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Monday, December 8, 2014

Attention – All Sancho people – Documenting Sancho people – Bentick Sancho and his people.

“What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot possibly be counted” - Ecclesiastes 1: 15
This Sancho is hereby informing Sancho that this Sancho is currently in the process of documenting the research findings on the story of the kinship of Sancho. It has been quite a ride for the better portion of twenty years. The working title of the documentation is tentatively titled; “Bentick Sancho and his People - A Historical And Genealogical Account of A Migrant Kinship.” The contents will range from the origins of Sancho people and the origins and the meaning of the name, Sancho, to Sancho migrating and residing in the cold northern regions of the planet on both coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. It will also in Sancho, Temne people enslaved in the united colonies of Demerary and Essequebo. The theme will exhibit accounts of their lives and times in relationship to historical events as members of the kinship sought upward mobility from peasant farmers to academic professionals and skilled labourers.
This Sancho would love to include the information of family groups of the third generations of Sancho after the arrival into the united colonies of Demerary and Essequebo. However vital statistics of most records are incomplete and/or blank.  This Sancho does not support the idea of the fourth generation’s families’ information be included simply because of the constant threat of identity theft and its consequences.
The manuscript will not address people and their false claims. It is not about people alleging to be Sancho. It not a response. It is not a repudiation of those declaring to be the authority on the story of Sancho. It is about descendants of Sancho.  It is about documentation. Census records reveal Bentick Sancho, and Tuckness Sancho were enslaved at Plantation Enmore. Any other literature stating otherwise is fictitious. Such an effort is a blatant act of cultural and social piracy of the heritage of Sancho.  And as such must be discredited and rebuked for the evil agenda it is. The content will stand on its own merit. This Sancho acknowledges revisions will be necessary as further information becomes available.
Most regrettably this Sancho did not access supporting documentation to make the declaration that Bentick Sancho is a descendant of Balaba. Thus cannot make the assertion the Sancho people are Nyancho and/or Koringo. Those are warrior clans of the Mandinka. This researcher contends, history is not created by an individual. Thus no individual can write absolutely comprehensive account of the lives and times of any social grouping.  History therefore is humanities and social science. It is created by people. Thus the documentation is best done by members of the social group in community with common cause. Thus, therefore, it is most unfortunate, this Sancho neither receive input the requested information from his beloved Cousin Brenda Abrams (PBUH) nor received the evidence of Leebert Sancho respecting the story of the institutions they founded. Those schools have morphed into village council and government controlled entities.  This Sancho needs to access Dawn Jefferali’s accounts and/or her siblings’ accounts of the contributions and impact of Maisie (Luke) Jefferali to the residents of Golden Grove and Nabaclis. This Sancho put it to Sancho – stating the failure of the current people of Sancho to organize and upkeep a superb functioning non-profit family organization has not only affected in attendance and program of the reunions and establish an agenda for the kinship but also impacted the research process.  Certainly, therefore, it will impact the documentation and copyrights thereof. There are other embellishments, this Sancho needs, which are required, to paint as broad an image of Sancho as humanly possible.
Thus, Sancho by this means Sancho are hereby requested to participate and contribute in the process by submitting your accounting of the story of the people of Sancho before February 15, 2015. Please contact this Sancho at childrenofsancho@gmail.com
This Sancho is also requesting your input – respecting who Sancho would like to write the forward, introduction and the after-word and/or any other contribution. This Sancho have a short list of eleven individuals, who he loved ascertain their interests. Three are not Sancho people. In fact this Sancho has contacted one researcher and is awaiting the researcher’s response. If not received on and/or before December 23, 2014, this Sancho would move on. This Sancho must admit it – it is killing him - not being able to work on this undertaking with Carmen Sancho and Derrick Roberts. And more so, Derrick Roberts, for while both imparted knowledge into my young mind at Golden Grove Government Secondary School; Derrick Roberts was my first instructor of humanities and social sciences in organized setting.  Naomi (David) Johnson (PBUH) also encouraged me to express myself within the confines of the subject.

Finally this is an accounting of the people of Sancho and their related people who impacted their lives and efforts. You dearly beloved relatives will for intense and purposes be mentioned in the text. If you disagree refute the expressions. Never take it personal. Produce facts and/or documentation. This Sancho is considering self-publishing. Whatever proceeds are realized are to benefit Sancho people and their kinship agendas, period. This Sancho, paraphrasing, his grandfather, Alexander Sancho (PBUH) you the pillow? Please remember this Sancho was not the pillow and neither are you. Thus none of us has all the answers. This Sancho offers documentation, and opinions based on historical events. You do the research yourself and make your own arguments and conclusions. May the spirits of Bentick Sancho and Tuckness Sancho and our representatives before them dating back to the beginnings of the human experience be with Sancho forever more!  The struggle continues. 

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