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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Racism wears different masks in different places at different times

 Guyana: Land of Square Pegs in Round Holes

  1. “Racism isn't resolved in bed no matter who's sleeping with whom." 
  2. "Racism wears different masks in different places at different times, but when the mask is torn away, the same malevolent face of exploitation and greed is exposed." - Jan Rynveld Carew (1920 –2012) Ghosts in Our Blood: With Malcolm X in Africa, England, and the Caribbean. Lawrence Hill Books, 1994 Page 33/35     

This Prisoner of War is of the opinion except the following: Dr. J. B. Singh, Eusi Kwayana, Balram Singh Rai, Dr. Walter Rodney, W. O. R. Kendall, Brindley Horatio Benn, Moses Bhagwan, and Dr. J. A. Nicholson, and perhaps a handful of others the politicians are all corrupted. 

The politicians are encouraged by the politics of ethnicity. Eusi Kwayana, and Dr. Walter Rodney, is the outstanding champions of the people, 1943-2022.

Unless Guyanese honestly examine the events which occurred between 1943 and 2022, and finally, make decisions to eradicate the climate which reproduced politics of ethnicity and mistrust in the Country, there will be little or no socio-economic development in Guyana, which is meaningful to the underprivileged and working class of the populace.

Guyana’s political history of the recent past was orchestrated by a Chicago-born Jew.  Therein lies a major portion of the problem. The relationship between Africans and Indians had been rocky at best, prior to the opportunistic folks spreading their poison in their attempt to occupy the highest offices of the land. The problem with all this is since the legal administration returned to office the result remains the same. Corruption is everywhere.  Violence has occupied a stratosphere never before in the nation.  It is said violence continues to erupt in the nation because it is planned in the highest office in the land. It is worst than in the days of a charismatic but brutal and ruthless dictator.

Where do Guyanese go from there? Why? Overseas. Guyanese are still fleeing the country in great numbers. What does that say? It reflects very poorly on the present administration. This Prisoner of War is of the opinion, the technocrats do not care for Africans and Indians - and that’s the bottom line.

This truth warrior often wonders what the people would do without remittance. Remember Guyanese today are not cut from the clothing as those of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century.  The society seems to have abandoned the land. Once flourishing agricultural communities are often over run by water, weeds - and an aversion to tilting the soil.

This truth warrior is convinced unless the people reject this game the PPP and PNC has been putting down for seventy two years now - and try some other entity - the madness will continue. Where else on earth in this modern age, would a bridge more than a mile in length would cost $38 US million dollars to construct?  What a travesty, small wonder Guyana and Haiti are bosom buddies, at the bottom of the totem pole.   Guyana and Haiti are among the poorest nations on earth.

This Prisoner of War does not know what the proposed discourse hopes to achieve. However, this truth warrior would like to think the atmosphere would be much better than that which was held a few years ago in the USA. This truth warrior is thinking it was at Howard University.

This Prisoner of War is wishing Guyanese locate the antidote. This truth warrior is advocating our people repair the never-ending trauma in Guyana. This Prisoner of War arrived at the conclusion it is desperate times.  Only a revolutionary process can change the course.  Guyanese need to accelerate rapid development in the nation.  Guyanese need to move from consumer to producer nation. Guyanese and Guyana’s enemies are themselves, but most especially their selfish and opportunistic politicians who masquerade as leaders. Those criminals murder people at a drop of a hat. They are concerned and committed to their own self interest. Guyana has never had leaders who loved or love her more than himself - and that is another major part of the problem. No national pride among leaders - it is all a poppy show - an act.  Guyanese politicians are all worthy of Oscars.  The politicians tricked and are still tricking thousands of Guyanese for more than seventy two years, even to this day. This Prisoner of War sits upon the fence. This Prisoner of War wishes all the best to everyone, everywhere. 

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