Hebrews are Africans Jews, Jewish peoples are Caucasians
This Mande cannot fathom Afuraitkaitnit and Afurakani people love to embrace things which aren't originally their own. Africans are neither Jews nor Jewish. The Hebrew people emerged in Khemet. The so-called Africans are Hebrews, Dravidians, Naga, Muurs (Moors), Mande, Kushites and so on. The Semitic people prior to the eighth century are Hebrews.
Pharaoh Akhenaten of the eighteenth dynasty and his maternal lineage are Hebrews. Akhenaten is the prototype for the biblical character, Moses. Also, Yuya, the maternal grandfather of Akhenaten, is the prototype for the Biblical character, Joseph. Moses and Akhenaten one and the same person.
The people referred to as Jews and/or Jewish are Caucasians. Jews aren't Africans. Jews are not Semitic people. Therefore, claims of anti-Semitism made by Jews are fraudulent. Of course, people hate Jews. Also, people hate other political groups.
By 740 AD Caucasians misappropriated the cultural traditions of Hebrews. Those Caucasians became known as Jews. There are no Jews predating the seventh century. During the first half of the eighth century, the Khazarian Ashkenazi misappropriated Hebrew cultural traditions. Perhaps, around 732 C.E., after trying Christianity and Islam, the ruling warrior class of Ashkenazi in Khazaria converted to Hebrew cultural-religious tradition.
Moses Maimonides (1135-1204), a philosopher, unleashed the concept of Zionism as a vehicle for world domination. Rothschild males (1790-2019) are the greatest prophet of Zionism. Rothschild, utilizing their central banks and paper money currencies has enslaved some seven billions of humans, by controlling the governments of nations, and the access to supply of money. Rothschild currencies are the major Gods of the human experience.
This Truth Warrior is not aware of any human being frequenting densely populated locations, who aren't enslaved by Rothschild. Jews and Jewish peoples are Caucasians. It's ridiculous for Africans to refer to themselves as Jews. Africans who identify themselves as Christians, Muslims and Jews are out of their right minds. Macedonians (Greeks) and Romans are the founders of Christianity. Greco-Roman ruling class people are hedonistic and Hellenistic, traditionally. Greco-Roman ruling class people were worshipping of the Sun and Saturn.
Indigenous African religious systems existed predating the elements of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Why would conscious Africans subscribe to being subservient to Caucasian vehicles of White Supremacy, White Male privilege, and world domination? Ignorance has no place in this age of access to information. The super information highway (internet) is the greatest educational facility of the human experience. Africans need to use the internet as a means of self-emancipation. It's African consciousness and sociology which is the route to the salvation of Africans. Do the research yourself. Don't be tricked by mercenaries. Know thyself. As above so below. A Luta Continua.
Recommended Reading
- Williams, Joseph J.: Hebrewisms of West Africa: From Nile to Niger With the Jews, New York, The Dial Press, 1931
- Baldwin, John Denison, (1809 – 1883) Prehistoric Nations or Inquiries Concerning Some of The Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity and their Probable Relation to A Still Older Civilization of The Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia. New York: Harper & brothers, 1874
- Jacob Stevens, Moses Farrar., The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa: Fully Documented. Boldlee Pub., 1976
- Hughley, Ella J., The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites (Jews) 1984
- Moses Farrar., The Deceiving of the Black Race: "Greatest Story 'Never' Told," biblical and historical perspectives by Moses Farrar ( Book ) 1995 Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage. Hutchinson, 1976
Updated Nov 06, 2020 12:31:22am
Feb 02, 2016 2:12:31am
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