Life is about surviving in union with the universal planes - electric, electromagnetic and dielectric - and resting on the waves - with balanced energy operating in the frequency of the most ancient ancestors and emitting positive vibrations. Only imitation Europeans accept the nonsense of Africa and Africans. There is no such place. There are no such humans. From the beginning of human experience to 216 BCE our ancestors, melanin dominant humans never heard of such asininity.
Macedonians created God. Macedonians misunderstood Kemetic high science. Anubis was morphed into God. AMENET/AMEN (NATURE) is the unseen. RA/RAIT (The SUN) is the creator. Melanin dominant humans in their frequency pay homage to every aspect of AMENET/AMEN. Life is spiritual existence in matter. It is the spirit which animates matter in the physical realm of existence. The Bible is fiction. The Bible is a useless piece of propaganda. The Bible is population mind control. Only sheep, goats, and kids believe in the biblical narratives. Man must know and not believe. Every other surviving animal, but melanin dominant humans, knows what it is and how it relates to NATURE. None of them builds places of worship. Felines and reptiles do not pray. Felines and reptiles prey upon other animals. The Hunter-Gatherers, except for beginning the cooking and consumption of the carcasses of other animals, had a most realistic way of life. The ridiculousness of belief in the man-made nonsense of goddesses and gods and so on is most disgusting as it is asinine.
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