O.G (zionist occupation government) propaganda.
He must know the enemy as an “Other” to himself, an enemy which utilizes the strategy of the serpent, cunning, manipulation, the lie, and must develop a circumspection in dealings with the enemy which subvert their attempts at subversion, understanding that the enemy, though having countless particular means of carrying out their plans, operates on a linear one-dimensional basis, always opposing that which supports the integrity of white identity: its culture, history and nature, and which is inherently antithetical to it. The enemy operating on the lie, masquerades as a friend the better for it, the physically weaker party and the party in the wrong and not on the side of truth to achieve its purpose of undermining the white opponent through the latter’s having extended trust to the apparent ally who is merely an enemy under the guise of an ally. The enemy must be made an object of constant study to understand the whys and wherefore’s of their ‘practical idealism’, their political praxis and its form which is always that of the lie, illusion.
To understand what the enemy has and to rely upon this historical evidence to build a case in confirming the truth of what they are doing and what they wish to do one must have recourse to the primary source evidence of history and those historians outside of the mainstream who put forth this information which is diametrically opposed to and conflictual with the superficial mainstream narrative across all sciences and liberal arts(literature, philosophy, anthropology, physics, etc.). Without a understanding of history and historical fact based upon evidence and sound argumentation it is impossible to understand the present and its trajectory as it develops into the future and will enable on to circumvent what is designed to be brought into being through the practical idealist plan of Kalergi. Tactically, one must become a well-rounded and plastic operative as a soldier in the race war. Versed in all manner of arts of war from psychoanalysis in its proper form(bio-psychology and at higher levels of higher dimensions,eg. New thought and esoteric subjects) to physcial and psychical abilities(martial arts; remote viewing and influencing; hypnosis/neuro-linguistic programming,etc.). He must become war incarnate perpetually in a state of sympathetic resonance with the Deity and acting our of love not hate but nonetheless steeling himself to pity and carrying out what must be done in the appropriate manner to avoid implicating himself or taking risks recklessly. Preparedness and prudence is the deft hand which finds the keyhole even amidst the darkness.
White practical idealism seeks to implement the negation of the Kalergi plan: racial purity through purity spiralling, with the family unit as the battery which bestows the motor force necessary to perpetuate the racial body and mobilize it to victory with the strong father figure at its head. In terms of organizational structure the chain of command applies and is modelled in a similar manner to the family unit with the division of labour being specific and hierarchically structured, essential knowledge and information being compartmentalized so as to preserve secrecy when necessary, the organization being plastic and pliable in thee event of fragmentation the knowledge or information being passed to whomever fills the vacuum created through the absentee party.
White practical idealism focuses itself on the preservation of one’s own kind, and the 14 words and everything follows from that fundamental premise and is a means to this end. If any plan or intended act decreases the fulfillment of the 14 words it is to be discarded or replaced by one which increases it to the extent possible. Action always lies in the balance of probabilities and the desired course of action must tend to be more and most rather than less probable to realize the 14 words-all actions from the way in which one speaks with friends and with enemies when necessary to the way he lives his life at each moment and in terms of infinite gradations of micromanagement such that at all times this principle is present before his future regarding vision: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.
Each enemy must be subject to rational understanding through experience and further known through corroborative theoretical evidence of pertinent psycho-biological and historical works. To understand,eg. the jew, one must read the literature, watch the movies(jew suss; the eternal jew,etc.) and engage the enemy as a spy or infiltrator, experience the nature of the jew in real life in a wide variety of contexts and as a wide variety of socio-economic personae(to a professional jew be a lower class white in one instance and and upper class white in another,etc.) as a means of coming to a broader understanding of the enemy and the manner of their behaviour and the concealment of their true nature to different demographics etc. Apply this test and research to all kinds: negros; liberals; jewdeochristians; other non-whites and their true personality will be revealed and the various masks they hide behind will be discarded or more easily ‘thought away’ in one’s own consciousness though this would ideally never be revealed to the enemy.
In addition to this psychobiological-anthropologicalsociological understanding of things an accumulation of technical knowledge relevant to the struggle is essential from the technical means of propaganda spread as laid out in the handbook “Anti-Zog Propaganda Protocols” to target specific demographic groups to either induce them towards the biological realist worldview and the necessary condition of survival and to target enemies as a means of eliciting desirable attention to the cause, implicating them and enticing them to out themselves. Computer skills and graphic design skills as well as a knowledge of psychology and how to influence people is essential in effective propaganda just as technical knowledge of vehicle operation is necessary to drive or fly towards whatever destination; lose tails; circumvent surveillance and to utilize surveillance tactics against the enemy to gather information on them for doxxing and monitoring their movements and activities.
At this point in time white practical idealism necessitates recruitment and this through propaganda spread using appealing and entertaining as well as serious and factually based propaganda to awaken the reachable whites who can then be used to facilitate the 14 words in their won way within the limits of their capacity and willingness to assume risk. The battle for the mind precedes the inevitability of Rahowa(racial holy war) whether the latter be an ongoing guerilla war or brief brush fire skirmishes or merely can be left in the hands of competent agents of the state who have seen the light and decided that their lives of materialistic hedonism required a change and necessitated clearing away the darkness through being instilled with a greater idealism. Perhaps this latter is a utopian conception? In any case a Sun Tzu said “preparedness is the key” and whatever preparations conduce to the realization of the 14 words are imperative as means to a greater end.                               
White practical idealism is the imperative strategy of the survival, expansion and advancement of the white race to manifest its destiny against all odds and opposition, the practical idealism of lucifer as outlined in the Kalergi plan and the protocols of the elders of Zion and is simply the strategy of the destroyer, the abomination of the desolator and will necessarily be overcome by the higher conception which is born from above not below.  
REFERENCES (taken from the handbook “White Law: a Guide to Right, White Life”)
PSYCHOLOGY: Lyle Rossiter, "The Liberal Mind", M.D; "Universalist Psychopathology”; Ragnar Redbeard, “Might is Right”; Julius Evola “Ride the Tiger”;  "The Brain Washing Manual",L.Ron.Hubbard; "The power of persuasion: how we're bought and sold", Robert Levine, Ph.d; *"The 48 Laws of power", Robert Green
SURVIVALISM: “White Resistance manual”; "LDS preparedness manual"(survivalist manual);
OCCULT POWER:  “The Complete Book of Mind Power”, A.Rodney; ; (solar vision publications): “Maximum Law of Attraction”, S.Rob; *William Walker Atkinson books: yoga; mental influence, etc, eg.: "self-healing by thought force; "suggestion and auto- suggestion"; "Mind power: the laws of dynamic mentation”
NOVELS:  William.L.Pierce,”The Turner Diaries”; “Hunter”;  O.T.Gunnarsson, “hear the Cradle Song”
HEALTH: "What to Eat and When", Stanley Clark;  "Super joints:Russian longevity secrets for pain free movement, maximum mobility and flexible strength",Pavel Tsatsouline; Theos Bernard:"Hatha Yoga"; 
PRO WHITE ADVOCACY:  "Racial Loyalist Manifesto"; "Ending White Slavery",Matt Hale;  David Lane,*"The White Genocide Manifesto; “Jewish Genocide of the White Race Case Closed” Andre Carrington Hitchcock; 
JEWS: “How to Recognize and Identify a Jew”, John Doe Goy; "The Racial Biology of the Jews", Baron Otmar von Vershuer; "The Biological Jew", Eustace Mullins; “Protocols of The Elders of Zion”;   "The Jew as Criminal", Karl Kellner and Hans Anderson; "Mein Kampf", Hitler;  George Lincoln Rockwell,"White Power”; "Psychology of the Jews", Arnold Leese; "What the Talmud Teaches", Daat Emet;  “The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry”,Lt. Col. Jack" Mohr;
SOURCES: solargeneral.org; ostarapublications.org;  third-reich-books.com(original Third Reich literature)

The Z.O.G strategy has been to impose upon the white population a hegemony of ‘multiculturalism’ which term is the code speak for the forcible inclusion, publicization and celebration of all non-white excrescence which bears the general label ‘culture’ itself being defined as the epiphenomenon of a biological group, their collective behavior crystallized in the form of various acts or physical phenomena (art, music, language,etc.) in general the existential form of their essence. This hegemony of course is merely a soft form of warfare brought against the white population and inserted in their society as a virus, a foreign pathogen injected into the host body as a means of modifying its cultural terroir, and modifying its function, ultimately through its malignant spread, destroying its identity through contamination and through inhibiting its own normal metabolism and function, ie. Through disrupting its natural expression through this substitution which goes under the label ‘inclusiveness’ or ‘diversity’ and which conceals itself behind the facade or mask of positive emotion and moral subscribability but which is merely the height of moral insanity as it is the mind virus of selfdestruction, mental aids, that leads to the self-destruction of the host which adopts these empty and emotionally laden values. Thus the inclusion of such viral phenomena as non-white culture of whatever variety is a threat and must be neutralized through the police of what will here be termed ‘cultural deportation’, ie. The complete rejection and banishment of that multicultural gumbo, that melted pot of putrescence which constitutes the jew world order.
 In all forms of behaviour the racially conscious and racially loyal white person must conduct themselves towards all non-white culture in the manner of at least publically passive resistance and avoidance, a shunning and rejection of all of that which is other to their identity and historical presence in the form of their traditional culture and behaviour: they must avoid purchasing or viewing, listening to or experiencing in any form the non-white other both in terms of physical and especially sexual engagement as well as through whatever other cultural excrescence they had had placed upon a pedestal by those who control society, ie. The jews and their shabbos goy puppets who are the saboteurs of white christian civilization. This by way of passive resistance to the jew world order tyranny. From an active standpoint one must expose the lower nature and the hypocrisy and falsity of the claims of non-whites and their culture and reveal it for what it is. All attempts on their part to portray themselves as profound, wise or morally elevated above white culture should be denounced for what they are namely those who partake of purely egotistical practices(such as the black magic of the orient or voodoo) or the will-less self extinction of oriental mysticism which represents itself as profound wisdom but is in reality empty of any actual content and thus leads to a living death or a self-aggrandizement suh as in the case of the luciferian black magic.
All of that which is put forth as mere ‘cultural dainties’ and ‘enrichment’ that is claimed to be the true path towards the grave. Thus it must be rejected and if one values his reputation agitated against out of the public eye or within whatever conventionally acceptable bounds even acting within these bounds to exceed them such as in the case of pushing the overton window rightwards in a radical way while still appearing to act within the bounds of socially acceptable discourse, to be the vanguard in opposition to the de facto hate crime of non-white cultural hegemony overlaid upon the historical white culture as a means of subverting it surreptitiously.
To present the cultural impositions or salvos against the white race through pulling aside the veils behind which they hide as a means of revealing them in their true light; to shine the light of day upon a nest of cockroaches rather than to take bleary eyed peeks in the darkness by  a flickering flame of candle light, the false light of lucifer, and to banish the darkness and all of that which is born thereof and tends thereto. For the imposition of a chinatown and a chinese new year parade distribute, eg. Leaflets, flyers, stickers presenting statistics and images of chinese slave labour and environmental damage and their relationship with jewry as well as on social media. Bombard the newspapers and bureacracies with letters or faxes with similar flyers as a means of forcing them to put this in the papers; hold flash mob demonstrations for environmentalism somehow referring to chinese factory environmental damage or concentrate on the hegemony of chinese colonialism over the earth. For muslims(ie. Arab) celebrations depict the obvious and present citations and references form  the koran demonstrating how eg. Beheadings, genital mutilation, conquest of non-muslim territory and affiliation with jews and how jews are allowing them in as a jihadist army to conquer white civilization, derives itself from their religion on a doctrinal basis. In the case of redskins’ claims to ‘first’ nations status demonstrate how the paleo-history of the north and other continents were populated by white people and explain how they were genocided by the redskins. In general rebut all claims which are typically made implicitly and in the form of guilt tripping whites by jews and their anti-white collective of race traitor whites and their non-whites affiliates through exposing the falsehood of their claim while simultaneously as that refutation counter-claiming through presentation of truth which is in all cases favourable to the white cause.
Cultural deportation entails a binary strategy of passive and active opposition to the cultural hegemony of the rainbow coalition of anti-whiteness though a targeting of this anti-whiteness in its true identity and revealing it for what it is, as a means of refuting the hegemony. This is part of a larger strategy of affirming white cultural hegemony at the very least within and over those territories historically occupied and created by whites(which, ironically, entails the whole world given that it was, was civilization, controlled and created up to the point of its destruction and usurpation by non-whites exclusively). The general strategy comprised of non white cultural deportation and assertion of cultural hegemony is itself an integral part of white practical idealism for which see the treatise of the same name.

In order to bring into manifestation a cultural hegemony of the white race, of aryan kind, one must represent the historical culture of whiteness, of aryanity in the contemporary context, not merely partaking thereof of this historical cultural tapestry but weaving into it the golden threads of his own genetic contribution manifesting itself in vivo in the form of a contemporization or representation of the aryan racial soul not within a pure edenic context but as an assertion of being in the contemporary circumstances of a fallen world as a revolt against it but not merely, a reassertion of past glory over and against the degenerate entartete kultur which prevails at this time.
What, it may be asked by those blinded by the scales of inauthenticity that has been set upon their purblind vision from birth by the mind controlling elite, does this aryan culture, this culture of whiteness, consist of that it may be represented? What is its form and structure and form of manifestation? To answer this question is to answer the question of what is aryan, white, and to answer that question is to answer what is noble. This Nietszche queried and his answer was perhaps unsatisfactory, a mere affirmation of dionysiac revelry and will to power as art or an ur-conciousness developed from out of the ecstacies of the cthonic pursuits such as his freemasonic black magic,etc. Of course he was wrong in thinking that the violently ecstatic dionysos could ever be noble or that the Appolonian creed of an Aristotle or Aquinas are so seperated and alien to life as it is rather than as he understood it. A proper understanding of Aristotle and his ethics do not condemn or eschew the heroic virtues but rather posit them and this excellence is the form and manifestation of the aryan race soul that constitutes the noble. A selfovercoming yes but not a black magic self-destruction in a luciferian form but rather an overcoming of the lower self, that which Nietzsche the decadent modern posited as a springboard to the divine via his freemasonic ritualism but which is in reality simply that which drags one down to the depths from their former political height. What is noble is that which elevates and that which elevates is that which trends upward in terms of consciousness not necessarily starting from below but merely from where one is, picking himself up from the mire by his own hair in the manner of a Baron von Munschhausen.
Thus aryan culture is that which is the concretization of the higher mind, the particularization of the universal, from above downwards into manifestation. From comic books, to music, to sculpture, to architecture and literature, all particular concrete expressions of the aryan soul are the highest concretization of culture existent in empirical reality. It is that which derives itself as it were from the mind of God and manifests itself on the earth. Thus any motor vehicle which derived itself from a Henry Ford or a Bavarian Motor Works designer is white culture incarnate on the earth, the incarnation of the white mind in transit, as an automatic weapon is the concretization of the white mind in the form of the will applied to martial conduct as hegel spoke of in the philosophy of right.
Thus white culture is necessarily hegemonic as it represents the height of consciousness, of mind upon the earth which is the confirmation of the existence of God, namely the White Race and its cultural manifestation on the earth. In cases of competition, such as in the present context, between different species for territory etc., the higher culture can only supercede the lower when the force and power lies concentrated in their hands and when they the white race are not suppressed and rendered powerless or relatively so through the democratic process. As this happens the threat to their lives and the inhibition of their consciousness undergoes a resurgence and this in the form of a natural renaissance which itself serves as an ergogenic substance or shock electrifying the dormant and somnolent mind of the collective towards an affirmation of existence against that which threatens to usurp its place. Of course that which threatens to usurp its place, the cthonic non-white culture most of which was originally(as in the case of India, China, Japan and the other ‘higher’ lower culture) derived from White culture, from the white consciousness and which terminated with the termination of the genetically pure and which was at best (or worst?) maintained by the non-white society posterior to their becoming a hybrid group and/or through genociding the white population. Thus the sustaining of the higher culture entails the sustenance of its biological basis from which it springs in absence of which it would also rapidly degrade as a flower severed from its root and overrun by aphids.
Such is the contemporary danger and the solution to the problem being to affirm the higher culture to whatever avenue available through the spread of that which his the bedrock and superstructure of civilization given that the absence of whites is the absence of civilization itself given that civilization is white. Presenting the preferable alternatives of philosophy, literature and art through public displays even in the form of basic image samples on stickers with QR codes to websites or public displays as a busker or street artist or making of one’s own premises a gallery wherein like minded people can congregate and bring in other reachable whites and indoctrinate them subtly or to the extent of their receptivity to the message in a positive and lifeaffirming manner. Perhaps even from a negative standpoint demonstrations or propaganda could be put forth to critically negate non-white culture through a simple presentation of pro-white culture  proximal thereto as a negation of a negation and an affirmation of white hegemony. The oriental sitting on the street playing a yanxing instrument to attempt to demonstrate cultural hegemony can be dispatched through an accordian or flute being played at a louder pitch. The higher music compared by even the untutored ear, eye or organ and mind readily banishes the lower just as light banishes darkness and a bright light outshines a dimmer one.
Such is white cultural hegemony and such will always, given the physical force necessary for its imposition, triumph over the lesser good and greater evil. In order to acquire or maintain that physical force there must be a will to do so in order to have the will one must understand and know the higher culture

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