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Monday, August 1, 2011

Agostini of Golden Grove and Nabaclis

I am seeking to communicate with relatives and descendants of Agostini of Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District I need to verify data. Also I need to clarify what appears in my recollection. I am very sure there was a male school teacher named Agostini resident in the Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District. Also there were and/or are folks surnamed Agostini and Blackman who are or were known to be relatives and resident in Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District

Monetary Economist, Public Servant (Government of Guyana);
Deputy. Secretary, Treasury;
Chairman, Guyana National Co-operative Bank,
Guyana Co-operative Insurance Service;
Director, Small Industries Corporation;
Member, Board of Governors, University of Guyana.
BORN: Guyana, Feb. 3, 1936, son of William and Gladys Agostini (both deceased).
EDUCATED: Guyana; London University, B.Sc. (Economics) 1966; Yale University M.A. (Economics) 1972.
MARRIED: July 12, 1961, Norma; 2 sons, 1 daughter.
CAREER: Formerly: Economist, Ministry of Economic Development;
Principal Assistant. Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development
RELIGION: Methodist.
AFFILIATIONS: Lions International; Society. For Advancement of Management. (U.S.A.).
RECREATIONS: Indoor games, cricket, reading.
ADDRESS: (office) Min. of Finance, Main & Urquhart St., Georgetown, (home) “252 Cedar Court, Lamaha Gardens., Georgetown, Guyana.

It appears during the year 1935; W. E. Agostini served as a Member of Local Authorities of the Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District. Research has shown that W. E. Agostini replaced Nathaniel Maison as a village councillor on February 6, 1935.
The Member of Local Authorities of the Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District for the year (January - December 1935)
CHAIRMAN: : D. A. Bacchus
COUNCILLORS: Carlton Paton Browne Melbourne, J. R. Simon, J. C. M. Sealey, N. Maison (resigned February 6, 1935), W. E. Agostini (February 6, 1935), Victor Henry Walcott, B. Kingston, Bhupsingh, Donald Ashley Bevel Trotman, Leopold Duncan Sarrabo.

Agostini is simply another of the names of people who have disappeared from the Golden Grove and Nabaclis Village District, and Guyana as a whole. People with German and Dutch names and African names have disappeared from the community. It would be interesting to list the surnames of people known to reside in the area of interest in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries which have disappeared from Golden Grove and Nabaclis and Guyana. It is known numerous persons of Portuguese heritage have migrated to the vicinity of Toronto in Ontario in Canada.
What surnames are you aware of have disappeared from Guyana?

1 comment:

  1. I am the great-granddaughter of W. E. (William Edward) Agostini. I think the teacher you are referring to is my (now deceased) grandfather, Dr. Malcolm Agostini. Edward Agostini, whose CV you have detailed, is my great-uncle. The Blackmans are my relatives as well - my (now deceased) great-aunt is Enid (Agostini) Blackman. Her children now live in Guyana, the United States, and Canada.
