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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

People Must close their ears to such dangerous nonsense

Recently, I was made aware; a teenage East Indian female died in the Canal Polder, on the West Bank of the Demerara River, following an exercise which her mother and grand mother decided was necessary to extricate evil spirits from the child. The Pastor of the Congregation is an “African - Guyanese.” In fact, the Pastor is the only “African - Guyanese” associated with that body in the district. The heritage of the victim is “Indo - Guyanese.” It appears almost every member of the church converted from Hinduism to Christianity. This is certainly nothing new in Guyana. In fact, the colonizers were since 1807 making efforts to christianize the hedons and savages they brought from Africa, India and China to the colonies of Demerara, Essequebo and Berbice and the Colony of British Guiana. The East Indians were forced fed Christianity much like the Africans before them. In fact, numerous East Indians who aspired to removed themselves and their descendants from the plantations realized that it was more suitable to pursue career choices to be a Christian under the various colonial regimes than to remain Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim. Therefore, numerous souls converted to Christianity.
Prem Misir, the mouthpiece of the PPP/C, is supposed to be an educated man by European standards. However, every time, or most occasions he opened his trap venom spewed - pure and simple racial hatred. I am not at all surprised. I am beyond being disappointed whenever I realize the pit bulls of the PNC/R and the PPP/C are barking. After all, I am privy to this sort of deceitful game they have used to entrap my people for more than 53 years and counting . . . I am of the opinion Misir is an out and out racist. He is overly anti-African. He belongs to a long list of devils who have sort to annihilate Africans off the face of the earth.
“I wonder as I wander” what Misir and similar Hindus make of Vishnu and Krishna and Hanuman? It is beyond a shadow of doubt those three icons of Hinduism are Blackmen. They are Gods in the Hindu religion. How can they pray to Vishnu and his son Krishna on Sunday and/or whenever and hate Blackman is beyond my simple understanding and/or imagination?
Perhaps, in the minds of numerous Hindus, only Black people are in contact with Hindus that they deem innately corruptly.
I doubt Misir, and his colleagues will ever acquire and/or possess the necessary acumen to honestly comprehend any given situation involving Africans and East Indians, wherever and whenever such occurs.
What happened in the Canal Polder was criminal. The adults violated the human and civil rights of the teenager. It was not - certainly not a racial incident. The best solution is to drag all of the adults involved in that sordid event before the Courts in Guyana. Also, any and all who had prior knowledge must be brought before the Courts. My opinions with respect to the public accounts are as follows; all involved are guilty of negligent homicide. Thus all should be thrown in Jail, and the keys to the cells ought to be destroyed. They should never again see the light of day beyond the cells of their imprisonment.
Misir is again in fine form. If the West Indies’ test cricketers could ever maintain, the form Misir regularly displays; they would obliterate the number of victories achieved under the captaincies of Lloyd and Richards in international cricket matches. Is Misir horning his skills in preparation for the 2011 National Elections in Guyana? Only, racists such as Misir, Pat Robertson, and Paul Shirley and others would take such a most regrettable tragedy - which could have been avoided even in a nation with such an atrocious medical system as Guyana - and transform such into an ethnic minefield. Fire upon the PPP/C’s pitbull . . . Perhaps, Misir could summon the fortitude to nescitate enlightenment respecting and copy the advocacy of such folks as Joseph Ruhomon and Bechu and others of that magnitude. As are Misir and his type are poisonous arrows directed against the people of Guyana. The present and future generations must close their ears to such dangerous nonsense.

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