Paper Money is God 1694-2019.
Christianity, Islam and Judaism are white peoples’ religions. Those religions are doctrines of white supremacy. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are political economic systems of total world domination. Niggers need to eradicate buffoonery out of their lives. Niggers became Christians and Islamic because their AFRICAN were defeated by Caucasians. The Crackers whipped the ancestors into submission. The ancestors succumbed to whippings and other forms of torturous activities before becoming Europeanized with Christian names, beliefs of heaven and hell, fictitious JESUS CHRIST whom archeologists cannot find after some two thousands of years digging up in Africa, and Asia. Yet everywhere archeologists dig up the earth the further the scientists dig ever more it's Africans they unearthed. Numerous archeologists refused to publish their findings because their subsistence depends on Khazarian Ashkenazi Zionists corporations and others for funding. Therefore only that which has been sanitized is published in the information outlets. STOLEN AFRICANS were beaten into accepting despicable illogical doctrines. Christianity, Islam and Judaism exhibit plagiarism of ancients of Kemet flavored with hedonistic and Hellenistic mutations of Macedonians and Romans. This runaway slave wails, to hell with sucking up to crackers. This Mande is in relationships with his own spirit and NATURE. AFRICANS claiming to be Christians, Muslims and Jews are too ridiculous for my simplistic mindset. How on earth humans could suffer themselves to believe in nonexistent ridiculous icons while brown nosing the crackers is simply surreal. The dumb Christians will learn that, like all broken and unfulfilled promises - made to Africans - there will be no rapture. There is no human named Jesus Christ. No spirit named JESUS CHRIST ever existed. Jesus Christ never happened. Jesus Christ never will be a reality. Christians, Muslims and Jews need to suck on truth and reality. Wake up you dumb ass STOLEN AFRICANS. The simple truth and reality remains most non-African peoples study Africans. Few Africans study Africans and Africa. The earthly remains of Africans predating Hebrew, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are major industry. Current Egyptian government (Arabs) exploits the corpses of Kemet in exchange for greater access to supply of Rothschild paper money currency. You need to stop the asinine statements. Money is god on earth 1694-2019. Money will be GOD for the foreseeable future. Get the hence. Be gone. It's you I'm talking to. Stop disrespecting your African ancestral heritage for less than seven hundred years of European domination of Africans and fourteen hundred years of Arabs exploitation of Africans.
Updated Nov 06, 2020 12:31:22am
Dec 13, 2015 8:31:53pm
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