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Friday, September 30, 2022

CPL 2022 – Another Warriors – Another Disastrous Campaign

CPL 2022 – Another Warriors – Another Disastrous Campaign

Will Guyanese populate the stadium at Providence to watch Royals vs Tallawahs in CPL finals on Friday?  Of course, Warriors is preferred for the finals.

The four highest individual innings in CPL 2022 were scored against the Warriors. Brooks, du Plessis, and King recorded centuries against the Warriors, Cornwall weighed in with a belligerent 91 against the Warriors. Kings, Royals, and Tallawahs recorded totals in excess of 193 against the Warriors.

What then is this? Warriors’ effort in CPL 2022 was an exhibition of failures and inconsistent performances in every aspect of the game. Captaincy, coaching, batting, bowling, fielding, field placing, catching, planning, and execution are the likely culprits.

Shai Hope was the best performer of the abysmal group. Hetmyer, Hemraj, Shepherd and Smith were most disappointing.  The most disappointing feature of Hetmyer’s mediocre performances is his failure to made decisions which seemed likely to restrict the opposition scoring rate and totals.

The biggest blunders of Hetmyer’s captaincy are:

  1. His regular changing of bowlers after they delivered an economical over.
  2.  His removal of Tahir in two consecutive matches after he bowled one over for four runs.
  3.  Hetmyer’s management of Hassan, Tahir, Sinclair, Shepherd and Smith was atrocious  
  4.  His reluctance to remove Shepherd and Smith from the final five overs of the innings
  5. His failure to bat at number three. At that position he could rebuild the innings or take the game away with absolute aggression
  6.  His mediocre batting display was most repugnant. 
Obviously Hetmyer is a decade defining talent. None in their right mind can deny the talent and the potential. It is past due for Hetmyer’s production to match and reflect his enormous potential and talent. This truth warrior becomes very upset whenever Hetmyer fails.   Hetmyer failed to rise to the level of Virat Kohl is most perplexing. Hetmyer’s CPL 2022 season is as painful as his failures to deliver RCB, DC and RR during the last three IPL campaigns. During the last three years the nostalgia of Hetmyer as a winning cricket has been on the wane. Perhaps, considering the politics of biasness in CWI, this truth warrior‘expectations of Hetmyer, since April 2016, was much too high for an individual. Perhaps, Hetmyer and his 2016 winning teammates are not the saviors of West Indies cricket.

This truth warrior love for Hetmyer to become the definition of batsmanship and dominant winning West Indies cricket. The dream of Hetmyer leading West Indies dominating in the three genres of the international game for 15 years is fading, fast. Curtly Ambrose seems like a prophet. Hetmyer did not rise to the occasion in 2022.Hetmyer did not  force Ambrose to admit he is wrong on, Hetmyer is not ready for West Indies captain. Hetmyer needs to get it done in 2023.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Theresa and Roberta Sancho?

 To: childrenofsancho@yahoo.com

Subject: Re: Theresa and Roberta Sancho?


Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 14:38:29 -0400 (EDT)

Dear M'lilwana,

As I have stated before, I know generally of certain members of the Sancho family who lived between Buxton East Side Line Dam and Buxton West Line Dam South of the Railway Line (now Railway Embankment Hwy) as well of some who lived in Golden Grove/Nabaclis. However first names except in the cases of Oswald (Police) of Nabaclis and Dudu (Cartman)of Buxton Backdam Side, are no longer in memory even sadly enough, the first name of my first "Lil ABC" Teacher who introduced me to world of letters and numbers in Buxton (Arundel) Congregational School. The first names Theresa and Roberta do not resdie in my memory, unfortunately. I am really sorry.

Have you been able to secure a copy of the book "AGAINST THE GRAIN: Balram Singh and the Politics of Guyana" in New York? Oswald Sancho was one of Mr. Rai's very good friends. I seem to recall that Oswald Godfrey Henry and Gordon Duke had even served as Mr. Rai's security officers when he (Mr. Rai) was a Minister in the PPP Government between 1958 and 1962. Oswald and Gordon (Duke) were both "Boxers" in the Police Force, and they were both stationed at Cove & John in "C" Division when I was a serving Magistrates' Clerk in the Courts in the East Demerara Judicial District the District Office of which was and still is at Vigilance. Godfrey Henry was also there at the time. He was a "Motor Cycle" Police.

Do you remember "Tom Keane" of Golden Grove/Nabaclis? He was a Hire Car Driver and I think his family name was Cupidore? He was one of my very good friends.

Good luck and best wishes in all your efforts. Peace and Goodwill.


Rampersaud Tiwari.

--- On Sat 07/22, Sancho of Nabaclis < childrenofsancho@yahoo.com > wrote:

 From: Sancho of Nabaclis [mailto: childrenofsancho@yahoo.com]


 Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:09:22 -0700 (PDT)

 Subject: Theresa and Roberta Sancho?

Does Theresa and Roberta Sancho of Buxton ring a bell with you?

Eternal Blessings, Love, Peace, Power & Unity

M'lilwana Osanku - Sancho of Nabaclis.

Researching - Sancho, Campbell, Young (Younge), Solomon, Ross & Martin - Families of Guyana.

 History of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, East Sea Coast Demerara, Guyana.

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." The Most Honourable Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) People's Power Forever Vote AFC Tme for Change - down with ethnic politics 

Racism wears different masks in different places at different times

 Guyana: Land of Square Pegs in Round Holes

  1. “Racism isn't resolved in bed no matter who's sleeping with whom." 
  2. "Racism wears different masks in different places at different times, but when the mask is torn away, the same malevolent face of exploitation and greed is exposed." - Jan Rynveld Carew (1920 –2012) Ghosts in Our Blood: With Malcolm X in Africa, England, and the Caribbean. Lawrence Hill Books, 1994 Page 33/35     

This Prisoner of War is of the opinion except the following: Dr. J. B. Singh, Eusi Kwayana, Balram Singh Rai, Dr. Walter Rodney, W. O. R. Kendall, Brindley Horatio Benn, Moses Bhagwan, and Dr. J. A. Nicholson, and perhaps a handful of others the politicians are all corrupted. 

The politicians are encouraged by the politics of ethnicity. Eusi Kwayana, and Dr. Walter Rodney, is the outstanding champions of the people, 1943-2022.

Unless Guyanese honestly examine the events which occurred between 1943 and 2022, and finally, make decisions to eradicate the climate which reproduced politics of ethnicity and mistrust in the Country, there will be little or no socio-economic development in Guyana, which is meaningful to the underprivileged and working class of the populace.

Guyana’s political history of the recent past was orchestrated by a Chicago-born Jew.  Therein lies a major portion of the problem. The relationship between Africans and Indians had been rocky at best, prior to the opportunistic folks spreading their poison in their attempt to occupy the highest offices of the land. The problem with all this is since the legal administration returned to office the result remains the same. Corruption is everywhere.  Violence has occupied a stratosphere never before in the nation.  It is said violence continues to erupt in the nation because it is planned in the highest office in the land. It is worst than in the days of a charismatic but brutal and ruthless dictator.

Where do Guyanese go from there? Why? Overseas. Guyanese are still fleeing the country in great numbers. What does that say? It reflects very poorly on the present administration. This Prisoner of War is of the opinion, the technocrats do not care for Africans and Indians - and that’s the bottom line.

This truth warrior often wonders what the people would do without remittance. Remember Guyanese today are not cut from the clothing as those of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century.  The society seems to have abandoned the land. Once flourishing agricultural communities are often over run by water, weeds - and an aversion to tilting the soil.

This truth warrior is convinced unless the people reject this game the PPP and PNC has been putting down for seventy two years now - and try some other entity - the madness will continue. Where else on earth in this modern age, would a bridge more than a mile in length would cost $38 US million dollars to construct?  What a travesty, small wonder Guyana and Haiti are bosom buddies, at the bottom of the totem pole.   Guyana and Haiti are among the poorest nations on earth.

This Prisoner of War does not know what the proposed discourse hopes to achieve. However, this truth warrior would like to think the atmosphere would be much better than that which was held a few years ago in the USA. This truth warrior is thinking it was at Howard University.

This Prisoner of War is wishing Guyanese locate the antidote. This truth warrior is advocating our people repair the never-ending trauma in Guyana. This Prisoner of War arrived at the conclusion it is desperate times.  Only a revolutionary process can change the course.  Guyanese need to accelerate rapid development in the nation.  Guyanese need to move from consumer to producer nation. Guyanese and Guyana’s enemies are themselves, but most especially their selfish and opportunistic politicians who masquerade as leaders. Those criminals murder people at a drop of a hat. They are concerned and committed to their own self interest. Guyana has never had leaders who loved or love her more than himself - and that is another major part of the problem. No national pride among leaders - it is all a poppy show - an act.  Guyanese politicians are all worthy of Oscars.  The politicians tricked and are still tricking thousands of Guyanese for more than seventy two years, even to this day. This Prisoner of War sits upon the fence. This Prisoner of War wishes all the best to everyone, everywhere. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Berbice franchise 2023

Let’s go Hetmyer. Let’s get on with winning West Indies cricket

West Indies cricket is a cesspool 1995-2022. This truth warrior cannot imagine West Indies winning T20I World Cup 2022. The historical nonsensical insularity and ethnic bias are hidden behind the curtain labeled failed fitness test.

The stubbornness of Adams, Harper, Haynes and Simmons ensures loosing West Indies cricket continues. There is no light in the tunnel. The asininity of CWI lower management continues unabated. CWI, Adams, Haynes and Simmons refuse to try different policies. And the never ending losses and excuses continue – without consequences. 

What do CWI and the six affiliates benefit from CPL? CPL 2022 has offered no major solutions to the epidemic of ineptness of CWI.  Why aren’t more opportunities given to 17-22 years old cricketers to compete in major CWI tournaments? This prisoner of war advocates Berbice, Demerara and Essequebo are awarded franchises in CWI competitions in 2023. He is with no less than seven Guyanese on each team. In current times, in Guyana, it’s ineptness and ethnic cleavage on the Guyana Cricket Board trying to stifle, stagnate and undermine, Hilbert Foster and the Berbice Cricket Board and their cricket development programs in Berbice. 

A Berbice franchise 2023 ought to be comprised of the following: Kevlon Anderson, Anthony Bramble*, Shimron Hetmyer, Gudakesh Motie, Veerasammy Permaul, Clinton Pestano*, Romario Shepherd, Kevin Sinclair, Junior Sinclair, Nail Smith, Isai Thorne,  and Kelvin Umrao

Shai Hope, and Brandon King  - the two regional choices - and Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Shakib Al Hasan – the two internationals – in the Berbice franchise 2023, 

 This prisoner of war also suggests two more teams in men’s competitions. 

This prisoner of war is also saying the six teams in CPL 2022 should have had a limit of four non-West Indians each.

Boston Celtics Marginalize and Victimize Ime Udoka.

 Red Auerbach, Where art thou? This prisoner of war is confident Red Auerbach would not have allowed the episode in the life of Ime Udoka to become public conversation. 

The insensitivity of Wycliffe "Wyc" K. Grousbeck, the Boston Celtics ownership and Brad Stevens, administration respecting the Ime Udoka affair is inexcusable. It is a travesty. It was unnecessary.

Why the Boston Celtics sought to throw their employees under the bus? The attitude and behavior wrecks historical references in European world domination. None, no one ought to attempt to defend the actions and behavior of Ime Udoka. He is aware of the consequences. If crimes were committed; law enforcement should have been alerted.  If there are likely law suits let the chips fall where they may. 

Certainly, Ime Udoka would not resign. Therefore, Boston Celtics ownership and administration should have simply fired Ime Udoka. Thereby, Boston Celtics be washing their hands of Ime Udoka. However, Boston Celtics choose to marginalize and victimize Ime Udoka. Therefore, Boston Celtics’ irrational behaviors and statements created the current circus. 

This circus is indeed by every yardstick a terrible job by the Boston Celtics ownership and administration. Most disgusting but not at all shocking after all the entertainment industrial complex is a microcosm of European –Zionist world order.  Do you remember Cleon Jones? Please remember Cleon Jones, May 1975. 

Ime Udoka stand firm. Humans make errors. Humans make terrible judgement calls. And more over humans lie. Don’t allow them to define Ime Udoka and melanin dominant human males by the usage of their phallus. 

Ida B. Wells – come forward 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Life is about surviving in union with the universal planes - electric, electromagnetic and dielectric - and resting on the waves - with balanced energy operating in the frequency of the most ancient ancestors and emitting positive vibrations.  Only imitation Europeans accept the nonsense of Africa and Africans. There is no such place. There are no such humans. From the beginning of human experience to 216 BCE our ancestors, melanin dominant humans never heard of such asininity.

Macedonians created God. Macedonians misunderstood Kemetic high science. Anubis was morphed into God. AMENET/AMEN (NATURE) is the unseen. RA/RAIT (The SUN) is the creator. Melanin dominant humans in their frequency pay homage to every aspect of AMENET/AMEN. Life is spiritual existence in matter. It is the spirit which animates matter in the physical realm of existence. The Bible is fiction. The Bible is a useless piece of propaganda. The Bible is population mind control. Only sheep, goats, and kids believe in the biblical narratives. Man must know and not believe. Every other surviving animal, but melanin dominant humans, knows what it is and how it relates to NATURE. None of them builds places of worship. Felines and reptiles do not pray. Felines and reptiles prey upon other animals. The Hunter-Gatherers, except for beginning the cooking and consumption of the carcasses of other animals, had a most realistic way of life.  The ridiculousness of belief in the man-made nonsense of goddesses and gods and so on is most disgusting as it is asinine. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Melanin Dominant Humans Must be Programmed by Ancestral Consciousness

 Only humans in their right minds are acceptable. DNA tested melanin dominant humans especially Afurakani-Afuraitkaitnit (Bantu/Muntu), Dravidians, Nagas and Tamils are welcome. This truth warrior is referring to those operating in their and/or on the frequencies consistent with those of their most ancient ancestors, from the era of Hunter-Gatherers to the conquest of Kemet in 664BCE.

  • Zero tolerance for deceit, greed, corruption and treachery. 
  • NO fiction is accepted.  Hence, every organized religious propaganda is rejected. 
  • Zero tolerance for the mentally enslaved. 
  • This truth warrior sympathizes with the physically enslaved. 

This prisoner of war considers every melanin dominant human subservient to white supremacists beyond their requirements to survive in the asylum – Plantation Earth under Khazarian Ashkenazi Zionist domination – is beneath contempt. 

I left nothing in Africa – is by a wide margin - the dumbest statement I ever heard a Sancho make, period. In the aftermath of such asininity, I and I knew that ship has sunk. In fact, I was willing to trade - I hate auntie Murrie - for relevant Sancho, Campbell and Young information. However, I didn’t access any information which would enhance the effort.  In fact, in April, 2020, I concluded I have had more than enough difficulties being on opposite sides of this ridiculous lot. Pragmatic never bows to rumor mongering. 

John Sancho was a sweet man isn’t a historical reference. It is disgusting. It is obnoxious. It is nonsense. Claiming the images of the McDonald - mother and son – are that of the parents of Muriel Sancho and her ten siblings is gross. Such thought and expression forces this son of Lambert Tuckness Sancho (PBUH) to question whether that female has the DNA of Sancho, Campbell and Young. I recall being very upset with a statement T. Anson Sancho made referring to his grandfather, our common ancestor. I was willing to pay him a visit. Cousin Gwendolyn Ralph stated her grandfather was not a saint. He was an upright man of his time. T. Anson Sancho ought to have recorded his name, accurately. Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion: the disconnected always seems to have axes to grind. Lions never document their experiences. Thus, this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episodes that are as accurate as humanly possible. 

I and I think for myself therefore I and I exist. I speak the names of ancestors. I and I clothed in the DNA of Bentick and Mary; Tuckness and Josephine; Alexander and Rachael; Muriel and George; Jacob and Blanche; Noble and Mary; Friday and X; James and Coolie: Richard and Miss McPherson I need to be enlightened are Dodson, Wade, Sears, and John among the ancestors in the American experience? 

The relatives at home include Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  - Let's link up. 

Every group of humans, regardless of the community, be it the nuclear family, the neighbors, neighborhood village, district, region nation, international and globally must have agendas. Melanin dominant humans need to be programmed by and/or with ancestral consciousness of the most ancient of the Nile River valley. Melanin dominant humans can never be freed by continuously producing wealth for the global super predators, generations after generations, centuries after centuries. Melanin dominant humans need to abolish every form of slavery.

This prisoner of war is of the opinion our ancestors erred and repeated the generational errors of secrecy and clarity. Perhaps, our ancestors could not imagine their descendants being powerless for several centuries much less 2686 consecutive years.  Our ancestors could not have imagined 2686 years of lunacy in which melanin deficient peoples would prey upon their descendants. Otherwise, the ancestors would have made steps to prevent greed, deception and treachery.  Everywhere, every group of our people is polluted with greed, deception and treachery.  

This truth warrior stands upon the realities of the Universe. It is dielectric, magnetic and electric. The Universe is a series – cycles of circles - of motion and rest. Perhaps, it is best described as electromagnetic. Religion is an exploitive economic system.  The wealth hoarding classes – the super predators – utilize fear mongering upon the masses. The concept and practice of fear of death and fear of hell is the primary vehicle of people population control in every religion. It is camouflage of greed, deceit and treachery of the wealth hoarding classes – the super predators.  There is no need for religion in the life of any creature. Mankind is the only animal on plantation earth that is out of order, in chaos and out of tune with AMEN/AMENET (NATURE)

  • There is no other creature running on this planet forcing other creatures to produce wealth for them. 
  • There is no other creature running on this planet poisoning air, water, food supply, consumer products
  • There is no other creature running on this planet creating one disease after another. 
  • There is no other creature running on this planet targeting melanin dominant humans for extermination. 

Perhaps, were “Africans” surviving in Arctic and Antarctica instead of “Africa” – they would not be targeted so comprehensively. 

In your own words, what then is spirituality?  How do you relate to the universe?

This truth warrior is absolutely sure; Generational Culture Genocide is the most perplexing and vexing reality of his sojourn in the physical realm of existence. Generational Culture Genocide is the most disgusting feature of the enemies within the populations of melanin dominant humans, globally. 

“DNA matches” are the worse traitors. And those with “African names” are the most disgusting. 

This truth warrior expects “African names” and “DNA matches” to be made of ancestral consciousness He expects “Africans” with European and Arab names, to be imitation Europeans and Arabs.

He does not expect “DNA matches” and Sonko, Sanko, Sankoh, Sankara, Conteh, Aboagye, Elegunde, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole to be imitation Europeans and Arabs. 

AncestryDNA returned *2812 matches.  GEDmatch offers 1945 matches reported.  23andMe shows 926 matches.  FamilyTreeDNA states 185 matches, MyHeritage exhibits 182 matches. The majority of the matches are residents of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Virginia. .Perhaps, they are Gullah Geechee. 

The DNA of Mlilwana Osanku states it has common ancestors with a number of melanin dominant humans named Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  

23andMe claims 

  • Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro are 5th cousins. Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro share .20 percent*(0.20% or15cM) of DNA, 
  • Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro may share a set of 4th-great-grandparents. 
  • Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro could also be from different generations (removed cousins) or share only one ancestor. 
Unfortunately, only Bockarie responded to the enquiries. His response was polite but not encouraging. If you are on GEDmatch – Lets link up. 

  • Drop your enquiries on Mlilwana Osanku blogs.   
  • Email contact on the Mlilwana Osanku blogs.

Love to link up with DNA relatives. Gullah Geechee, Akan, Igbo, Kongo, Nyamwezi, Mandinka, Mende, Yarabawa (Yoruba) whoever you are wherever you are let’s link up and make every effort to identify our common ancestors and relatives. This truth warrior is not surprised Pan-Africans celebrate; Independence Days, 

  1. First of August,
  2.  Labor Day, 
  3. Christmas Eve Day, 
  4. Christmas Day, 
  5. Boxing Day,
  6.  All Saints Day, 
  7. Halloween, 
  8. Mothers’ Day, 
  9. Father’s Day, 
  10. Easter, 
  11. Thanksgiving, 
  12. Presidents’ Day, 
  13. Labor Day, 
  14. Memorial Day, 
  15. Columbus Day, 
  16. Valentine’s Day, 
  17. Emancipation Day, 
  18. Saint Patrick’s Day, 
  19. Pride Day, 
  20.  Indigenous  Heritage Month, 
  21. Black History Month, 
  22. Women’s History Month, 
  23. Latino History Month, 
  24. Caribbean Heritage Month, 
  25. India Day Parade, 
  26. African Day Parade, 
  27. African American Day Parade, 
  28. Caribbean Day Parade.  

This truth warrior is not aware of whatever else those imitation Europeans conjure.  All of them are traitors of their ancestors. None of them are in tune with ancestral consciousness.  If you ever think you find this truth warrior is compromising the integrity of his ancestors bring it to his attention, immediately – will you? 

  • What is the indigenous name for land among your ancestral groups? 
  • What is the meaning of Sankofa among your ancestral groups? 
  • Is there a name of and for the entire land mass – our natural habitat - among your ancestral groups? What are sources of creation and flood myths among your ancestral groups? 
  • Are any of  the following; Sancho, Sankara, Sankaran, Sankare, Sankoh, Sanko, Sankofa, Sankore, Sanchaba, Sancha, Sonko, Sonkodugu, Kasanko, Kosonko, Basanko, Basonko, Basango, Basange, Basankoh, Kasanko, Kasonko, Kasango, Kasange, Kasankoh, Songo, Shongo, and Shankalla, among your ancestral groups and others in the neighboring geography?

Melanin dominant humans masquerading as ancestral consciousness, frequently quoting Marcus Garvey, John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X, Olufela Anikulapo Kuti, Walter Rodney, and Thomas Sankara and other champions of the liberation struggle against the super predators, expose themselves during European holiday celebrations.  It never fails.  Members of the so-called conscious community having dropped their Christian public behavior of amen love to hide their charade behind the liberal usage of ASE. Of times, those Members of the so-called conscious community never stopped practicing generational culture genocide and other aspects consistent with self hatred. 

Hear this son lost in the wilderness.  

  • He cries to and for Aboagye, Bockarie, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole and all the others and their colleagues.
  • He calls Apata his Yoruba representation to come to and for him. 
  • He calls Aboagye his Akan representation to come to and for him. 
  • He calls Bockarie his Mende representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Elegunde his Yoruba representation to come to and for him. 
  • He calls Kamara his Mandinka representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Karnga his Kongo representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Maduike his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Odefunso his representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Okafor his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Okeke his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
  • He calls Okoro his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
  • He calls Omisore his Yoruba representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Omole his Yoruba representation to come to and for him.
  • He calls Tabora his Nyamwezi representation to come to and for him.

This prisoner of war loves to communicate with Steve Aboagye, Saffa Bockarie, Yemi Elegunde, Alpha Kamara, Gloria Kamara, Thomas Karnga, Emmanuel Maduike,  Olajide Erastus Odefunso, Emmanuel Okafor, Nneka Okeke, Roy Okoro, Fatokunbo Omisore-Apata, Gabrielle Omole and Shenate Tabora,  and their immediate relatives - soonest.,  

This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors, daily.  This truth warrior calls their names at least on nine occasions, on the anniversaries of the arrival and departure of ancestors to and from the physical realm of existence. European and Arabs holiday celebrations are not ancestral consciousness. It is succumbing to the reality of powerlessness. 

  1. It is past due to completely destroy, burn, and scatter the ashes of “the Door of No Return” and “the Tree of Forgetfulness” 
  2. It is time to replace the chains – generational culture genocide – with ancestral consciousness. 
  3. It is time to burn all crosses which perpetuates the concept of divide and rule
  4. It is time to bridge the Middle Passage
  5. It is time to reunite families separated by vampires and predators.  
  6. It is time to reunite families across centuries 
  7. It is time to reunite families across the Atlantic Ocean

1.3 billion Melanin dominant humans need to unite otherwise they will be eradicated. 

Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion the disconnected always seems to have axes to grind. Lions never document this experience. Thus this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episode that are as accurate as humanly possible.

Imitation Europeans and imitation Arabs - be gone and stay gone. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Sanko linked to Haiti

 Is this outstanding naturally looking specimen clothed in cultural traditions really a Sanko? This autochthon is with her ancestors were enslaved in Haiti. Perhaps, she really has connections to Sanko. This enquiring mind love to know. I and I am not with beliefs.

If you are aware of this fine female; please ask her to link up with Sancho, Sanko Sankoh and Sonko - soonest. Is it biological? Is it simply a name she adopted? This Sancho is with Sankofa. A Luta Continua

Nov 02, 2016 9:56:54pm

Sancho has lost their bite force

 Oswald Sancho, my favorite human male, greatest lion, I bonded with. Perhaps it's Mandinka tradition of the youngest maternal Uncle bonding with the youngest nephew.

Golden Grove, and Nabaclis and indeed Guyana don't mean the same to this lion with Uncle in the celestial realm. Sancho has lost their bite force. Currently, Sancho are absolutely declawed. Trending and cultural assimilation has over taken this current generations. Truth and reality are frowned upon. Authentic accounts of Sancho experience in Guyana is rejected for gimmicks. Culture piracy rules the day. This Sancho is extremely confident. Future generations of Sancho will admire the efforts of this Sancho. Especially to research and document accurate accounts of Sancho. But, also to link with our relatives, whoever they are, on the African continent. It's very likely, they are Kasonko, Kasanko, Sonko, Sanko, Sankoh, Sankara and similar variants of Temne, Susu, Soninke, Mandinka, and Mande peoples. This Sancho fully expect to be totally vindicated. Future Sancho will know this Sancho, as authentic lover, champion of Sancho and ultra passionate about Sancho heritage and legacy. 

Long Live Oswald Sancho 

Long Live Bentick Sancho 

Long Live Sancho people everywhere. A Luta Continua.

Taken Mar 02, 2016 5:08:59am

Too many imitation Europeans among the Sancho family

"Negroes are ridiculous. Negroes love everything white. The Negroes' yardstick is top-down. White is right. Such rubbish is unknown in our natural habitat before the coming of foreigners." -  Maa'Ngala Oni Shankalla, August 6, 2022, 6:06 PM 

Historical truths as per August 21, 1415 - February 9, 2023AD  in Europe, Africa and the Americas.  The Zionist population control agenda is beneath contempt. How dare you be so ridiculous? Salvador Fernandes Zarco (1451-1506) a Marrano. Salvador Fernandes Zarco is Portuguese royalty. He is credited with the discovery of the Americas. 

Is McDonald a surname associated with the Kinship of Sancho?William Alexander McDonald, School Teacher, 9 Mundy Street Georgetown – Lot 91 Section B, Mocha to Mary Dorothy Inez Sancho of Spring lands, Corentyne, Berbice, Single woman 22nd Day, January 1955

Source: Transport and Mortgages - Demerara and Essequibo - Official Gazette of British Guiana - January 8, 1955: page 2.

This Truth Warrior greets thee in the name of his ancestors, their relatives and colleagues, whomever they are and wherever they are.  This Truth Warrior hail the ancestors who were aware of our Ancestral Consciousness, autochthonous names, languages, culture,   ancestral heritage and lineages predating this current human experience. He hails the melanin dominant humans named Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba. He requests they teach him who he is, and what he must be - before he flies away home.  

This Truth Warrior also greets thee in the name Oswald Sancho, Rashleigh Sharper, Shelia Sharper and Tuckness Sancho and numerous other relatives enslaved and interred in Plantation America. 

This Truth Warrior is well pleased with DNA test results. He is not surprised by the lack of interest among those he was programmed to accept as his Sancho relatives. The conclusion was reached in April 2020. The ridiculous narrow-minded labeled him controversial. Treacherous people linked to Sancho carried on with awful statements. Clowns went so far as to denigrate the grandparents of this Mande. The disgusting damn blasted liars claimed the image of Cyril Alexander McDonald and Sarah Best, his mother are the images of Alexander Sancho and Rachael (Campbell) Sancho.

The grandparents of this Sancho departed more than nine years before this Mande was birthed. However, the physical characteristics of people in the image did not match the descriptions of Rachael  (Campbell) Sancho and Alexander Sancho.
This Truth Warrior love to thank Dorothy Sancho for identifying the images of Cyril McDonald and Sarah Best, his mother as her father and her grandmother. 
“Okay, this is a treasure. Sarah Best, our great-grandmother, with her son, Cyril McDonald, our grandfather. For those who don't know, Grandfather discovered later in life, to his surprise, that his name was actually James Best. That happened when he applied for a passport. He had his name officially changed to Cyril McDonald, who he thought he was all along. Hey, we McDonalds could have been the Best family” - Dawn McDonald, July 5, 2016,   McDonald Family Reunion 2020 
Sarah Best with her son, Cyril McDonald,

Cyril Alexander McDonald 
“Mr. Cyril Alexander McDonald, our grandfather. One good -looking dude. ” - Dawn McDonald, July 5, 2016,   McDonald Family Reunion 2020

During the last three years, the behaviors of the social construct referred to as the Sancho family, respecting the aftermath of the transitions of Alwyn Fitzpatrick Sancho and Alvin Sancho are the most traumatic episodes of this Sancho in recent times.  There are, by far, too many imitation Europeans among the Sancho family.
This Sancho is focused on ascertaining the biological links to Bentick Sancho. This Sancho is of the opinion that our people have the oral information which will provide the direction leading to evidence as accurate as humanly possible. This Sancho simply needs to connect with the appropriate sources of information. And also perhaps, you and/or another Sancho will enlighten this Sancho respecting the names and descendants of the four other children of Edward Sancho. Trinidad is such a melting pot. It is difficult to conclude which geography Edward Sancho is linked to immediately beyond Trinidad. The possibilities are Merkens, Barbados, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Venezuela, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Suriname, East Indians and Chinese. Of course whoever your Sancho is, Sancho hopes your DNA matches the DNA of Bentick Sancho. Sometime ago this Sancho used to sing about Sancho – all ah we ah one family.  Well that was then this is now. Sancho has lost its uniqueness. The people of the past still have a tremendous hold in the thought process of this Sancho still. And he won’t let go until he exhales his last breath. This POW is a DNA tested melanin dominant human. And he loves DNA tested melanin dominant humans especially Afurakani-Afuraitkaitnit*(Bantu/Muntu), Dravidians, Nagas and Tamils exhibiting ancestral consciousness. And not only have that but had a profile on GEDmatch. 
Only humans in their right minds are acceptable
This truth warrior is referring to those operating in  and/or on the frequencies consistent with those of their most ancient ancestors, from the era of Hunter-Gatherers to the conquest of Kemet in 664 BCE.
NO fiction is accepted.  Hence, organized religious propaganda is rejected. 
Zero tolerance for deceit, greed, corruption and treachery. 
Zero tolerance for the mentally enslaved. 
This truth warrior sympathizes with the physically enslaved. 
This prisoner of war considers every melanin dominant human subservient to white supremacists beyond their requirements to survive in the asylum – Plantation Earth under Khazarian Ashkenazi Zionist domination – beneath contempt.I left nothing in Africa – is by a wide margin - the dumbest statement I ever heard a Sancho make, period. In the aftermath of such a sinking, I and I knew that ship had sunk. In fact, I was willing to trade - I hate Auntie Murrie - for relevant Sancho, Campbell and Young information. However, I didn’t access any information which would enhance the effort.  In fact, in April, 2020, I concluded I have had more than enough difficulties being on opposite sides of this ridiculous lot. Pragmatic never bows to rumor mongering. 
John Sancho was a sweet man isn’t a historical reference. It is disgusting. It is obnoxious. It is nonsense. Claiming the images of the McDonald - mother and son – are that of the parents of Muriel Sancho and her ten siblings is gross. Such thought and expression forces this son of Lambert Tuckness Sancho (PBUH) to question whether that female has the DNA of Sancho, Campbell and Young. I recall being very upset with a statement T. Anson Sancho made referring to his grandfather, our common ancestor. I was willing to pay him a visit. Cousin Gwendolyn Ralph stated her grandfather was not a saint. He was an upright man of his time. T. Anson Sancho ought to have recorded his name accurately. Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion: the disconnected always seem to have axes to grind. Lions never document their experiences. Thus, this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episodes that are as accurate as humanly possible. 
I and I think for myself therefore I and I exist. I speak the names of ancestors. I and I clothed in the DNA of Bentick and Mary; Tuckness and Josephine; Alexander and Rachael; Muriel and George; Jacob and Blanche; Noble and Mary; Friday and X; James and Coolie: Richard and Miss McPherson I need to be enlightened are Dodson, Wade, Sears, and John among the ancestors in the American experience? 
The relatives at home are such as Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  - Let's link up. 

Every group of humans, regardless of the community, be it the nuclear family, the neighbors, neighborhood village, district, region, nation, international and globally must have agendas. Melanin dominant humans need to be programmed by and/or with ancestral consciousness of the most ancient of the Nile River valley. Melanin dominant humans can never be freed by continuously producing wealth for the global super predators, generations after generations, centuries after centuries. Melanin dominant humans need to abolish every form of slavery.
This prisoner of war is of the opinion our ancestors erred and repeated the generational errors of secrecy and clarity. Perhaps, our ancestors could not imagine their descendants being powerless for several centuries, much less 2686 consecutive years.  Our ancestors could not have imagined 2686 years of lunacy in which melanin deficient peoples would prey upon their descendants. Otherwise, the ancestors would have made steps to prevent greed, deception and treachery.  Everywhere, every group of our people is polluted with greed, deception and treachery.  
This truth warrior stands upon the realities of the Universe. It is dielectric, magnetic and electric. The Universe is a series – cycles of circles - of motion and rest. Perhaps, it is best described as electromagnetic. Religion is an exploitative economic system.  The wealth hoarding classes – the super predators – utilize fear mongering upon the masses. The concept and practice of fear of death and fear of hell is the primary vehicle of population control in every religion. It is camouflage of greed, deceit and treachery of the wealth hoarding classes – the super predators.  There is no need for religion in the life of any creature. Mankind is the only animal on plantation earth that is out of order, in chaos and out of tune with AMEN/AMENET (NATURE)
There is no other creature running on this planet forcing other creatures to produce wealth for them. There is no other creature running on this planet poisoning air, water, food supply, consumer products
There is no other creature running on this planet creating one disease after another. 
There is no other creature running on this planet targeting melanin dominant humans for extermination. 
Perhaps, were “Africans” surviving in the Arctic and Antarctica instead of “Africa” – they would not be targeted so comprehensively. 
In your own words, what then is spirituality?  How do you relate to the universe?
This truth warrior is absolutely sure; Generational Culture Genocide is the most perplexing and vexing reality of his sojourn in the physical realm of existence. Generational Culture Genocide is the most disgusting feature of the enemies within the populations of melanin dominant humans, globally. 
“DNA matches” are the worst traitors. And those with “African names” are the most disgusting. 
This truth warrior expects “African names” and “DNA matches” to be made of ancestral consciousness He expects “Africans” with European and Arab names to be imitation Europeans and Arabs.
He does not expect “DNA matches” and Sonko, Sanko, Sankoh, Sankara, Conteh, Aboagye, Elegunde, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole to be imitation Europeans and Arabs. AncestryDNA returned *2812 matches.  GEDmatch offers 1945 matches.  23andMe shows 926 matches.  FamilyTreeDNA states 185 matches, MyHeritage exhibits 182 matches. The majority of the matches are residents of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Virginia. .Perhaps, they are Gullah Geechee. 
The DNA of Mlilwana Osanku states it has common ancestors with a number of melanin dominant humans named Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  23andMe claims Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro are 5th cousins. Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro share .20 percent*(0.20% or15cM) of DNA, Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro may share a set of 4th-great-grandparents. Mlilwana Osanku and Okoro could also be from different generations (removed cousins) or share only one ancestor. Unfortunately, only Bockarie responded to the enquiries. His response was polite but not encouraging. If you are on GEDmatch – Lets link up – drop your enquiries on Mlilwana Osanku blogs and/or the email contact on the Mlilwana Osanku blogs. Not sure emails are permitted herein. Love to link up with DNA relatives. Gullah Geechee, Akan, Igbo, Kongo, Nyamwezi, Mandinka, Mende, Yarabawa (Yoruba) whoever you are wherever you are, let's link up and make every effort to identify our common ancestors and relatives. 
This truth warrior is not surprised Pan-Africans celebrate Independence Days, First of August, Labor Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, All Saints Day, Halloween, Mothers’ Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Presidents’ Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Valentine’s Day, Emancipation Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Pride Day,  Indigenous  Heritage Month Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Latino History Month, Caribbean Heritage Month, India Day Parade, African Day Parade, African American Day Parade, and Caribbean Day Parade.  This truth warrior is not aware of whatever else those imitation Europeans conjure.  All of them are traitors of their ancestors. None of them are in tune with ancestral consciousness.  If you ever think you find this truth warrior is compromising the integrity of his ancestors bring it to his attention, immediately – will you? 
What is the indigenous name for land among your ancestral groups? 
What is the meaning of Sankofa among your ancestral groups? 
Is there a name of and for the entire land mass – our natural habitat - among your ancestral groups? What are sources of creation and flood myths among your ancestral groups? 
Are any of  the following; Sancho, Sankara, Sankaran, Sankare, Sankoh, Sanko, Sankofa, Sankore, Sanchaba, Sancha, Sonko, Sonkodugu, Kasanko, Kosonko, Basanko, Basonko, Basango, Basange, Basankoh, Kasanko, Kasonko, Kasango, Kasange, Kasankoh, Songo, Shongo, and Shankalla, among your ancestral groups and others in the neighboring geography?
Melanin dominant humans masquerading as ancestral consciousness, frequently quoting Marcus Garvey, John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X, Olufela Anikulapo Kuti, Walter Rodney, and Thomas Sankara and other champions of the liberation struggle against the super predators, expose themselves during European holiday celebrations.  It never fails.  Members of the so-called conscious community having dropped their Christian public behavior of amen love to hide their charade behind the liberal usage of ASE. Of times, those Members of the so-called conscious community never stopped practicing generational culture genocide and other aspects consistent with self hatred. 
Hear this son lost in the wilderness.  
He cries to and for Aboagye, Bockarie, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole and all the others and their colleagues.
He calls Apata his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him. 
He calls Aboagye his Akan representation to come to and for him. 
He calls Bockarie his Mende representation to come to and for him.  Bockarie maternal lineage
He calls Elegunde his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him. 
He calls Kamara his Mandinka representation to come to and for him.
He calls Karnga his Kongo representation to come to and for him.
He calls Maduike his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
He calls Odefunso his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
He calls Okafor his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
He calls Okeke his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
He calls Okoro his Igbo representation to come to and for him. 
He calls Omisore his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
He calls Omole his Yarabawa representation to come to and for him.
He calls Tabora his Nyamwezi representation to come to and for him.

This prisoner of war loves to communicate with Steve Aboagye, Saffa Bockarie, Yemi Elegunde, Alpha Kamara, Gloria Kamara, Thomas Karnga, Emmanuel Maduike,  Olajide Erastus Odefunso, Emmanuel Okafor, Nneka Okeke, Roy Okoro, Fatokunbo Omisore-Apata, Gabrielle Omole and Shenate Tabora,  and their immediate relatives - soonest.,  
This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors, daily.  This truth warrior calls their names at least on nine occasions, on the anniversaries of the arrival and departure of ancestors to and from the physical realm of existence.  . European and Arabs holiday celebrations are not ancestral consciousness. It is succumbing to the reality of powerlessness. 
It is past due to completely destroy, burn, and scatter the ashes of “the Door of No Return” and “the Tree of Forgetfulness” 
It is time to replace the chains – generational culture genocide – with ancestral consciousness. 
It is time to burn all crosses which perpetuates the concept of divide and rule
It is time to bridge the Middle Passage
It is time to reunite families separated by vampires and predators.  
It is time to reunite families across centuries 
It is time to reunite families across the Atlantic Ocean
1.3 billion Melanin dominant humans need to unite otherwise they will be eradicated. 
Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion the disconnected always seem to have axes to grind. Lions never document this experience. Thus this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episodes that are as accurate as humanly possible.
Imitation Europeans and imitation Arabs - be gone and stay gone. 

I left nothing in Africa – is the dumbest statement I ever heard uttered by a Sancho - Absolutely Disgusting

I left nothing in Africa – is by a wide margin - the dumbest statement I ever heard a Sancho make, period. In the aftermath of such asininity, I and I knew that ship has sunk. In fact, I was willing to trade - I hate Auntie Murrie - for relevant Sancho, Campbell and Young information. However, I didn’t access any information which would enhance the effort.  In fact, in April, 2020, I concluded I have had more than enough difficulties being on opposite sides of this ridiculous lot. Pragmatic never bows to rumor mongering.

John Sancho was a sweet man isn’t a historical reference. It is disgusting. It is obnoxious. It is nonsense. Claiming the images of the McDonald - mother and son – are that of the parents of Muriel Sancho and her ten siblings is gross. Such thought and expression forces this son of Lambert Tuckness Sancho (PBUH) to question whether that female has the DNA of Sancho, Campbell and Young. I recall being very upset with a statement T. Anson Sancho made referring to his grandfather, our common ancestor. I was willing to pay him a visit. Cousin Gwendolyn Ralph stated her grandfather was not a saint. He was an upright man of his time. T. Anson Sancho ought to have recorded his name, accurately. Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion: the disconnected always seems to have axes to grind. Lions never document their experiences. Thus, this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episodes that are as accurate as humanly possible.

I and I think for myself therefore I and I exist. I speak the names of ancestors. I and I clothed in the DNA of Bentick and Mary; Tuckness and Josephine; Alexander and Rachael; Muriel and George; Jacob and Blanche; Noble and Mary; Friday and X; James and Coolie: Richard and Miss McPherson I need to be enlightened are Dodson, Wade, Sears, and John among the ancestors in the American experience?

The relatives are at home such as Apata, Aboagye, Bockarie, Botsho, Elegunde, Kamara, Karnga, Maduike, Odefunso, Okafor, Okeke, Okoro, Omisore, Omole, Osei, Sanusi, Tabora and Tamba.  - Let's link up.

I am that I am. I have had great difficulties eradicating thoughts of consuming the carcasses of animals.  I admit curry chicken and jerk chicken were the most difficult to remove from my diet. 

I challenged myself.  I try to exercise thoughts, word and sounds. In kindergarten Miss Justina Ralph forced me to adopt the practice of voicing words and listening and committing those words to memory. Similarly Muriel Sancho would be adamant I exercise my memory. I was forced to recall details of grocery shopping list. Oh well I was terrible at spelling I blame my shoddy but convenient memory. The fella never forgets traumatic events. And he also never ever forgives. 

The original man did not cook. I consume cocked rice. I consume cocked beans. I consume cocked peas. I consume cocked boiled water. I don't eat animals' carcasses. I don't lick animals. I don't walk animals.  I don't pick up animals’ excrements. I hate zoos. I hate museums. I am a spirit.

I added. I don't seek revenge. I don't smoke. I don't drink alcohol. I don't congregate.  I don't argue. I don't fight. 

I walk in light and in truth. 


Ancestral Consciousness - Imitation Europeans and imitation Arabs - be gone and stay gone.

 Every group of humans, regardless of the community, be it the nuclear family, the neighbors, neighborhood village, district, region nation, international and globally must have agendas. Melanin dominant humans need to be programmed by and/or with ancestral consciousness of the most ancient of the Nile River valley. Melanin dominant humans can never be freed by continuously producing wealth for the global super predators, generations after generations, centuries after centuries. Melanin dominant humans need to abolish every form of slavery.

This prisoner of war is of the opinion our ancestors erred and repeated the generational errors of secrecy and clarity. Perhaps, our ancestors could not imagine their descendants being powerless for several centuries much less 2686 consecutive years.  Our ancestors could not have imagined 2686 years of lunacy in which melanin deficient peoples would prey upon their descendants. Otherwise, they would have made steps to prevent the greed, deception and treachery which pollute every group of our people, in every geography. 

This truth warrior stand upon the realities of the Universe. It is dielectric, magnetic and electric. The Universe is a series – cycles of circles - of motion and rest. Perhaps, it is best described as electromagnetic. Religion is an exploitive economic system.  The wealth hoarding classes – the super predators – utilize fear mongering upon the masses. The concept and practice of fear of death and fear of hell is the primary vehicle of people population control in every religion. It is camouflage of greed, deceit and treachery of the wealth hoarding classes – the super predators.  There is no need for religion in the life of any creature. Mankind is the only animal on plantation earth that is out of order, in chaos and out of tune with AMEN/AMENET (NATURE)

  1. There is no other creature running on this planet forcing other creatures to produce wealth for them. There is no other creature running on this planet poisoning air, water, food supply, consumer products
  2. There is no other creature running on this planet creating one disease after another. 
  3. There is no other creature running on this planet targeting melanin dominant humans for extermination. 

Perhaps, were “Africans” surviving in Arctic and Antarctica instead of “Africa” – they would not be targeted so comprehensively. 

In your own words, What then is spirituality?  How do you relate to the universe?

This truth warrior is absolutely sure; Generational Culture Genocide is the most perplexing and vexing reality of his sojourn in the physical realm of existence. Generational Culture Genocide is the most disgusting feature of the enemies within the populations of melanin dominant humans, globally. 

“DNA matches” are the worse traitors. And those with “African names” are the most disgusting. 

This truth warrior expects “African names” and “DNA matches” to be made of ancestral consciousness He expects “Africans” with European and Arab names, to be imitation Europeans and Arabs.

He does not expect “DNA matches” and Sonko, Sanko, Sankoh, Sankara, Conteh, Aboagye, Elegunde, Odefunso, Okeke, and Omole to be imitation Europeans and Arabs.

This truth warrior is not surprised Pan-Africans celebrate Independence Days, First of August, Labor Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, All Saints Day, Halloween, Mothers’ Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Presidents’ Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Valentine’s Day, Emancipation Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Pride Day,  Indigenous  Heritage Month Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Latino History Month, Caribbean Heritage Month, India Day Parade, African Day Parade, African American Day Parade, and Caribbean Day Parade.  This truth warrior is not aware of whatever else those imitation Europeans conjure.  All of them are traitors of their ancestors. None of them are in tune with ancestral consciousness.  If you ever think you find this truth warrior is compromising the integrity of his ancestors bring it to his attention, immediately – will you? 

  1. What is the indigenous name for land among your ancestral groups? 
  2. What is the meaning of Sankofa among your ancestral groups? 
  3. Is there a name of and for the entire land mass – our natural habitat - among your ancestral groups? What are sources of creation and flood myths among your ancestral groups? 
  4. Are any of  the following; Sancho, Sankara, Sankaran, Sankare, Sankoh, Sanko, Sankofa, Sankore, Sanchaba, Sancha, Sonko, Sonkodugu, Kasanko, Kosonko, Basanko, Basonko, Basango, Basange, Basankoh, Kasanko, Kasonko, Kasango, Kasange, Kasankoh, Songo, Shongo, and Shankalla, among your ancestral groups and others in the neighboring geography?

Melanin dominant humans masquerading as ancestral consciousness, frequently quoting Marcus Garvey, John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X, Olufela Anikulapo Kuti, Walter Rodney, and Thomas Sankara and other champions of the liberation struggle against the super predators, expose themselves during European holiday celebrations.  It never fails.  Members of the so-called conscious community having dropped their Christian public behavior of amen love to hide their charade behind the liberal usage of ASE. Of times, those Members of the so-called conscious community never stopped practicing generational culture genocide and other aspects consistent with self hatred. 

Hear this son lost in the wilderness.  

He cries to and for Aboagye, Bockarie, Elegunde, Okeke, and Omole and all the others and their colleagues.

  1. He calls Aboagye his Akan representation to come to and for him. 
  2. He calls Bockarie his Mende representation to come to and for him.
  3. He calls Elegunde his Yoruba representation to come to and for him.
  4. He calls Okeke his Igbo representation to come to and for him.
  5. He calls Omole his Yoruba representation to come to and for him.

This prisoner of war loves to communicate with Steve Aboagye, Saffa Bockarie, Nneka Okeke, Gabrielle Omole and their immediate relatives - soonest. 

This prisoner of war speaks the name of ancestors, daily.  on the anniversaries of the arrival and departure of ancestors to and from the physical realm of existence, This truth warrior calls their names at least on nine occasions. European and Arabs holiday celebrations are not ancestral consciousness. It is succumbing to the reality of powerlessness. 

  1. It is past due to completely destroy, burn, and scatter the ashes of “the Door of No Return” and “the Tree of Forgetfulness” 
  2. It is time to replace the chains – generational culture genocide – with ancestral consciousness. 
  3. It is time to burn all crosses which perpetuates the concept of divide and rule
  4. It is time to bridge the Middle Passage
  5. It is time to reunite families separated by vampires and predators.  
  6. It is time to reunite families across centuries 
  7. It is time to reunite families across the Atlantic Ocean

1.3 billion melanin dominant humans need to unite otherwise they will be eradicated. 

Most regrettably, our people, generally, aren’t built like they were up to the end of the third decade of the twentieth century.  Conclusion the disconnected always seems to have axes to grind. Lions never document this experience. Thus this truth warrior intends to research, document and publish episode that are as accurate as humanly possible.

Imitation Europeans and imitation Arabs - be gone and stay gone. 

Children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho

 Children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho

The seven Sancho brothers were all very athletic. They were talented. And most especially on the soccer field they were excellent.  The three sisters were not bad either. This prisoner of war first beheld the images of the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho in April 1966. Alwyn Sancho, most beloved by this prisoner of war, Bertrand Abrams and Sidney Marious returned to the colony of British Guiana for the funeral and burial of our most beloved Aunt Elsa Sancho and great aunt Eileen Sancho.

Therefore, this prisoner of war became aware of nine children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho, This prisoner of war considered the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho, his younger siblings This prisoner of war grew up with children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho, 1967-1981. Therefore, of course, this prisoner of war is aware the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho were the darlings of the loved ones of this prisoner of war and numerous other residents in the district. Muriel Sancho, Margaret Sancho, Oswald Sancho, Sheila Sharper, Belle Roberts, Emelda Sancho and Estelle Johdan, peace be upon them, seemed to go out of their way to accommodate the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho. 

And this prisoner of war appreciated the presence of the adults with the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho, for the bonding allowed him to fly beneath the radar more often than not. Cricket and swimming were the major activities of this prisoner of war. 

It seemed after Olga Davis purchased the Chin-A-Loy residence everyone gravitated towards that Sancho family and their residence. This prisoner of war is sure he met several persons there for the first time. This prisoner of war recalls Michelle Sancho and her mother, Claudette Sancho. Well Claudette is the sister of the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho.  Michelle Sancho is the niece of the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho. This prisoner of war also recalls Donald Sancho, Donald Sancho is son of Trenton Sancho. Donald Sancho is grandson of big uncle Lammy Sancho. This prisoner of war loves Donald Sancho this minute as he did during 1977-1981

How can this prisoner of war forget Fitzroy and Duncan the sons of Winnie Pollard? This prisoner of war did not meet Burchell Lutchman and Eddy Sancho at the residence of the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho.  This prisoner of war met numerous females visiting the Sancho sisters. What’s not to like about that fact? This prisoner of war recalls Sandra Douglas, Paula Mingo, and Eversley, Ann Weatherspoon and Brenda Cox and a number of other. Even Patricia Paul happened by on a few occasions. Other relatives such as Ann Richmond, Belle Roberts, Emelda Abrams, Sheila Sharper, Margaret Sancho, April Sancho, the Cosbert brothers; Milo (Clifford), Cassa (Richard), and Desmond, Boots (Rupert Abrams), Tallman (Winston Matthews) and his sister, Denise, Freeco (Winston Cosbert), Cootoe (Woolford), Dennis Scotland, Louis Sharper and his sister Edith, Cora, Venita, Myrvin, Anson and Ralph, Dawn Sancho, Colin Sancho, Neil Sancho and Sonia Sancho, Colin Rodrigues, Frankie Rodrigues and Reggie Lowe frequented the Sancho residence. Kevin and Fitzroy Simon, brothers, Sue Bow (Glenroy Williams), Ralph Moore, Jeffrey Smith, Joseph Waldron, Ashton Glasgow, “Strongie” (Stephens), “Humphrey Bogart” and Georgie Katta and a multitude of others also visited. 

This prisoner of war do not have any recollection of Cousin Dove, Oswald Sancho and Bouya Sharper visiting, perhaps they did. Well there was Michael Sancho and there were others. Backlegg is the best soccer player this prisoner of war ever saw. What Backlegg did with the ball with his feet this prisoner of war had great trouble doing with his hands?  The Sancho brothers were all much better than this prisoner of war was at soccer. Roger Sancho was ridiculously agile. He was limbered. Ian Sancho was super emotional, caring, and respectful of the adults and elderly. This prisoner of war will always fondly recall being told Ian Sancho screamed at mother “Auntie Murrie don’t fret! Your blood pressure go raise”. That scenario arose when George Ross was threatening to physically abuse Manish Puppy, Compton Ross. It would have been worst. This prisoner of war was not present. This prisoner of war was neither concerned nor committed to the welfare of George Ross. This prisoner of war thought females found Joel Sancho irresistible. Terry Sancho and Trevor Sancho were as different as they were similar. This prisoner of war guess you could make the same conclusion about Gillian Sancho and Sharron Sancho. Once, this prisoner of war was enlightened to the fact the sisters made roti, well he tried by all means not to offend them. This prisoner of war will also never forget Andrew Sancho’s burst of rapid fire cockney, “What you gon do”? This prisoner of war had to ask Olga Davis Sancho to interpret what Andrew Sancho asked. That’s part of the earliest encounter this prisoner of war experienced with the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho.  The Sancho family were residing a stone’s throw from the Abrams’ residence, at the Public Road at Nabaclis. This prisoner of war considered the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho his second favorite Sancho family – nuclear family unit of the Sancho kinship. Well, the family of Alexander Sancho and Rachael Sancho is the primary nuclear family of the human experience of this prisoner of war, period. Alexander Sancho and Rachael Sancho and their eleven children and Alwyn Sancho are the greatest episodes of influences in the experience of this prisoner of war. Had anyone told this prisoner of war that the children of Olga Davis and Alwyn Sancho would reside thousands of miles apart as adults this prisoner of war would have demanded they be institutionalized at Fort St. Andries at the confluence of the Berbice and Canje rivers, in Berbice. That’s about the size of it in a nutshell.

Friday, September 9, 2022

no solutions to epidemic of ineptness.

 Shout out to Dennis Braithwaite in Barbados

Shout out to Simone Braithwaite in Barbados

Shemar Lashley in Kissimmee, Florida, United States

Shout out to Brittaney Lashley i in New York, New York, United States

 Shout out to Keila Elliott, Martin and Campbell of Barbados – Let’s link up, immediately. 

Big shout out to DNA Sancho, everywhere, most especially in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, Berbice, and Suriname.

Let’s go Hetmyer. Let’s go winning West Indies cricket

This truth warrior cannot imagine West Indies winning T20I world cup 2022. Simply because of the stubbornness of Adams, Haynes and Simmons and their nonsensical insularity curtain labeled failed fitness test. West Indies cricket is a cesspool 1995-2022, And there is no light in the tunnel. The asininity of CWI lower management continues unabated. They refuse to try different policies. And the never ending losses and excuses continues – without consequences. 

CPL 2022 has offered no major solutions to the epidemic of ineptness. What do CWI and the six affiliates benefit from CPL?  This prisoner of war advocates Berbice, Demerara and Essequebo be awarded franchises in CWI competitions. He is with no less than seven Guyanese on each team.  This prisoner of war is saying the six teams in CPL 2022 should have a limit of four non-West Indians each.

This prisoner of war wish the so-called unfit players; Narine, Russell, Allen, Lewis, Rutherford, Hemraj and Hetmyer produce ridiculous numbers and consistent outstanding performances forcing Adams, Haynes, and Simmons to make further embarrassing statements. 

This prisoner of war expects the 15 man T20I World Cup 2022 to be drawn from the following:

Sunil Narine, Akeal Hosein, Gudakesh Motie, Hayden Walsh Jr,

Andre Fletcher, Andre Russell, Fabian Allen, Brandon King, Rovman Powell

Evin Lewis, Sherfane Rutherford, Nicholas Pooran, Shimron Hetmyer, Kyle Mayers,

Odean Smith, Jason Holder, Alzarri Joseph, Obed McCoy, Dominic Drakes, Romario Shepherd

Humans are liars DNA is the truth

 This Prisoner of War is tired of the nonsense of employees at Facebook, Twitter and other information outlets.  The employees at the various information outlets keep trying to control the expressions of this Prisoner of War. 

The employees at Facebook are tiresome with the unnecessary notices and asininity disciplinary actions labeled – community standards. 

Even a post referencing the British Archives became an issue against Facebook’s community standards. The employees at Facebook choose to label the post this Prisoner of War made pointing family history researchers to the British Archives as hate or spam or both.  This Prisoner of War can’t remember the nonsense employees stated. The employees at Facebook informed MaaNgala Oni Shankalla they will disable account in 23 days. Why wait?  Why not remove both accounts? Perhaps This Prisoner of War ought to save the employees at Facebook the trouble by removing profiles. Perhaps, the employees at Facebook want to remove both themselves.  

The employees at Twitter wanted this Prisoner of War to remove Negro from a post he made. Humans are liars. The DNA of a human is the truthful expression of that human experience.  This Prisoner of War is done with information outlets which employs creatures with their rectums for brains.  Enough said. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Ancestral Consciousness is our only Salvation

 Ancestral Consciousness is our only Salvation 


Some common synonyms of transmogrify are convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transform, and transmute. While all these words mean "to change a thing into a different thing," transmogrify suggests a strange or preposterous metamorphosis.

Whatever you think you are is irrelevant.  DNA speaks volumes of truth. Every FBA, ADOS human must have DNA of hunter gatherers of Africa such as Khoekhoen, Biaka, Hadza, Khoikhoi, San, Sabue, and Sandawe. Otherwise they aren’t humans. 

This truth warrior subscribe to natural over social constructs. This truth warrior subscribe to truth and reality over fictitious thoughts and expressions 

  1. Columbus did not discover America. 
  2. No human can survive in the belly of a whale. 
  3. No human can survive for 969 years in the physical realm of existence
  4. No human can walk on water  

Hence the biblical narratives are as reprehensible as the thought processes which established and promote them. 

This Truth Warrior is of the opinion the universal planes are one with AMENET/AMEN (NATURE), his ancestors and our totems. He hates every alien construct which does not promote improved conditions of the lives of melanin dominant and their future generations. 

Was English Language established to promote Jesus Christ as the camouflage for robbing our human and our natural resources?

Melanin dominant humans need to be Ancestral Consciousness. Why won’t melanin dominant humans be adherents of the cultural traditions of their most ancient ancestors?  Is that the individual’s prerogative in the face of comprehensive war of extermination of melanin dominant humans? Is it possible you wish to identify yourself to this truth warrior? 

From the moment this truth warrior can remember; he witnessed hair in several areas of humans' bodies. However, in current times and the recent past, within the last forty years, this truth warrior has not seen hair in those regions of humans’ bodies.  This truth warrior doesn’t think our people gave much thought to the social construct. Perhaps, during the mid1980s our people simply began trending. This truth warrior prefers to witness natural hair on the locations of human bodies where hair is expected to be naturally present. 

This truth warrior subscribe to biology over social constructs - family history and genealogy above, over and beyond family reunions. It is always, DNA over family ties.

Of course, this truth warrior hates baldhead males. Barber Austin on the Strand in the late 1950s and early 1960s is still a traumatic experience. This truth warrior has recurring nightmares on every occasion he witnesses “them crazy Baldheads”.  And Of course, in New York City that is all too often. This truth warrior never witnessed a baldheaded Sancho male prior to images on social media, Since Spring 2005; this truth warrior witnessed too many images of baldheaded Sancho males. It’s disgusting. 

Since the early 1980s, it has become extremely clear to this truth warrior, melanin dominant humans have had great difficulties being natural. Furthermore, melanin dominant humans are not making every effort to be adherents to their ancestral consciousness. Our people are out of their natural frequencies, everywhere. The majority of 1.5 billion melanin dominant humans are displaying unnatural energy. Of course melanin dominant humans are emitting vibrations similar to bipedal sheep, goats and kids.

 In their right minds – natural state – melanin dominant humans are as revolutionary as politicians and technocrats choosing to survive in poverty as are the majority of mentally enslaved in any given plantation.  The images of melanin dominant females in their natural state are revolutionary statements. Melanin dominant males with hair on their heads are simply saying - no more trending. They are keeping it real.  Maat, Sankofa and Ubuntu – and other cultural traditions are our guidelines as per our ancestors. 

May the ancestors, ancestral consciousness, our cultural traditions, and influence of the radical reformers from Imhotep to Thomas Sankara inspire melanin dominant humans  to stand up to global ruling elites – the earth’s greatest super predators preying upon our human and our natural resources.   

 This truth warrior subscribe Ancestral Consciousness is our only Salvation. This truth warrior subscribe to humans have animals' pattern of behaviors. This truth warrior considers felines, crocodiles and cobras are my totems- spirit animals. None of those animals are into forgiveness. This truth warrior is not with forgiveness. This truth warrior with forgiveness is as awful a construct as enslavement and imprisonment. This truth warrior never witnesses other animals forgiving animals. This truth warrior concluded forgiving is unnatural behavior. This truth warrior never surprised whenever he is told of recurring and/or similar episodes following that unnecessary exercise.

Long Live Dedan Kimathi

Long Live freedom fighters, everywhere

.May his Spirit inspire us to stand up to Western imperialism plaguing the continent?