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Friday, August 2, 2013

Guyanese Politics is a 60 year-old Mess

Robert Corbin and PNC Deh Pon Strupidness and so too are their supporters - Jagdeo and Ramotar and the members of the Executive Committee of the PPP are the petty bourgeoisies promoting programs of the Paramountcy of the PPP, Marginalization, exploitation and eradication of African Guyanese and their communities, profiting from the illegal Narcotics Trade. What's this all about? Is it a carry over of the August 1961 victory march? Is it realization for Burnham-Hoyte's Illegal PNC Regime 1968-1992? Is it simply accumulation of wealth behind the veil of ethnic fears in Guyana and the blind eye of the world police of nations? Is it the Coolie Pon top of Blackman syndrome prevalent in most societies where East Indian is the dominated sector of the population?
An analsys of the last 58 years, 1953-2011, have shown the representation of the people is a microcosm of the society. Certainly, the analsys of the voters' practice will always show the electorate cast their ballot primarily on their understanding of their responsibility to their ethnic group and issues are secondary. The process regarded as democracy is inadequate in multiethnic and muliticultural societies . . . it is nothing more than simply the politics of numbers . . . show me a nation on earth in which groups of ethnic minorities are not political and economically powerless and are not subjected to inhumane conditions of life daily? There only hope is migration . . . the petty bourgeoisies are the major stumbling blocks in Guyanese society . . . they most skilly utilizes indoctrination to achieve the aims and aspirations. They promote the propaganda of PNC being a platform for Africans; Africans or Blackman hate East Indians and/or Blackman are jealous of East Indians . . . Blackman is stupid . . . Blackman can't run countries . . . women can't run countries. Females aren't good in the field of mechanizing and other business ventures. these are amongst the stereotypes East Indians’ males express . . . note the similarities of the expressions found in the aftermath of the colonial relationship of Europeans and Africans in the plantation society on both coasts of the Atlantic ocean . . .
Racism Renders Ballot impotent it is absolutely clear to those of eyes who have eyes and use them and possess brains and use them effectively that ethnicity matters in all societies even at this late date. What has become crystal clear - no doubt about it - mankind hides behind the prison of indoctrination as the means to accumulate and keep wealth by every means possible. Mankind’s unwholesome ambitions - lusts for powers - are fueled by greed and treachery . . . politicians and religious leaders, and merchant capital are prime exhibits . . . as with most scenarios there are exceptions . . . the careers of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Eusi Kwayana and Walter Rodney demonstrates they are exceptions to the general pattern of behavior exhibited by politicians and/or political advocates during the twentieth century . . . there are a few others . . . in Guyana as elsewhere it is easy to identify who the members of your class are . . . material wealth is difficult to hide . . . and more over people are basically materialistic. They love to exhibit their possessions. I guess it's their measure of success . . . I loved to listen to farmers chatting about the sizes of their animals and fruits and vegetable and the expected returns from their crops of grains . . . that was the essence of the rural communities in the colony of British Guiana. today, in Guyana and elsewhere it's about your clothing, your residence, your means of transportation, how deep the pockets are, how believable you are, appearance is everything, you never have the opportunity to make another first impression - the messages in the cliques for the most part reveal the sources of the negativity found in current societies the world over . . .
I embrace social networking. I recognized the possibilities . . . I wondered whether the agencies of the US government had anything to do with its implementation. Whether the Eurocentric world would rue the day, the allowed the super information highway to be accessible to people beyond government agencies . . . was the World wide web intended to be a vehicle useful to perpetuate removal of persons not undermining their nations in the best interests of the European world? Your weapon could well be useful to your enemies, too. Social networks are best utilized as a tool for educating the masses of the people of earth. it must and can be used to remove despotic from power... really outstanding humans from imhotep to Walter Rodney including Thomas more, Gandhi, Garvey, and Malcolm X and many others would have done wonders with such a weapon accessible to them...people today are blessed but they are wasting the opportunity to force the ruling class to bow down to the masses.
- Peoples Revolution is long overdue - past due
When I analyze the political upheavals taking place in the arabs’ world; I recognize the people are being manipulated by foreign interests. The major motivating force is oil. The Eurocentric nations of the world careless about the conditions of life of the populace. They are motivated by greed and treachery. Oil is the underlying factor. If and/or when oil is found in commercial quantities in Guyana, the Eurocentric world would as suddenly be smitten with concern and committed to relieving Guyana of its natural resources. Make no mistake the Guyanese people are of no consequence to the European world. There is no interest in righting wrongs in Guyana. It has not been revealed Guyana possesses what it takes to interest the European world. That is the primary reason dictatorships are tolerated in the nation. More over, the time is past due for Guyanese people to recognize that their elected officials are not interested in the welfare of the Guyanese people. Not one of them, Cheddi Jagan, Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan, Samuel Hinds, Janet Jagan, Bharat Jagdeo and, Donald Ramotar displayed any particular interested in the `development of Guyana and the Guyanese people. They are all petty bourgeoisies. They are all Eurocentric copycat ideologues. I believe it is accurate to define Eusi Kwayana and Walter Rodney as opposed to their actions and ideology. The WPA offered the Guyanese society a model which contrasted with all the known political platforms which existed in Guyana. The WPA today, do not possess a semblance of the integrity and/or the political philosophy of the WPA 1974-1980 . . .
I grew up in the rural communities . . . I noticed people were not outwardly racist. They were about the livelihood of mankind. Why then, do they support conditions which are totally detrimental to their existence in Guyana? The rationale is found in the indoctrination people receive in their sojourn. I find it totally objectionable that most Guyanese possess relatives of different ethnicity yet they are likely to support war against their fellow Guyanese citizenry along the demarcations of ethnicity . . . that to my way of thinking is asinine. It is DNA or kinship over ethnicity. That’s the boundary most intelligent people would stand for. The major problem is educating Guyanese people to understand that regardless of the ethnicity of the ruling class the masses have caught hell in the Guyanese experience. How do Guyanese people change such a course? It is dependant of their understanding of the man-made boundary labeled as working class and ruling class. The technocrats would have you believe they are struggling for your interests. Yet, history has shown they are totally in support of their own class interests. The major boundary in Guyana as in most nations is rich and poor people. the privileged versus the suffering class are the order of mankind's state of existence here on earth,
Change must be brought to bear on that phenomena only then will our people rise up from the decadence which has bewitched them for centuries in the Guyanese experience. No god, no religion no one but ourselves would be willing to light ourselves from the inhumane conditions of life the masses face daily. That’s the truth of the situation.

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