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Friday, May 3, 2013

Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm

"Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm"

Negroes; Guyanese; you need to stop it. Guyanese who are anti-Burnham and the PNC aren’t necessary anti-African Guyanese.  You know or ought to that Burnham is a CIA lackey. The CIA transcripts prove that. Explain how did Burnham become Premier of British Guiana in December 1964? Fact 1: The heads of state of USA, and UK with their propaganda campaign ensured Jagan was ousted.   What happened to Patrice Lumumba and Kwame Nkrumah and other apparent legitimate nationalist leaders and their administrations? They were overthrown or killed by imperialist capitalist Europeans and the lackeys. I also recommend you read: Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II. Fact 2: Burnham did business with Apartheid ruled South Africa.
Fact 3: Levi Latham, a technocrat in the Ministry of Health in St. Vincent rescued numerous Guyanese including several labor union leaders who escaped the Burnham regime in ships at Kingston, St. Vincent. George Depena is perhaps on that list. Latham’s son may still have that very long list of names here in Brooklyn, NY. Levi Latham Health Center in Mesopotamia Valley is named in his honor.
Fact 4: Burnham was a tyrant. After all the records illustrate Burnham  and his PNC goons violated  and/or attempted to the natural rights of hundreds of Guyanese  including WPA members including Moses Bhagwan,  Walter Rodney, Eusi Kwayana, Clive Thomas,  union leaders, teachers, sugar workers and bauxite workers experienced the wrath of Burnham. Fact 5: Closer to home – JOF Haynes and Fred Wills also experienced Burnham’s foolishness. Fact 6: Rasta Reggae music was banned from the airwaves of Radio Demerara, and GBS. Fact 7: GDF soldiers were ordered to be strike breakers – cutting sugar cane and transporting same to the factories. I was having none of that nonsense. I refuse to cut cane for anybody but myself to eat.

I have spoken truth my conscious is clear. I exhibited only truth… Know the truth and the truth shall set you free of indoctrination, greed and treachery. If you don’t agree with me; you are labeling, all; every Guyanese who struggled and/or victimized by Forbes Burnham and the PNC political platform, liars. I say most of us speak the truth or the truth as it is understood.

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